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Embedded System and its Application

Embedded System and its Application. School of Software Harbin Institute of Technology 2008 Spring. Instructor: Wang Ling Email:lwang@ftcl.hit.edu.cn Office: Room 209, Software School Building Tel:86418722. Course Goal.

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Embedded System and its Application

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  1. Embedded System and its Application School of Software Harbin Institute of Technology2008 Spring

  2. Instructor: Wang Ling • Email:lwang@ftcl.hit.edu.cn • Office: Room 209, Software School Building • Tel:86418722

  3. Course Goal • Develop an understanding of the design, implementation of embedded systems. • Intent is to study issues relevant to embedded systems.

  4. Course Content • 1. Introduction • 2.Custom Single-purpose Processors: Hardware • 3.General-purpose Processors:Software • 4.Standard Single-Purpose Processors:Peripherals • 5.Memory • 6.Interface • 7.Digital Camera Example • 8.IC and Design Technology

  5. References • Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis, Embedded system Design : A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction, 2002 • (中译本): 嵌入式系统设计—统一的硬件/软件设计, • 北京航空航天大学出版社, 2004

  6. Grade: Homework 20% (5) Lab 40% (4) Final Project 40%

  7. Chapter 1: Introduction

  8. Outline • Embedded systems overview • What are they? • Design challenge – optimizing design metrics • Technologies • Processor technologies • IC technologies • Design technologies

  9. Embedded systems overview • Computing systems are everywhere • Most of us think of “desktop” computers • PC’s • Laptops • Mainframes • Servers • But there’s another type of computing system • Far more common...

  10. 无线传感器网络(WSN: Wireless Sensor Network)

  11. 感知节点(Sensor Nodes):感知环境条件的物理与化学变化,采集与分析数据的装置。 • 感知网络(Sensor Nets) :由大量的、可以相互通信与协调的感知节点组成的局部性分布式网络系统,该网络及感知节点将为完成统一的感知目标而共同工作

  12. WSN节点:LiveNode • LiveNode • 微处理器:AT91SAM7S256 (48MHz); • 无线接入装置: • IEEE802.11b (WiFi) 或IEEE802.15.4 (ZigBee) 通过 UART1接入; • GSM 设备通过 UART3接入; • 定位设备:GPS 接受器通过UART0接入; • 信号调适器:连接各种不同传感器设备: 土壤湿度,ECG信号,温度以及光照强度等。 • 3个8比特的扩展连接器: • 一个用于SPI 总线 (8 bit),允许连接 3 LiveNode节点从而形成一个容错的无线接入媒体; • 一个用于I²C 总线,实现模拟输入; • 一个用于通用目的的I/O连接。

  13. WSN节点(8):节点制造商 • Intel Research • Stargate2, iMote • Crossbow (www.xbow.com) • Mica2 mote, Micaz, Dot mote and Stargate Platform • Moteiv (www.moteiv.com) • Ember (www.ember.com) • Integrated IEEE 802.15.4 stack and radio on a single chip • Millenial Net (www.millenial.com) • iBean sensor nodes • Dust Inc • Smart Dust • Cogent Computer (www.cogcomp.com) • XYZ Node (CSB502) in collaboration with ENALAB@Yale • Sensoria Corporation (www.sensoria.com) • WINS NG Nodes • 宁波中科集成电路设计中心无线传感器网络事业部(http://www.wsn.net.cn/) • GAINS系列

  14. 监督我方军力、装备和弹药 侦察敌方军力和地形 战场监督 战斗损伤评估 智能导弹的制导系统 原子、生物以及化学等大杀伤性武器使用的检测和侦察 WSN应用-军事

  15. WSN应用-军事侦察实例 • DARPA的SensIT计划项目之一:无人机部署传感器网络用于车辆跟踪

  16. 森林火险监测 洪水监测 精确农耕 环境的生物复杂性地图 WSN应用-环境

  17. 大鸭岛海鸟栖息地监测 www.greatduckisland.net WSN应用-环境监测实例

  18. 居家自动化 微波炉 冰箱 吸尘器 所有家电协同工作并可远程控制 智能居住环境(自适应用户个人喜好) 光线强度 音乐 房间氛围 WSN应用-居家

  19. WSN应用-智能房子实例 • Panasonic Eco & Ud House:

  20. 远程监控人体的生理数据(心脏心率、血压) 采集的数据通过网络送到负责病人的主管医生 病人获得极大的行动自由 跟踪和监督医院内病人和医生 医院的药物管理 正确识别病人的敏感反应避免误诊 WSN应用-健康

  21. WSN应用-医疗看护实例 • STAR项目 节点

  22. 远程心脏实时监护系统

  23. 农业环境监控

  24. 汽车辅助靠站无线监控系统

  25. NASA Mars Exploration Rovers

  26. Product: HunterProgrammable DigitalThermostat.Microprocessor: 4-bit

  27. Product:Vendo VMAX720 vendingmachine.Microprocessor:8-bit Motorola68HC11.

  28. Product: Sonicare Plus toothbrush.Microprocessor: 8-bit Zilog Z8.

  29. Product: Palm Vxhandheld.Microprocessor:32-bit MotorolaDragonball EZ.

  30. Product: Motorolai1000plus iDEN Multi-Service Digital Phone.Microprocessor: Motorola32-bit MCORE.

  31. Product: Sony AiboERS-110 RoboticDog.Microprocessor: 64-bit MIPS RISC.

  32. Product: Rio 800MP3 Player.Microprocessor: 32-bit RISC.

  33. Product: RCARC5400P DVDplayer.Microprocessor: 32-bit RISC.

  34. Product: IBMResearch’s Linuxwrist watchprototype.Microprocessor:32-bit ARM RISC.

  35. Some common characteristics of embedded systems • Single-functioned • Executes a single program, repeatedly • Tightly-constrained • Low cost, low power, small, fast, etc. • Reactive and real-time • Continually reacts to changes in the system’s environment • Must compute certain results in real-time without delay

  36. Digital camera chip CCD CCD preprocessor Pixel coprocessor D2A A2D lens JPEG codec Microcontroller Multiplier/Accum DMA controller Display ctrl Memory controller ISA bus interface UART LCD ctrl An embedded system example -- a digital camera • Single-functioned -- always a digital camera • Tightly-constrained -- Low cost, low power, small, fast • Reactive and real-time -- only to a small extent

  37. Design challenge – optimizing design metrics • Obvious design goal: • Construct an implementation with desired functionality • Key design challenge: • Simultaneously optimize numerous design metrics • Design metric • A measurable feature of a system’s implementation • Optimizing design metrics is a key challenge

  38. Design challenge – optimizing design metrics • Common metrics • Unit cost: the monetary cost of manufacturing each copy of the system, excluding NRE cost • NRE cost (Non-Recurring Engineering cost): The one-time monetary cost of designing the system • Size: the physical space required by the system • Performance: the execution time or throughput of the system • Power: the amount of power consumed by the system • Flexibility: the ability to change the functionality of the system without incurring heavy NRE cost

  39. Design challenge – optimizing design metrics • Common metrics (continued) • Time-to-prototype: the time needed to build a working version of the system • Time-to-market: the time required to develop a system to the point that it can be released and sold to customers • Maintainability: the ability to modify the system after its initial release • Correctness, safety, many more

  40. Expertise with both software and hardware is needed to optimize design metrics Not just a hardware or software expert, as is common A designer must be comfortable with various technologies in order to choose the best for a given application and constraints Power Digital camera chip CCD Performance Size CCD preprocessor Pixel coprocessor D2A A2D lens NRE cost JPEG codec Microcontroller Multiplier/Accum DMA controller Display ctrl Memory controller ISA bus interface UART LCD ctrl Design metric competition -- improving one may worsen others Hardware Software

  41. Time required to develop a product to the point it can be sold to customers Market window Period during which the product would have highest sales Average time-to-market constraint is about 8 months Delays can be costly Revenues ($) Time (months) Time-to-market: a demanding design metric

  42. Costs: Unit cost: the monetary cost of manufacturing each copy of the system, excluding NRE cost NRE cost (Non-Recurring Engineering cost): The one-time monetary cost of designing the system total cost = NRE cost + unit cost * # of units per-product cost = total cost / # of units = (NRE cost / # of units) + unit cost Amortizing NRE cost over the units results in an additional $200 per unit NRE and unit cost metrics • Example • NRE=$2000, unit=$100 • For 10 units • total cost = $2000 + 10*$100 = $3000 • per-product cost = $2000/10 + $100 = $300

  43. Compare technologies by costs -- best depends on quantity Technology A: NRE=$2,000, unit=$100 Technology B: NRE=$30,000, unit=$30 Technology C: NRE=$100,000, unit=$2 NRE and unit cost metrics • But, must also consider time-to-market

  44. The performance design metric • Widely-used measure of system, widely-abused • Clock frequency, instructions per second – not good measures • Digital camera example – a user cares about how fast it processes images, not clock speed or instructions per second • Latency (response time) • Time between task start and end • e.g., Camera’s A and B process images in 0.25 seconds • Throughput • Tasks per second, e.g. Camera A processes 4 images per second • Throughput can be more than latency seems to imply due to concurrency, e.g. Camera B may process 8 images per second (by capturing a new image while previous image is being stored).

  45. Three key embedded system technologies • Technology • A manner of accomplishing a task, especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge • Three key technologies for embedded systems • Processor technology • IC technology • Design technology

  46. Processor technology • The architecture of the computation engine used to implement a system’s desired functionality • Processor does not have to be programmable • “Processor” not equal to general-purpose processor Controller Datapath Controller Datapath Controller Datapath Control logic index Control logic and State register Control logic and State register Registers Register file total Custom ALU State register + General ALU IR PC IR PC Data memory Data memory Program memory Data memory Program memory Assembly code for: total = 0 for i =1 to … Assembly code for: total = 0 for i =1 to … General-purpose(“software”) Application-specific Single-purpose(“hardware”)

  47. gate oxide IC package IC source channel drain Silicon substrate IC technology • The manner in which a digital (gate-level) implementation is mapped onto an IC • IC: Integrated circuit, or “chip” • IC technologies differ in their customization to a design • IC’s consist of numerous layers (perhaps 10 or more) • IC technologies differ with respect to who builds each layer and when

  48. IC Technology • VLSI (Very-large Scale Integration) --Full Custom • ASIC (Application-specfic IC Technology) --Semi-Custom • PLD (Pogrammable Logic Device) --PLA (Programmable Logic Array) --PAL(Programmable Array Logic) --FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)

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