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MRKT 370 – PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING. FALL 2003 Dr. Ugur Yucelt Office Phone: 717-948-6168 Class Time: MW: 12:30-1:45 Office hours: MW:2:00-6:00 pm E-Mail: uqy@psu.edu. MRKT 370 – MARKETING PRINCIPLES.
MRKT 370 – PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING FALL 2003 Dr. Ugur Yucelt Office Phone: 717-948-6168 Class Time: MW: 12:30-1:45 Office hours: MW:2:00-6:00 pm E-Mail: uqy@psu.edu
MRKT 370 – MARKETING PRINCIPLES Required Text: Kotler and Armstrong. Principles of Marketing(10th edition), Prentice-Hall, 2004. Optional Text: Study Guide on the Web. Assigned Readings: Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Fortune magazines and New York Times.
MRKT 370 – PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING Course Description: Survey of marketing covering marketing environment and planning, consumer behaviors, research, segmentation, product management, pricing, promotion, place and global marketing. Prerequisite: None.
MRKT 370 – MARKETING PRINCIPLES Course Objectives: • To develop[e balanced and broad survey of marketing. • To understand the role of marketing in the social and economic systems. • To introduce case method in marketing. • To understand the planning aspect of marketing. • To present career opportunities in marketing
MRKT 370 – PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING Method of Instruction: Lectures, class discussion, student participation, power point slides, examples from Fortune 500 domestic and global firms. Course Assignments: Two midterms and final examinations. There is an optional term paper, if you decide to submit at the end of this semester. Class participation is mandatory.
MRKT 370 – PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING Case Assignments: Each case assignment must read before each class, and questions the case must be answered in class. Class Participation: It is required in every class. Your level of participation will be graded at the end of the semester.
MRKT 370 –PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING Grading Policy: Exam I……………………….25% Exam II………………………25% Final exam.……..……………35% Class participation..……….…15% Optional paper………………..05% (5 points will be added to your final grade)
MRKT 370 – MARKETING PRINCIPLES Grading Policy: 94 and up……………..A 94-93.9……………….A- 87-89.9……………….B+ 83-86.9……………….B 80-82.9……………….B- 77-79.9……………….C+ 70-76.9……………….C 60-69.9………………..D Below 60………………F
MRKT 370 – PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING Optional Term Paper: You can decide to submit a paper until the end of the 10th week. Topic of the paper will be your own choosing, and must be related to application of marketing into your major area of study. Please submit a two pages proposal before starting your paper.
MRKT 370 – PRICIPLES OF MARKETING Attendance: Will be control on weekly basis. Make-Up-Exam Policy: If you cannot take the test because of unexpected cause, please let me know in advance for a make-up-examination. After the fact excuses will not be accepted. Academic Integrity: Penn Sate rule will be applied in case of violation.
CONTENTS OF THE COURSE • Weeks 1-4 Chapters 1-4 • Week 5 Chapter 5/ Midterm exam I • Weeks 7-8 Chapters 6-8 Fall Break, October 8-9 • Week 9 Chapter 9 • Week 10 Chapter 10-11/Midterm II • Weeks 11-15 Chapters 12-16, 17, 19 --------------------------------------------------------------- Final examination, December 16, 2003 at 8-10 am.