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40 pieces of advice. Walk 10 to 30 minutes every day . And smile while you walk !. R.B. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes every day . Lock yourself in if necessary . Listen to good music every day : it is true food for the spirit .
40 pieces of advice Walk 10 to 30 minutes everyday. And smilewhileyouwalk! R.B.
Sitin silencefor at least 10 minutes everyday. Lockyourself in ifnecessary.
Whenyouwake up eachmorning, saythefollowing:Todaymy goalis_______________.
Look at thesky at least once a day and realize in what a magnificentworldyoulive.
Eatberries and nuts and drinkgreen tea, lots of water and a glass of wineeachday (makesuretomake a toasttothebounty in yourlife, and do itwithsomeonewhosecompanyyoulove).
Eliminatedisorder in your home, your car and yourdesk, and let new energyflowintoyourlife.
Don’twasteyourprecious time gossipingorregrettingthepast, or in negativethoughtsorworryingaboutthingsbeyondyourcontrol. Bettertoconvertyourenergyintowhatis positive in thepresent.
Realizethatlifeis a school and youare heretolearn. Problems are lifelessonsfromwhichyoulearn.
Eatbreakfastlike a king, lunch like a prince, and dinnerlike a beggar.
Youdon’thavetowineveryargument. Justacceptthatyou are not in agreement and thatyou can agreetodisagree.
Don’tcompare yourselfwithothers. Fortherewillalwaysbegreater and lesserpersonsthanyourself.
Rememberthatyoudon’talwayshave control overwhathappens, butyou do have control overwhatyou do withtheexperience.
Yourworkwillnottakecare of youwhenyou are sick. Yourfriendswill! Stayongoodtermswiththem.
Envyis a waste of time. Youalreadyhaveeverythingyouwilleverneed.
Callyourfamilyoften and sendthemmessagessayingthatyou are thinking of them.
Everynightbeforegoingtobed, saythefollowing: I givethanksfor__________________. Today I succeeded in_________________.