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New Teacher Orientation Agenda August 10, 2009. IntroductionsCTE and SPECIAL POPULATIONSLaws that govern CTESection 504, ADA, IDEAOffice of Civil RightsChapter 75 Subchapter BB Commissioner's RulesProgram Effectiveness ReviewLearning StylesRigor/Relevance FrameworkSafetyThinking Maps
1. http://www2.uisd.net/instruction/cate Alicia G. Carrillo, CTE Director
Sam Sanchez, CTE Coordinator
Give some of the demographic information on Laredo. Talk about history of teaching high school. Thank them for coming to a workshop on this issue. Remind them that some of the principles may be useful for understanding special education in general or children with other types of disabilities such as learning or behavior.Give some of the demographic information on Laredo. Talk about history of teaching high school. Thank them for coming to a workshop on this issue. Remind them that some of the principles may be useful for understanding special education in general or children with other types of disabilities such as learning or behavior.
2. New Teacher Orientation AgendaAugust 10, 2009
3. Office for Civil Rights Monitoring
OCR 1. The statement below must be included on publications and other materials distributed to students and parents. Also, literature sent home to parents must be in English and Spanish.
It is the policy of the United Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its Career and Technical Education programs, services or activities, as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
Es la norma de United I.S.D. el no discriminar por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, edad o impedimento, en sus programas vocacionales, servicios o actividades, tal como lo requieren el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, según enmienda; el Título IX de las Enmiendas en la Educación de 1972, y la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973, según la enmienda.
OCR 2, 8.1.1, 8.1.5, 8.3, 9.3, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21.4
6. Career and Technology Education (Vocational) Instruction Safety Training
7. Equipment Safety
8. Good Housekeeping Procedures Provide for continual proper removal of all sawdust, shavings, metal cuttings, and other waste material.
Provide properly marked bins for scrap stock.
Provide brushes and brooms for cleaning.
Provide for periodic cleaning of lights, windows, and walls.
Initiate a clean-up program as part of the shop personnel plan.
Arrange machines and equipment in such a way to provide for easy cleaning and maintenance.
9. Electrical Safety Instruct students that all electrical circuits are “hot”, and must be treated as such.
See that an approved ground is provided for all motors, fuse boxes, switch boxes, and other electrical equipment, whether stationary or portable.
All switches controlling equipment must be easily accessible to the operator.
See that motors are provided with overload protection.
Prohibit the use of temporary wiring of any kind in the shop area.
10. Fire Safety Be certain that an adequate number of multi-purpose fire extinguishers are provided in shop area.
Students must have a thorough understanding of fires, with emphasis on cause, control, and prevention.
Mark the location of fire fighting equipment with a large “bright red” arrow or bar high enough to be seen over the entire area.
Conduct a monthly inspection of fire extinguishers.
Store all flammable and combustible liquids in approved safety containers.
11. Fire Safety continued 6. Provide for safe bulk storage of flammable liquids in a flammable locker.
7. Instruct students in the safe use of flammable, combustible, and other types of hazardous liquids.
8. Never use gasoline or other non-approved chemical for cleaning.
9. Require that oily rags and waste be kept in metal safety containers.
10. Check regularly to be sure that exit doors work properly and that aisles or passageways are kept clear.
12. General Practices Prohibit “horseplay” or practical jokes of any kind in the shop area.
Command the instant attention of every student in the area during emergency situations.
Require students to read and sign an acknowledgement of safety instructions.
Exercise care in handling large, heavy and long pieces of material.
13. School Shop Safety Career and Technical Education (CATE) – Instructors have the responsibility for keeping their rooms as hazard- free as possible. Shops must have fire protection equipment and Personal Protective Equipment readily available.
Adequate supervision is essential to a safe shop program and shops shall not be left unattended while a class is at work and/or while machines are in operation. Shop accidents can be minimized by the following methods:
14. School Shop SafetyGeneral Safety Management The Principal should be notified of any hazardous conditions and defects relating to shop machinery, and equipment. Maintenance should be notified by work order of any needed repairs.
Regularly inspect machinery and equipment for safety and make repairs as necessary.
Post conspicuous notices of regulations, possible hazards and precautions.
Make certain that appropriate safety devices and guards are available, operative, and always used by students.
Make sure students know and understand pertinent safe practices relating to the activities in which they are engaged.
15. School Shop SafetyGeneral Safety Management continued... Require students to wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment such as goggles, aprons, hard hats, gloves, etc. during shop activities.
Instruct and demonstrate the use of power tools or other hazardous equipment before permitting use by a student. Permit initial use only under direct supervision of the instructor.
Turn off all power tools when the instructor must leave the shop.
Exercise continuous supervision to see that shop safety practices are observed.
The instructor must be a model and set an example for the students to follow by personally obeying safety rules and practices.
16. Accident Reports Utilize accident investigation reports as guidelines for corrective action in the school shop safety program.
1. Develop in each student a sense of responsibility for his/her own safety and the safety of others.
Acquaint students with both general and specific safety practices to be followed while working in the shop.
Help students to recognize situations involving hazards and take precautions necessary for self-protection and the elimination of these hazards.
17. Family and Consumer Sciences * Some simple safety precautions can prevent many accidents that might otherwise occur during Family and Consumer Sciences instruction.
These precautions are:
Use a pilot light for lighting a gas range, if possible, otherwise use safety matches.
When a gas burner is lighted, place the lighted match on the burner, then turn on the gas, not the opposite.
Paper or flammable materials must not be placed on or near a stove.
18. Family and Consumer Sciences cont. 4. Turn off electric stoves before cleaning. (It is preferable to disconnect).
5. When cooking on the range, turn pan handles to the back or side of the range to prevent spilling.
6. Disconnect appliances by pulling out the plug, not by jerking the cord.
7. When deep frying, fill kettle no more than half full so that it will not bubble over when food is added.
8. If fat or grease catches fire, cover kettle with lid until fire is smothered. Never throw water on a grease fire. Use only an ABC ( Multi-Purpose Fire Extinguisher).
19. Family and Consumer Sciences cont. 9. Always cut food away from body.
10. Always use pot holders for handling pots and pans.
11. Use only electrical equipment approved by Underwriter’s Laboratories or other approved agency.
12. Do not operate or connect electrical equipment when hands are wet or when you are standing on a wet floor.
13. If the smell of gas is evident, cut off all gas connections and call maintenance immediately.
14. Use only non-slip wax on floors.
15. Keep a sturdy stool or stepladder for reaching top shelves.
20. Family and Consumer Sciences cont. 16. Avoid placing utensils in the sink disposal.
17. If a razor blade is used in sewing, it must be a single-edge blade.
18. Provide a flameproof ironing board cover.
19. If it is necessary to fill a steam iron while hot, be sure to disconnect it first.
20. Always use a pin cushion; do not put pins or needles in the mouth.