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“Take Goliath Down” 2 Samuel 21:15-22 - - - March 1 st & 2 nd. Introduction. He vies for that bedside position, hoping to be the first voice you hear. He wants to effect your first waking thoughts, awakening you to words of worry, or thoughts of some coming stress.
Introduction • He vies for that bedside position, hoping to be the first voice you hear. • He wants to effect your first waking thoughts, awakening you to words of worry, or thoughts of some coming stress. • If you dread the day even before you begin, mark this down…. • “You’re giant has been by your bed and he will try to go with you throughout the day.”
Introduction • He will constantly remind you: • “You ain’t got what it takes;” • “You come from along line of losers;” • “So, why not just give up now;” • Remember? That’s how we started this series with Goliath taunting, teasing and boasting against David. • Unfortunately, Goliaths still roam our world.
Introduction • Only today, our Goliaths are not nine feet tall, wheeling weapons of steel. • Today our Goliaths are debt, disaster, dialysis, danger, deceit, disease and depression. • But you know what David knew and you can do what David did. • You will pick up five stones and with them, you will make five decisions.
First: “The Stone of the Past” • Someone has said, “A good memory makes heroes; A bad memory makes wimps.” • As Christians we are told, “Remember God’s marvelous works which He has done” (1 Chronicles 16:12). • We are to have a catalog of God’s successes, or a list of “His World Records” at hand at all times. • So when our Goliaths show their faces, we can remember God’s Faithfulness!
“The Stone of the Past” • I wonder how many times David remembered his victory over Goliath? • Prior to standing up against Goliath, David remembered how God had given him strength against a lion and a bear. • That memory begged the question: Would God do the same against Goliath?
“The Stone of the Past” • Write today’s worries in the sand. • But, chisel yesterday’s victories in stone. • Pick up the stone of the past. “Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are Easter People and the Hallelujah is our song.” John Paul II
Second: “The Stone of Prayer” • Did you notice that before David went up to meet Goliath, he bowed low to pick up a stone? • “To stand up against the world, you must first kneel before God.” • Paul the apostle, wrote: “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance” (Ephesians 6:18).
“The Stone of Prayer” • When Saul’s soldiers tried to capture David, He turned toward God and prayed: “You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble” (Psalm 59:16). • How do you survive a fugitive life, living in caves? David did with prayers like this: “Be good to me, O God. I’ve run to You for dear life. I’m hiding under Your wings until the storm blows over!”
“The Stone of Prayer” • When David saturated his mind with God, he stood up tall. • When he didn’t, he flopped down like a wet noodle. • Do you think David spent much time in prayer the night he seduced Bathsheba? • Did he write a psalm the day he murdered Uriah? I don’t think so! Very doubtful!
“The Stone of Prayer” • Isaiah says it this way: “God will keep you in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on God” (Isaiah 26:3). • God doesn’t just promise peace, but • To whom? • Invite God to help. Pick up the stone of prayer! Perfect Peace! To those whose minds are fixed on God!
Third: “The Stone of Priority” • When David first fought Goliath, do you remember his highest priority? • It was “God’s reputation.” • David jealously guarded it and no one was going to defame his God. • David fought with this goal in mind, that “all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel…” ( 1 Samuel 17:46).
“The Stone of Priority” • David saw Goliath as a chance for God to show off, to make a Name for Himself. • Did David know he would get through the battle alive? • He was willing to even give up his life for the reputation of God, regardless the out-come. No, not at all!
“The Stone of Priority” • What if you looked at your giants in the same way? • You know, the cancer I got is God’s chance to flex His healing muscles. • Your sin that you have been struggling with is God’s opportunity to showcase His grace. • That particular difficulty in your family can become a billboard for God’s power and faithfulness.
“The Stone of Priority” • Everyone of our struggles can become God’s canvas on which He can display… His Power and Love!
Fourth: “The Stone of Passion” • David did not run from the giant, but rather he ran towards him. • Who would have bet on David that day? • Certainly not the Philistines; • Probably not Saul and his army; • Not even David’s brothers; • We can do the same! But, God did!
“The Stone of Passion” • What good has it done for you to ponder and worry over the giants in your life? • You’ve stared at your giant so long, you can probably count the hairs on Goliath’s chest. • And what good has that brought you? • Listing hurts won’t heal them. • Itemizing problems won’t solve them. • Categorizing difficulties won’t remove them.
“The Stone of Passion” • David took down his giant because he was pumped about the Lord. • As St. Paul wrote, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) • We can get pumped because God is for us; and if God is for us, what or who dare stand against us? • That’s what Lent and Easter are all about! No One & Nothing!
“The Stone of Passion” • The world did all it could to Jesus: mocked Him, beat Him, crucified Him, killed Him and buried Him. • Could the world keep Him down? • What happened? • If God is for us, who dare be against us? No! He Rose from the dead!
Fifth: “The Stone of Persistence” • Did you ever wonder, if David was so confident in God, why he picked up five stones? • Did you know that Goliath had four huge relatives? • In 2 Samuel 21:16 there is “Ishbi-Benob, one of the sons of the giant…” • In 2 Samuel 21:18 we read about “Saph, one of the descendants of the giant.”
“The Stone of Persistence” • In 2 Samuel 21:19 we hear about “the brother of Goliath, who had a spear with a shaft like a weaver's rod.” • In 2 Samuel 21:20 there was a huge man who had “six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot... He also was descended from the giant.” • So, why did David take five stones? • Because Goliath had four relatives the size of Tyrannosaurus Rex.
“The Stone of Persistence” • For all David knew, they’d be coming over the hill to defend their kin. • David was ready to empty his chamber if that’s what it took. • You are I are to imitate David! • Never give up! • One prayer might not be enough! That’s okay! • You might get knocked down a time or two, but don’t quit. • Just keep loading those prayers to God!
“Conclusion” • David took five stones; He made five decisions. • You and I can do the same! Past, Prayer, Priority, Passion and Persistence!
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