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The Ginzburg-Landau and BCS Theories of Superconductivity. Daniel Wiegand Theoretisch-physikalisches Seminar über Probleme der Quantenmechanik , University of Heidelberg Jan 2011. What to expect …. h istorical overview. Tools I - the Landau Theory of Phase Transitions.
The Ginzburg-Landau and BCS TheoriesofSuperconductivity Daniel Wiegand Theoretisch-physikalisches Seminar über Probleme der Quantenmechanik, University of Heidelberg Jan 2011
Whattoexpect… historicaloverview Tools I - the Landau Theoryof Phase Transitions - the Ginzburg-Landau Theory (macroscopic) Tools II - secondQuantizationFormalism - the BCS Theory (microscopic)
Heike K. Onnes (1853-1926) 1911 thebeginnings Nobel Prize (1913) forhisinvestigations on thepropertiesof matter atlowtemperatures, […] all picturescourtesyof Emilio Segre Visual Archives
Noelectricresistance Ideal diamagnetism ( Magneticfieldsareexpelledfromthebulkofthesuperconductor (Meissner effect) normal empirical phenomena superconducting T
London theory charged (i.e. complexbosonic) fielddescribestheconducting quasi- particles, withthemacroscopicamplitude = outcome rot = -B = 1935 firstexplanationattempts H. and F. London (1953)
Nobel Prize (1962) forhispioneeringtheoriesofcondensed matter […] 1937 the Landau theoryofphasetransitions Lev D. Landau (1908-1968)
Alexei A. Abrikosov (*1928) Vitaly L. Ginzburg (1916-2009) 1950 the Ginzburg Landau theory (macroscopic) Nobel Prize (2003) forpioneeringcontributionstothetheoryofsuperconductorsandsuperfluids
Leon Cooper (*1930) John Bardeen (1908 – 1991) John Schrieffer (*1931) 1957 the BCS theory (microscopic) Nobel Prize (1972) fortheirjointlydevelopedtheoryofsuperconductivity, usuallycalledthe BCS theory
Nobel Prize (1987) fortheirimportantbreakthrough in thediscoveryofsuperconductivity in ceramicmaterials 1986 hotstuff Unit cellof Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10
introduction • Landau‘sassumptions • a phasetransitionisbetween a “symmetric“ phaseand a phaseofbrokensymmetries • bothphasesarecharacterizedby an order paramater • thefreeenergyistheminimumoffreeenergyfunction F, withrespecttotheorderparameter furthermore: F isanalyticalclosetoandthetransitionpointismarkedby a disconitunity
theorder paramater T > T < nodipolemoment(p = 0) dipole moment(p =) The dipolemomentcharacterizesthephasetransitionas an orderparameter
thefreeenergy F T > T = T < = For T ) + B(t) ) +
theidea • At T = theconductorundergoes a phasetransition in a superconductingstate • Conductionparticledensity = istheorderparameter(same quasi particlesas in the London theory) • The freeenergyisgivenbythe integral overthefreeenergydensityofthesuperconductor vartiation Whichareknownasthe Ginzburg Landau equations
= 0 0 = 0 = - Ginzburg-Landau coherencelength = “descriptionofthespatialmodulationoftheorderparamter“
𝘹 = - = = Ginzburg-Landau penetrationdepth = “descriptionofthedecayofpenetratingmagneticfields“
Ginzburg-Landau coherencelength Ginzburg-Landau penetrationdepth = = Ginzburg-Landau parameter
outlook Abrikosov andGorkov i) Fluxthrough a superconducting ring is quantized (fluxlines) Abrikosovvortices ii) The Ginzburg Landau theoryisthemacrsoscopiclimitofthe BCS theory (Gorkov 1959) itis not limited to a temperaturescloseto comparisonyields = 2 = 2e
manyparticles the Fock Space/occupationnumberbasis ℂ ⊕ H ⊕ S(H ⊗ H) ⊕ S(H⊗ H ⊗ H) ⊕… thebasisvectorsbeeingspannedby = all operators on F canbeexpressedthrough c and creationoperator = = destructionoperator
Fermi systems groundstate/Fermi vaccum excitedstatestate In theparticle-hole picture
theidea metal = cubiclatticeof positive ions + “smeared out“ electrons i) an electrondeformsthelatticethroughcoulombinteraction, (creating a phonon) – with < ii) anotherelectronisattrackteddue tothenow positive vicinityofthefirstelectron (absorbingthephonon) iii) bothelectrons form a quasi particle, a Cooper pair, oflower energythentheinitialsingleeletronenergy = Eigenstates = Cooper pair operators =
BCS Hamiltonian + + = = = ) =
BCS Hamiltonian (Fröhlich 1952) + + + … = = = = = )
findingtheBCS groundstate in general = = 2N(0
excitedstates/Bogoliubov-Valatin-transf. = = = = + smallterms
tosumup… Ginzburg-Landau The minimizationofthefreeenergygaveus the Meißner effect (penetrationdepth!) thespatialexpansionof a quasi particle (coherencelength!) BCS The variationofphonon-electron-Hamiltoniangaveus thetransitiontemperature the minimal energyΔ(T) neededtoexcite a cooper pair, andthusthereasonforthevanishingresistance
“… so superconductivityis a real grab-bag, filledwithgoodiesfor all kindsofphysicists.“ R. Mattuck ThankYouForYour Patience
MattuckA Guide to Feynman Diagrams in theMany-Body Problem Fetter/WaleckaQuantum TheoryofMany-Particle Systems Toledano/ToledanoThe Landau Theoryof Phase Transitions Landau/LifschitzCourse on theoreticalphysics V/IX EschrigTheoryofsuperconductivity Literature L.N. Cooper Bound electron pairs in a degenerate Fermi gas (physical review, 104/4, 11/15/1956) J. Bardeen, L.N. Cooper, J.R. Schrieffer Theory of superconductivity (physical review, 108/5, 07/08/1957)