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How To Change Your WordPress Permalink Like A Pro

In this post, we’ll provide different way, on how you can safely alter permalink structure, and avoid external and internal errors from broken links with the use of redirects. Let’s dive in!

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How To Change Your WordPress Permalink Like A Pro

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  1. How To Change Your WordPress Permalink Like A Pro What Are Permalinks? What Are Permalinks? A permalink can be defined as the part of a web address that follows the domain name. For example, take a look at the URL for this blog post: http://www.wpexplorer.com/break-into-blogging-niche/, where domain name is wpexplorer.com, and the permalink is break-into-blogging- niche. In the classic editor, the permalink spot was right below your page title and very obvious to find, but in Gutenberg, you can’t change your permalink until a draft of your post is saved. There is auto save, so it

  2. shouldn’t be too long, but if you try to customize your permalink before there’s an auto-saved draft, you can’t. Why You Need To Change? Why You Need To Change? It allows your readers to get a brief understanding of what your post or page is about without looking at the content. It lets search engines to discover the post or page topic solely from the URL. It also supplies a permanent location for your visitors and search engines to return to in order to read your content. It is a unique identifier for each piece of content you create, helping you keep everything organized. In this post, we’ll provide different way, on how you can safely alter permalink structure, and avoid external and internal errors from broken links with the use of redirects. Let’s dive in! 1. 1.Change Your Permalink Structure in WordPress Change Your Permalink Structure in WordPress One of the great things about implementing permalinks in WordPress is that you have the ability to alter their structure, for that you don’t need to be a Wordpress developer Wordpress developer experts. Go to WordPress dashboard, navigate to Settings > Permalinks. Here, you can select from a variety of different structures: But sometimes, frustrations may arise if you wish to use a different combination. For instance, what if you want to include the year the post was published and the name, but not the day or month? Luckily, this problem can be solved with the use of WordPress custom permalinks. 2.Creating Completely Custom Permalinks Creating Completely Custom Permalinks

  3. In case, if you wanted to change permalink for single post, post, page or taxonomy? Through this way, you can create custom permalink safely without affecting any other URLs on your site. Let’s take an example, if your post URL is like this: http://example.com/2016/02/20-top-wordpress-website-design- companies-in-sanfrancisco/ But you want to change it to something like this: http://example.com/best-lists/wordpresswebdesign/20-top-wordpress- website-design-companies-in-sanfrancisco/ Usually for this, this would require you to change your permalink structure, but that would affect all URLs on your site. To create a custom permalink, first thing you need to do is installing and activate the Custom Permalinks plugin. After activation, you can simply edit a post or page and change its URL to anything you want. 3. 3.Using the Simple 301 Redirects Plugin Using the Simple 301 Redirects Plugin To change your Wordpress permalink, you can also opt one option is the Simple 301 Redirects plugin. When you have installed and activated the plugin it adds a new menu to the Settings area of your dashboard. Navigate to 301 redirects settings window, you are shown two simple fields. One is labeled Request and the other Destination. Basically, these

  4. are the fields, where you have to enter the old permalink structure and the new permalink structure. Only you need to add the information after your domain name to these fields. If you are familiar with WordPress, you will have no problem with above following method. If you are not, you can hire Wordpress expert’s team to change your permalink for you. Wordpress website design website design

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