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OTC Drugs . Libby Bledsoe Arron Herring Anchalem Alemayehu. Vitamins. Vitamins: Two Categories. Fat Soluble Vitamins .
OTC Drugs Libby Bledsoe Arron Herring AnchalemAlemayehu
Fat Soluble Vitamins Fat soluble vitamins are A, D, E and K . They are metabolized slowly; can be stored in fatty tissue, and liver, and muscle in significant amounts and excreted in the urine, at a slow rate.
Vitamin A • Contraindications: Hypervitaminosis A, pregnancy (Massive dose) • S/Es: HA, fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, dry skin, visual change • ADE: Evident only with toxicity: leukopenia, aplastic anemia, papilledema, increased intracranial pressure, hypervitaminosis A, bulging fontanelles in infants, jaundice
Vitamin D ( Calciferol) • Vitamin D has a major role in regulating calcium and phosphorous metabolism and is needed for calcium absorption from intestines. • Excess vitamin D ingestion (> 40, 000 international units) results in hypervitaminosis D and may cause hypercalcemia( an elevated serum calcium level). • Anorexia, nausea and vomiting are early symptoms of vitamin D toxicity.
Vitamin E • Has antioxidant properties that protect cellular components from being oxidized and red blood cells from hemolysis. • It has been reported that taking 400-800 international units of vitamin E per day reduces the number of nonfatal myocardial infarctions(MIs) and taking 200 unites for several years can reduces the risk of coronary artery disease(CAD) • S/Es: large doses of vitamin E may include fatigue, weakness, nausea, GI upset, headache, and breast tenderness. • Vitamin E prolongs the prothrombin time (PT) and patient taking Warfarin should have their PT monitored closely. Iron and Vitamin E shouldn't be taken together because iron interferes with the body's absorption and use of vitamin E. • Use Vitamin E: Cautiously in: Anemia due to iron deficiency, vitamin K deficiency (May increase risk of bleeding)
Vitamin K • Is used as antidote for oral anticoagulant overdose and to prevent and treat the hypoprothrombinemia of vitamin K deficiencies.
Water Soluble Vitamins • Water soluble Vitamins are the B-complex vitamins and vitamin C. Theses group of vitamins are not very toxic unless taken in excessive amount.
Vitamin B complex • Four of the vitamin B-complex members are vitamin B1 ( thiamine), vitamin B2( riboflavin), vitamin B3( Nicotinic acid, or niacin) and vitamin B6 ( Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) • Functions as a building block of nucleic acids and to form red blood cells. And also it facilitates functioning of nervous system. • Vitamin B12 is stored in the liver and it can take 2 to 3 years for stored vitamin B12 to be depleted and a deficient noticed. • Contraindicated in: hypersensitivity • S/Es: Headache, dizziness, memory impairment, restlessness, chest pain. Tachycardia, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, dusphagia, pain at injection (IM site) • Use cautiously in: Hereditary optic nerve atrophy (accelerates nerve damage); uremia, folic acid deficiency
Vitamin C • Is used to prevent and treat vitamin C deficiency (Scurvy); to increase wound healing, for burns. Preserves integrity of blood vessels. It is a water soluble vitamin, thus essential for collagen formation and tissue repair (bones, skin, blood vessels). Synthesis of lipids, protein, and carnithine • Contraindications(caution): Renal calculi, gout, anemia, sickle cell, sideroblastic and thalassemia • S/Es: Oral: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn, headache Parenteral: Flushing, headache, dizziness, soreness at injection site • ADE: Kidney stones, crystalluria, hyperuricemia, hemolytic anemia with clients with G6PD • Life threatening: Sickle cell crisis, seep vein thrombosis
Nursing Process: Assessment • Check client for vitamin deficiency before start or therapy and regularly there after. Explore such areas as inadequate nutrient intake, debilitating disease and GI disorders. • Obtain 24 and 48 hour diet history analysis
Nursing process: Interventions • Administer vitamins with food to promote absorption • Store drug in light - resistant container • Administer IM primarily for clients unable to take by PO route( eg., GI malabsorption syndrome) • Recognize need for vitamin E supplements for infants receiving vitamin A to avoid risk of hemolytic anemia. • Monitor for vitamin A therapeutic serum levels ( 80 to 300 international unites/ ML)
Nursing process: Teaching • Instruct client to take prescribed amount of drug • Inform clients to read vitamin labels to determine which vitamin is most appropriate for them. • Instruct client to consult with health care provider/ pharmacist regarding interactions with prescription and OTC medications • Discourage client from taking megavitamins over a long period unless these are prescribed for specific purpose by health care provider. • Inform client that missing vitamins for 1 or 2 days is not a cause of concern, because deficiencies do not occur for sometime. • Advice clients to check expiration dates on vitamins containers before purchasing them. • Instruct client to avoid taking mineral oil with vitamin A on a regular basis, because it interferes with vitamin E absorption. If needed take mineral oil at bed time. • Explain to client that there is no scientific evidence that megadoses of vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) will cure a cold. • Alert client not to take megadose of vitamin C with aspirin or sulfonamides because crystals may form in the kidneys and urine. • Instruct client to avoid excessive intake of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol can cause vitamin B – complex deficiencies.
Nursing process: Diet • Advice client to eat well balanced diet, and inform client that vitamin supplements are not needed if the person is healthy and receives the proper nutrition on a regular basis. • Instruct client about foods rich in vitamin A, including whole milk, butter, eggs, leafy green and yellow vegetables, fruits and liver.
Nursing process: SE/ADE’s • Instruct client that nausea, vomiting, headache, loss of hair, and cracked lips (symptoms of hypervitaminosis A) should be reported to the health care provider. Early symptoms of hypervitaminosis D are anorexia, nausea and vomiting.
Herbs • Herbs are a plant or plant parts used for its medicinal qualities. • Herbs were the originals medicines used throughout the world and are still used today for therapeutic effects. • Herbs can help promote health, but when mixed with some certain medications they can be contraindicated or even cause toxicity.
Client Responsibility • Because of the risks of mixing herbal remedies and medications, It is the responsibility of the client • To consult with the health care provider before taking any herbal preparation • Report any herbal preparations taken to the health care provider • Inform health care providers of any allergy or sensitivity to any herbal products
Dietary Supplement Health And Education Act of 1994 • This act made regulations for herbal preparations • Made herbs marketed with dosages • Physiologic effects can be noted, but cant make claims about preventing or curing conditions • Herbs need a disclaimer that indicates it is NOT approve by the U.S. Food and Drug administration and not meant to be used as a drug.
Types of Herbal Preparations • Dried: fresh herbs that have their moisture removed by the sun • Extracts: certain isolated components of the herb • Oils: soaking herb in olive or vegetable oil then heated • Salves: crushing herb and mixing it in a petroleum jelly base • Teas: steeping fresh or dried herbs in boiling water • Syrups: adding sweetener to herb then cooking it
Aloe Vera The juice is used for minor sun burns and insect bites. If ingested, it can be used as a laxative. But can cause increased menstrual flow. • Side Effects: arrhythmias, edemas, neuropathies, and hematuria. • Contraindicated in: pregnant or lactating women and children under the age of 12. • Drug Interactions in cardiac glycosides, antiarrthymics, corticosteroids, and thiazide diuretics.
Ginko (Ginkgo Biloba) • Antioxidant, peripheal vasodilation, and increased blood flow to CNS. Reduces platelet aggregation. • Uses: Allergic rhinitis, Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety/stress, dementia, tinnitus, impotence, and poor cirulation.
Ginko Continued… • Avoid use in pregnancy, lactation, children, and with MAOI’s. • Drug Interactions: Caution with prescription anticoagulants. May increase Blood pressure with thiazide diuretics. Must discontinue two weeks before surgery. • Other Herbal Contraindications: Ginger, Garlic, or feverfew. • Side Effects/ ADE’s: mild headache, mild gastric distress • Toxicity: vomiting, diarrhea, dermatitis, irritability.
St. John’s Wort • AKA: “Herbal Prozac” because of its use as a “tonic” for the nervous system. • Uses: Mood swings, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.
St. John’s Wort Continued… • When taken with prescription antidepressants, adverse effect of suicidal ideations. • Side effects/ Adverse effects: skin photosensitivity, headache, GI upset, dry mouth, dizziness, confusion. • Interactions: avoid with pregnancy, lactation, prescription antidepressants, MAOI’s, indinavir, children <2 years. • Drug interactions: decreased effect of digoxin, use with amphetamines, trazodone may cause serotonin syndrome. • Interferes with absorption of other minerals.
Echinacea (Purple coneflower) • Is used to enhance the immune system, and for an antipyretic, antifungal (topical) and antibacterial. • Increases leukocytes, spleen cells, and activating granulocytes. • Leaf preparation: used for respiratory and urinary tract infections. • Root extract: for flu-like symptoms
Echinacea Side Effects/ Adverse Effects and Contraindications • Temporary tingling of tongue. • cross-sensitivity in clients allergic to daisy (flower) family • GI upset • Diarrhea • Contraindicated in: immunosuppressants (corticosteroids). Persons with systemic disease of immune system (HIV, AIDS, TB)
Nursing Process Assessment • Obtain patient’s baseline info about herbal use and OTC drug use • Include dosage, frequency, side effects
Nursing Process Diagnoses • Knowledge, deficient about therapeutic regimen related to use of herbal products Planning • Herbal Therapy • Prescription and OTC drugs • Interaction between herbal therapy, prescription, and OTC drugs
Nursing Process Interventions • Check client’s response to herbal therapy • Monitor response to prescrip. And OTC drug therapy • Consult dietician and other specialists necessary • Continue same brand of herbal therapy; notify health care provider if considering change brands/ preparations
Nursing Process Client Teaching • Explain rationale • Encourage client to read labels and heed recommended info • Inform client of storage conditions Diet • Teach about food that diminish/enhance the action of herb • Foods to avoid
Nursing Process Evaluation • Evaluate effectiveness of herbal remedies for alleviating symptoms. • Evaluate client’s use of resources
Iron • Vital for hemoglobin regeneration • 60% of the iron in the body is found in hemoglobin • Normal diet = 5 to 20 mg per day • Found in liver, lean meats, egg yolks, dried beans, green vegetables, and fruit • Foods and antacids slow absorption of iron and Vitamin C increases iron absorption • More iron is needed when pregnant, but during the first trimester megadoses are contraindicated because of its possible teratogenic effects
Iron • Dose for infants and children 6 months to 2 years is 1.5 mg/kg • Adults is 50 mg/day • Iron toxicity is a serious cause of poisoning in children
Copper • Needed for the formation of RBC’s and connective tissues • Cofactor of many enzymes and its function in the production of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine • Excess levels may be associated with Wilson’s disease • Prolonged deficiency may result in anemia • Abnormal blood and skin changes caused by deficiency include a decrease in WBC count, glucose intolerance, and a decrease in skin and hair pigmentation. Mental retardation may also occur in the young
Copper • RDA for copper is 1.5 to 3 mg/day • Most adults only consume about 1mg/day • Foods rich in copper: shellfish, liver, nuts, seeds, legumes, and cocoa
Zinc • Important to many enzymatic reactions and is essential for normal growth and tissue repair, wound healing, and taste and smell • Some believe it can alleviate symptoms of the common cold and shorten its duration • Intranasal zinc preparations may cause permanent loss of smell
Zinc • Up to 200 mg/day can be taken • RDA for an adult is 12 to 19 mg/day • Foods rich in zinc: beef, lamb, eggs, and leafy and root vegetables • More than 150 mg may cause a copper deficiency
Chromium • Said to be helpful in control of Type 2 Diabetes • Thought to help normalize blood glucose by increasing effects of insulin on the cells • No RDA • 50 to 200 mcg/day is considered within the normal range • Foods rich in chromium: meats, whole-grain cereals, and brewer’s yeast
Selenium • Cofactor for an antioxidant enzyme that protects protein and nucleic acids from oxidative damage • Works with Vitamin E • Thought to have an anticarcinogenic effect, and doses lower than 200 mcg may reduce the risk of lung, prostate, and colorectal cancer • Excess doses greater than 200 mcg may cause weakness, a loss of hair, dermatitis, nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, and may also be a garlic-like odor from the skin and breath
Selenium • RDA is 40 to 75 mcg (lower dose for women and higher for men) • Foods rich in selenium: meats, seafood, eggs, and dairy products
Iron Assessment • Obtain a drug history of current drugs and herbs client is taking. • Obtain a history of anemia or health problems that may lead to anemia. • Assess client for signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia such as fatigue, malaise, pallor, shortness of breath, tachycardia, and cardiac dysrhytmias. • Assess client’s RBC count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, iron level, and reticulocyte count before start of and throughout therapy.
Iron Nursing Diagnoses • Nutrition, less than/more than body requirements, imbalanced inadequate intake of food sources of iron • Knowledge, deficient of food sources of iron • Decision-making, readiness for enhanced related to food choices and vitamin/mineral supplementation
Iron Planning • Client will name six foods high in iron content • Client will consume foods rich in iron • Client with iron deficiency anemia or with low hemoglobin will take replacement as recommended by health care provider, resulting in laboratory results within desired range • Nursing interventions • Encourage client to eat a nutritious diet to obtain sufficient iron. • Store drug in light-resistant container • Administer IM injections of iron by Z-track method