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Unit 12 Test Review. Cold War & Nuclear Strategies. Containment (Truman) Massive Retaliation/Mutually Assured Destruction (Nuclear response-Eisenhower) Flexible Response (Nuclear buildup, ground containment--Kennedy) Détente (SALT talks, engagement--Nixon) All followed the Domino Theory.
Cold War & Nuclear Strategies • Containment (Truman) • Massive Retaliation/Mutually Assured Destruction (Nuclear response-Eisenhower) • Flexible Response (Nuclear buildup, ground containment--Kennedy) • Détente (SALT talks, engagement--Nixon) • All followed the Domino Theory
Foreign Policy issues • British/French/Israeli invasion of Egypt (1956) • U-2 Spy Incident (1960)—American spy plane shot down over USSR. Pilot caught; cancellation of Khruschev/Eisenhower summit • Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961)--failed overthrow of Castro backed by CIA • Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)—US/USSR showdown over nuclear missiles in Cuba; US agrees to remove missiles from Turkey, USSR turns ships around
Civil Rights Know leaders & movements SCLC—MLK (peaceful integration) Black Panthers—Huey Newton NAACP—Roy Wilkins Black Muslims/Nation of Islam—Elijah Muhammed, Malcolm X SNCC—Stokely Carmichael Black Power—Stokely Carmichael (blacks control their political & economic lives)
Civil Rights Some triumphs— • Jackie Robinson breaks baseball’s color line • Montgomery bus boycott led by MLK • Brown v. Board of Education reverses Plessy v. Ferguson • Lunch counter integration in Greensboro NC • Low points— • Death of Emmett Till, Medgar Evers, • Violence in integration
Eisenhower Years/1950s(Republican) Economic growth (GDP & GNP growth) Peak of Baby Boomer births Movement of blacks from rural South Construction of Interstate Highway System Growth of suburbs Very little change in past programs Some improvement in civil rights, though a struggle
Kennedy Years(Democrat) • Oversaw Bay of Pigs invasion (failure) • Oversaw Cuban Missile crisis (success) • Assassinated in Dallas • Administration known in history as “Camelot” • VP Lyndon Johnson, from Texas
Johnson Years(Democrat) “War on Poverty”—The Great Society The Great Society’s goals were civil rights & eliminating poverty Passes Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act Immigration reform removes European preferences Vietnam War derails The Great Society Anti-War candidate Eugene McCarthy gains support in 1968 primaries
Vietnam War --Began with aid and advice to French --Part of Domino Theory --Gulf of Tonkin resolution allows President to deploy troops indefinitely (1964) --Tet offensive (1968) leads to lower popular support --My Lai massacre (1968) even less support --Cambodian bombings (1970) leads to Kent State --War Powers Act passed over Nixon’s veto (1973) to counter Gulf of Tonkin resolution --Fall of Saigon (1975)
Nixon Years(Republican) • Cambodian bombings • Trip to China • “Southern Strategy” • Recession/wage & price freeze
Watergate • Nixon eventually resigned because of his involvement in the cover up of this burglary • To avoid truth coming out, Nixon fired the special prosecutor & staff assigned to investigate (aka “Saturday Night Massacre” ) • Went to court to fight release of White House tapes; tapes eventually showed Nixon’s involvement in cover up.
Gerald Ford(Republican) • Selected, not elected, VP • Never overcame the pardon of Nixon • “our long national nightmare is over” • Well-liked • Economy is poor “Whip Inflation Now”
Carter Years(Democrat) • Iranian students take 50 Americans hostage in retaliation for the U.S. allowing deposed Shah to come for cancer treatment • Energy becomes prominent issue • Strength: honesty • Weaknesses: economy remains in stagflation
Reagan Years(Republican) • Never elected to federal government (Gov. of Cal.) • Campaigns against government involvement in most aspects of American life • Support of religious conservatives (Moral Majority/Jerry Falwell) • Broad support of people • Administration involved in illegal sale of weapons to Iran; uses funds to support Nicaraguan rebels • Tax cuts; increased spending; deficit increases
George H.W. Bush years(Republican) • VP under Reagan for eight years • Oversaw Gulf War (Iraq, under Saddam Hussein, invades neighbor Kuwait)
Clinton Years(Democrat) • Victory over incumbent • Congressional Republican victories • Government shutdown over budget • Scandal with intern • Budget surplus for three years • Reorganization of welfare, government
Assassinations JFK—Lee Harvey Oswald Lee Harvey Oswald—Jack Ruby Malcolm X—Three members of Nation of Islam Martin Luther King, Jr.—James Earl Ray Robert F. Kennedy—SirhanSirhan George Wallace (attempt)—Arthur Bremer Ronald Reagan (attempt)—John Hinckley, Jr.
Other trends • America’s population is aging, putting a strain on Social Security and Medicare • Energy problems—embargo in 1973 leads to fuel efficiency; Three Mile Island nuclear plant incident leads U.S. away from nuclear power • Women’s groups formed NOW to challenge workplace discrimination; ERA and Roe v. Wade derail women’s movement