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Factory Licenses . The Factories Act, 1948. The Factories Act ensures Health, Safety, Welfare, proper working hours, leave & other benefits for workers factories. Applicability:. Registration : .
Factory Licenses The Factories Act, 1948
The Factories Act ensures Health, Safety, Welfare, proper working hours, leave & other benefits for workers factories.Applicability:
Registration : (1) The occupier or manager of a factory coming within the scope of the Act has to apply to the Chief Inspector of Factories for getting the factory registered and obtaining a license for it. (2) The application should be accompanied by the fees prescribed for the purpose. (3) The Chief Inspector of Factories, if he is satisfied that there is no objection to the grant of license, will register the factory and grant a license for it.(3-A) If an application for grant of license is duly made to the Chief Inspector of Factories and if no license has been issued by him within a period of four months, the factory concerned shall be deemed to be duly licensed.(This provision is made by the Government of Maharashtra by amending Rule 9 w.e.f.4-8-1998) (4) The license so granted can be amended, renewed, revoked or suspended as per the Rules.
Approval of Plans : • An application for approval of the plans of a factory has to be made to the Chief Inspector of Factories. (2) The application should be accompanied by necessary documents. (3) The Chief Inspector of Factories, if he is satisfied that the plans are in accordance with the requirements of the Act, will approve them.
REVISED FACTORY LICENSE FEE IN MAHARASHTRA W.E.F.01.01.1998All factories except power generating stations and electrical sub-stations NB : Cheques /DD should be drawn in favour of “Director Industrial Safety & Health’
Employers Benefits: The Act provides the following services to workers: 1. Washing facilities to male and female workers separately. 2. Facilities for storing and drying clothes 3. Facilities for occasional rest for workers who work in a standing position for long hours 4. First aid boxes or cupboards – one for every 150 workers and the ambulance facility if there are more than 500 workers 5. Canteens, where there are more than 250 workers 6. Shelters, rest-rooms and lunch rooms where over 150 workers are employed. 7. Creche, if 30 or more women workers are employed 8. Welfare officer, if 500 or more workers are employed.
Employees Benefits: • Gratuity • Employees’ State Insurance • Employees’ Pension Scheme • Employees’ Provident Fund
Checklist for FACTORY LICENSE • Agreement of gala/ Sales Deed/ Land Purchase agreement • Partnership Deed or MOA • List Of Partners, Directors on Letter head with Birth date • Plant & Machinery Layout • Stability Certificate Plan Approval is given 1 St For License Stability Compressor test report Etc • Cost of License is depends on the structure • Official fees depends on power and no of Employee • 3 Letterhead • SSI Registration Part II Click any button
Thanks & Regards, Ms. Dipali Pawar (Deputy Manager) Mobile : 8286008866 Email ID : dipali@smeservices.co.in dipali.sme@gmail.com Telephone: 022 65270702 Visit : www.smeservices.co.in Ms. Pritam Sawant Mobile : 8286009977 Email ID : pritam@smeservices.co.in prathana.sme@gmail.com Telephone: 022 65270702 Visit : www.smeservices.co.in