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Science and the NVO – Overview and Discussion

Science and the NVO – Overview and Discussion. Dave De Young NVO Project Scientist NOAO. NVOSS Aspen September 2006. NVO Enters Its Operational Phase. The First Five Years: Develop Infrastructure

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Science and the NVO – Overview and Discussion

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  1. Science and the NVO – Overview and Discussion Dave De Young NVO Project Scientist NOAO NVOSS Aspen September 2006

  2. NVO Enters Its Operational Phase • The First Five Years: Develop Infrastructure • Basic Organizational Structure • Establish Collaborations • Develop Software Infrastructure (A Very Large Task) • Expose Astronomers to the Concept • Develop Some Astronomical Tools • Goal: Simple, Readily Used

  3. NVO and The “Two Cultures” Problem

  4. NVO and The “Two Cultures” Problem • First Five Years – Infrastructure • Strong Emphasis on Software Development • Strong Emphasis on IT Approach • NVO as a “Software Sandbox” • Do It Because “It’s Cool” • But – The Goal of the NVO Is Enabling Science Not Developing Software • First Step: Acceptance by Community

  5. Some Requirements for Community Acceptance • Most Astronomers DO NOT: • Understand Java • Understand HTML/XML • Care About Elegant Code • Often Use SQL • Most Astronomers DO • Want the Fastest, Easiest Way to Do Their Science

  6. Some Requirements for Community Acceptance • Ease of Access • No Jargon, No TLA’s • “What’s a ‘Registry’”? • Data • Ease of Access • Multi-Wavelength • Catalogs, Images, Spectra, Time Series • Ability to Combine and Analyse

  7. Some Requirements for Community Acceptance • Tools • Simple, Useful • “90-10” Rule • Majority of Astronomers: Observers, Optical, Stellar Astronomy • Role of Power Users • Small Numbers, Big Projects, High Visibility • Services • Easy to Use, Relevant, Reliable

  8. NVO Science – New Capabilities • Large Scale Surveys: 1 – 10 Tb • New Facilities: ~ 10 Tb/day • High Bandwidth Data Transmission • All Imply a New Paradigm for Research • Cross Match of 1 – 10 Million Objects • New Patterns in Statistics • New Relations; Unseen Physical Processes • Serendipity

  9. NVO Science – Some Examples • Radio-Loud AGN in the SDSS • Best et al. 2005 • Cross Match SDSS DR2, NVSS, FIRST • SDSS Spectral Data • 2712 Radio Galaxies • Radio Emission Due to AGN vs Star Bursts

  10. NVO Science – Some Examples • Is There an AGN – Starburst Connection? • (Heckman et al.2006) • Does a Common Accretion Torus Produce Both? • Both Phenomena Produce X-rays • Cross Correlate 80,000 X-ray Sources with > 500,000 Galaxies (with z) From SDSS DR4 • Look for Common Hosts • Look for Evolution with Redshift

  11. NVO Science – Some Examples • Detecting Embedded Intermediate Mass Stars • (Kerton et al. 2006) • Star of 5-10 Mo – At Boundary Between Solar Type and Very Massive Stars • Hence Crossover of Different Physical Processes • Young B Stars Buried in Molecular Clouds • Radio + mm Spectral Line Surveys + 2MASS, IRAS • Data Cube Analysis (x-y-)

  12. NVO Science – Some Examples • Merging Galaxies • (Allam et al. 2006) • Galaxy Mergers: Create Starbursts, Form Central CD’s in Clusters, Feed AGN, Produce ULIRGS…. • Optical (SDSS) Surveys Bias toward High SFR • IR Traces Mass Distribution (Red Stars) • Search 2MASS XSC (1.6M Galaxies) • Expect ~ 30,000 Merging Pairs • Do Multi Wavelength Followup

  13. NVO Science: Integration of Theory and Observations • Why Theory • Basic to Scientific Inquiry • Why NVO Theory • Large Scale Theory Simulations: 10’s of TB and Rising • “Virtual Telescope/Instrument” Projects

  14. NVO Science: Integration of Theory and Observations • Goal: Translate Theory Results to Observational Parameters • Cross Match Theory “Surveys” and Observational Surveys • Interaction: Direct New Observations Direct New Theory Work

  15. N Body Simulations of Globular Cluster Evolution

  16. N Body Simulations of Globular Cluster Evolution

  17. Collimated Outflows from AGN • M 87

  18. Collimated Outflows from AGN • 3C 405 – Cyg A

  19. Collimated Outflows from AGN • 3C 175

  20. Collimated Outflows from AGN • 3C 31

  21. MHD Simulations of Collimated Outflows from AGN – Virtual Telescope Observations Radio Electrons Compare with Radio Archives VLA

  22. MHD Simulations of Collimated Outflows from AGN – Virtual Telescope Observations IC-CMB SSC Compare with Chandra Archives Chandra

  23. Clusters of Galaxies and “Cooling Flows” • A 1689

  24. Clusters of Galaxies and “Cooling Flows” • Perseus Cluster

  25. Clusters of Galaxies and the “Cooling Flow Problem” • N1275 Fabian et al. 2000

  26. Clusters of Galaxies and the “Cooling Flow Problem” • Can Reheating of the Intracluster Medium by AGN “Solve” the Cooling Flow Problem?

  27. Models of Buoyant Radio Source Bubbles Density • 2-D Hydrodynamic • Abundant Mixing! X-Y High Resolution Brueggen & Kaiser 2002

  28. Non-Linear R-T Instability t = 0 Beta = 1.3 M Beta = 1.3 K Beta = 130 1 kpc slices T = 10M K t = 15 Myr

  29. Evolution of Cluster Bubbles Including MHD Beta = 120

  30. Three Dimensional MHD Calculations •  = 3000

  31. Relic Radio Bubbles in Galaxy Clusters • N1275 Compare with Chandra Archives Fabian et al. 2000

  32. Summary • To Date: VO Establishes Infrastructure • Almost Done • Tomorrow: VO Enables New Science • The Transition is Now • Carry Forward Infrastructure Development • Change “Culture” to Science Implementation • Engage Astronomical Community • What Science do YOU Want to Do?

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