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Warm Up- 11/11/08. Analyze the following cartoon and write down your interpretation of it’s meaning. Agenda 11/11/08. Warm Up Intro to Congress Notes Getting to know you activity. Warm Up - 11/13/08. Answer the following questions on your warm up sheet. Use your notes to answer them.
Warm Up- 11/11/08 • Analyze the following cartoon and write down your interpretation of it’s meaning.
Agenda 11/11/08 • Warm Up • Intro to Congress Notes • Getting to know you activity
Warm Up - 11/13/08 • Answer the following questions on your warm up sheet. Use your notes to answer them. • How is representation in the House of Representatives determined for each state? How about in the Senate? • How long is the term for a House representative? How long for a Senator? • List 2 FORMAL qualifications for the Senate. • List 2 INFORMAL qualifications to be elected for the House or the Senate.
Agenda- 11/13/08 • Warm Up • “Get To Know You” note cards • Syllabus • “Who’s My Representative?”- WebQuest (in the lab) • Homework- Get your syllabus signed by your parents DUE TOMORROW (20 pts)
Warm Up- 11/14/08 • Who will be your congress member in the House of Representatives starting in Jan 2009? • Who will be your Senators (2) starting in January 2009? • What party does Betsy Markey belong to? Ken Salazar? Mark Udall? • In your opinion, who has more power to influence Congress to pass laws, etc. A Senator or a House representative? Why?
Agenda 11/14/08 • Warm Up • Collect Syllabus • Question #10 from WebQuest • Your Opinion:Considering each representative’s race, gender, party, education level, and economic status, do you think your representatives truly represent everyone in Colorado? Why or why not? • Word Cards (words and definitions on pg. 203) • Make 8 cards from loose leaf paper. • On front, put word, book definition, and a definition in your own words. On back, draw a visual representation of the definition that makes sense to YOU. • Ch. 11 Questions
Agenda 11/17/08 • Homework Check- Word Cards • Turn in syllabus • Preparation for Freshman Academy Parent Night • Homework: None
Warm Up-11/18/08 • WITHOUT using your book or word cards, try to define the following terms: • Pork • Constituent • Standing committee • Conference committee • Appropriations
Agenda 11/18/08 • Warm Up • Chapter 11 Study Guide • Note Taking Strategies • Homework: Finish word cards, finish study guide • Quiz is coming up on Friday!
Warm Up 11/20/08 • Without using your Ch. 11 study guide, answer the following questions to the best of your ability. • Who is the leader of the Senate? What is the main function of this leader? • Who “sits in” for the leader of the Senate when he isn’t there? • Who is the most powerful person in the House of Representatives? What is this person’s main function? • List 3 powers of Congress. • Name one difference and one similarity between state congresses and the national Congress.
Agenda 11/20/08 • Warm Up • Finish Ch. 11 Study Guide/Ch.11 Word Cards • Note Taking Strategies • Ch. 11 Review Notes • Word Cards Ch. 12 (pg. 223) • Homework: Study for Quiz tomorrow! • Study with your book, word cards, and study guide
Agenda 11/21/08 • Warm Up: Take 5 minutes to quietly and independently study for the quiz. • Ch. 11 Quiz • Quiz Corrections • Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!
Agenda 11/24/08-11/25/08 • Watch Mr. Smith Goes To Washington • Write down 10 interesting facts you learned about the Senate from this movie. • Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!
Warm Up 12/1/08 • Using your book/word cards, define the following terms in your OWN WORDS: • Filibuster (remember Mr. Smith!) • Rider • Logrolling • Seniority rule • Hold
Agenda 12/1/08 • Warm Up • “I’m Just A Bill”- School House Rock • Ch. 12 Notebook Guide • Preview • Reading Notes 12.2- 12.5 • Processing • Homework: • Ch. 12 Word Cards due tomorrow • Warm Ups for 11/11-12/2 due Thursday
Warm Up 12/2/08 • Analyze the cartoon and answer the following questions: • What is currently going on with “bailouts.” Who is getting them, who wants them, and why? • Why would the Detroit Lions qualify for one?
Agenda 12/2/08 • Warm Up • Homework Check: Ch. 12 Word Cards • Ch. 12 Notebook Guide • 12.3-12.5 • Homework: Ch. 11-12 Warm Ups (7) Due Thursday!
Warm Up 12/4/08 • Examine the diagram on page 215 in your textbook and answer the following question: • From this diagram do you think it is easy or hard to get a bill passed into law? Why? • Now turn to page 234 and analyze the graph at the top of the page. • Why are less bills passed into law today than when our government was first created? • What is Congress’ “batting average” today (read the caption above the graph to figure out what batting average refers to)?
The Difficulty of Passing A Law • John F. Kennedy: “It is very easy to defeat a bill in Congress. It is much more difficult to pass one.” (1962) • 10, 238 bills introduced each year • 10, 178 referred to committee • 1,201 are debated on the floor • 1,184 pass in one chamber • 667 pass in both chambers • 550 public laws passed per year. • ~5.4% of bills are passed into law each year!
Agenda 12/4/08 • Warm Up • Organize Warm Ups (7) • 11/11, 11/13, 11/14, 11/18, 11/20, 12/1, 12/2. • Staple together in this order and turn in. • How A Bill Becomes A Law Overview • House of Representatives Simulation • Simulation Reflection • Homework: Finish Ch. 12 notebook guide for Quiz!
House Simulation Reflection • Although H.R. Bill 1 was made up, how did you vote for it in the House of Representatives simulation? Why? • What was the most interesting thing you learned today about the House? • ***What is the purpose of the committees? What service do they provide for the rest of the House? Could the House function without committees? • What is one thing about the House or Congress that you are still unclear about?
Agenda 12/5/08 • Warm Up: Finish up your Ch.12 notebook guide if you have not and/or quietly study your Ch. 12 word cards. • Ch. 12 Quiz: when finished place on overhead and grab a word cards packet. • Ch. 17 Word Cards • Make-up work time: • Warm Ups (7) • 11/11, 11/13, 11/14, 11/18, 11/20, 12/1, 12/2. • Staple together in this order and turn in. • Ch. 12 Word Cards • Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!
Agenda 12/8/08 • Warm Up: Political Ideology Quiz • Ch. 17 notebook guide • Preview • 17.2-17.6 • Homework: Finish Ch. 17 word cards due tomorrow!
Quiz Make-up • All quizzes must be turned in (Ch. 11) and taken (Ch. 12) TODAY! • 4th • Ch.11 Quiz Corrections- Rico • Ch. 12 Quiz- Erik, Lindsay, Ian, Adela, Rico • 5th • Ch. 11 Quiz Corrections- Brandon • Ch. 12 Quiz- Amanda, Toby • 6th • Ch. 11 Quiz Corrections- Tim Ainsley, Arthur, Sarah, Phoenix, Rosangelica, Mikaela, Sean, Lacy, Elizabeth, Anessa • Ch. 12 Quiz- Tim Ainsley, Antonio, Sarah, Alejandro, Rosangelica, Francisco, Sean, Lacy, Adrian, Jazmine, Elsy, Anessa
Agenda 12/9/08 • Warm Up • Homework Check: Ch. 17 Word Cards • Final Study Guide • Ch. 17 Notebook Guide • Homework: study for final
Agenda 12/11/08 • Warm Up