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Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course:<br><br>https://www.devrycoursehelp.com/product/devry-card-205-all-assignments-latest/<br><br>Devry CARD 205 All Assignments Latest<br><br>Devry CARD 205 Week 2 Self Assessment latest<br><br>Week 2: Self-Assessment<br><br>This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. Week2_Self_Assessment_Template_Smith.docx). Be sure to proofread and spell check your work before you submit it.<br>A grading rubric is also available at the end of this document.<br>
Devry CARD 205 All Assignments Latest Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: https://www.devrycoursehelp.com/product/devry-card-205-all-assignments- latest/ Or Email us help@devrycoursehelp.com Devry CARD 205 All Assignments Latest Devry CARD 205 Week 2 Self Assessment latest Week 2: Self-Assessment This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. Week2_Self_Assessment_Template_Smith.docx). Be sure to proofread and spell check your work before you submit it. A grading rubric is also available at the end of this document. There are FOUR parts to the Self-Assessment. Part 1: Reflect on your results from the self-assessment exercises you’ve done from the textbook, as well as others you might have done in the past, and complete the table below. Review current or past jobs to identify your transferable skills. Develop an inventory of your most marketable career- related skills (minimum 15), instances where you have demonstrated these skills (minimum three), and the core values you want your work to reflect (minimum five). Take into consideration the traits employers are seeking, including technical and transferable skills and general abilities. (30 POINTS) SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISES & MY RESULTS I completed the following assessments/inventories as part of myself-assessment activities: 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. My most marketable career-related skills are . . .(minimum 15)(Remember to include technical and transferable skills on this list!) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Examples of instances where I have demonstrated these skills include . . . (minimum 3)
1. 2. 3. Core values I want my work to reflect are . . .(minimum 5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part 2: Describe your ideal job. (20 POINTS) MY IDEAL JOB In my ideal job, I would be . . .(state what you see yourself doing as part of your ideal job) Part 3: Identify your one-, two-, and five-year career goals, create a list of possible employers of choice in your career field (minimum 3),possible job titles for your one-, two-, and five-year goals (one for each goal), and current salary ranges for those job titles. (30 POINTS) CAREER GOALS Career Goals Potential Employers (minimum 3) Possible Job Titles (minimum 3) Current Salary Ranges(for each job title) My one-year career goal is . . .(state your goal here) 1. 2. 3.
1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. My two-year career goal is . . .(state your goal here) 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. My five-year career goal is . . .(state your goal here) 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.
1. 2. 3. Part 4: Provide a summary of what you have learned about yourself and the characteristics of your dream job as a result of the reflection and research you have done as part of this assignment (minimum 100 words). (20 POINTS) MY LEARNINGS Grading Rubric: Self-Assessment Component Points Part 1: Award full credit if all sections meet minimum requirements. Deduct up to 20 points depending on how incomplete the responses are. No points awarded if the section is not completed. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors. 30 Part 2: Award full credit if the ideal job is described sufficiently. Deduct up to 10 points for incomplete responses. No points awarded if the section is not completed. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors. 20 Part 3: Award full credit if all sections meet minimum requirements. Deduct up to 20 points depending on how incomplete the responses are. No points awarded if the section is not completed. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors. 30 Part 4: Award full credit if the student has provided a reflective summary of their learnings. Deduct up to 10 points if the response is incomplete. No points awarded if the section is not completed. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors. 20
TOTAL POINTS 100 Devry CARD 205 Week 3 Resume draft and week 6 Resume Final latest Devry CARD 205 Week 3 RESUMÉ: DRAFT (DUE THIS WEEK) Update or prepare your resumé for submission. You are highly encouraged to review the MCMC Student User Guide inside Doc Sharing to learn more about the resources available to you. You may also reference the Resumé Evaluation Checklist available in Doc Sharing to better understand what is expected in your resumé. Please plan to use the results of your self-assessment activities, the lectures, our discussions, and your text as a guide. Make every effort to do the very best job you can on this first version of one of the most important job search documents you will create! Submit your lab to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these.equella.ecollege.com/file/8ff9f27a-3772-48cf-9855- 4bec4e6706bf/1/Dropbox.html”>step-by-step instructions. Devry CARD 205 Week 6 RESUMÉ: FINAL (DUE THIS WEEK) Find a job ad for a position you would be interested in once you graduate. Using the ad and feedback you received on your draft resumé, prepare a targeted resumé for submission this week. The grading rubric for this assignment is available in Doc Sharing. Be sure to proofread and spell check your work before you submit it. Your submission to the dropbox should include both your resumé and the job ad it is targeted to. Devry CARD 205 Week 4 Career and Company Research latest Name:__________________________________________________ Week 4: Career and Company Research Template and Grading Rubric This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g.
Week4_Career_Company_Research_Template_Smith.docx). Be sure to proofread and spell check your work before you submit it. A grading rubric is also available at the end of this document. There are TWOparts to theCareer and Company Research assignment. Part 1:Complete the table below and link your one-, two-, and five-year goals (recall that you identified these in the Week 2 Self-assessment Assignment) to specific company research. You can also use employers you identified in the Week 2 assignment if you wish. (50 POINTS) GOALS One-year Goal Two-year Goal Five-year Goal (State your two-year goal here. Must be different from your one- and five-year goals.) (State your five-year goal here. Must be different from your one- and two-year goals.) (State your one-year goal here.Must be different from your two- and five-year goals.) Employer of Choice for One-year Goal(must be different from your two- and five-year employers) Employer of Choice for Two-year Goal(must be different from your one- and five-year employers) Employer of Choice for Five-year Goal(must be different from your one- and two-year employers) EMPLOYERS Name, location(s), contact information Products and/or services Number of employees Annual sales/profits/growth for the past year
Potential for growth of the firm and the industry as a whole Major competitors Mission and/or vision statement Reputation Part 2:What is your personal marketing strategy; i.e., what do you plan to doto ensure you achieve your goals? (Some questions you might reflect on in your response include: How will I penetrate the hidden job market? How will expand my professional network? Are there skills I need to be working on to be more competitive as a candidate? How will I track my job search? What resources can I use to help me in my job search and how I often should I be contacting them? How will I ensure my resumé and other job-search tools stay current? Where will I look for job leads? How will I hone my interviewing skills? What will I do on a daily, weekly, monthly basis to ensure I am conducting the most proactive job search possible?) (50 points) In order to achieve my goals, I will . . . (state what you are going to DO on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis to launch your career) Grading Rubric: Career and Company Research Component Part 1: Award full credit if all sections meet minimum requirements. Deduct up to 30 points for incomplete work. No points awarded if the section is not submitted. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors. Part 2: Award full credit if marketing plan is comprehensive and is indicative of actions the students will be taking as part of his/her job-search process. Deduct up to 30 points for incomplete or unclear responses. No points awarded if the section is not submitted. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors.
TOTAL POINTS Devry CARD 205 Week 4 Portfolio: Draft latest PORTFOLIO: DRAFT (DUE THIS WEEK) You will be preparing an electronic portfolio documenting your educational and career achievements and aspirations. You can choose to create a web page or you can use an application like Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint. Your portfolio should be logically organized, visually appealing, and include the following items (required content items are noted). Title Page (*REQUIRED*) • Table of Contents (*REQUIRED*) • Statement of Authenticity: This is a statement indicating that you are the author of all • materials contained within your career portfolio, that it is your original work, and that it is an honest representation of your skills. It should be inserted in your portfolio immediately following the Table of Contents. (*REQUIRED*) Personal Mission Statement: The Week 4 Lecture will contain helpful information on how • to write your personal mission statement. (*REQUIRED*) Your Elevator Speech (also called a 30-second commercial): This is a short 15- to 30- • second speech that memorably and succinctly introduces you and that you can use anytime and anywhere you wish to introduce yourself to a potential contact to spark his or her interest. (*REQUIRED*) Education section with • 1. 1.DeVry plan of study (*REQUIRED*); 2. 2.DeVry course descriptions (*REQUIRED*); 3. 3.DeVry academic history (to be replaced by your transcript after graduation) (*REQUIRED*); and 4. 4.Documentation of prior post-secondary education (optional). Resumé (*REQUIRED*) • Professional Development and Training section (*REQUIRED*) (with supporting • documents if available) Reference section (*REQUIRED*) with • 1. 1.one letter of reference related to your technical skills; and
2. 2.one letter of reference related to your transferable skills. Reference list with your contact information and contact information for your references • (minimum four) (*REQUIRED*) Awards and Accomplishments section (*REQUIRED*) (with supporting documents if • available) Volunteer History section (*REQUIRED*) (with supporting documents if available) • Professional Affiliations section (*REQUIRED*) (with supporting documents if available) • Career Pathing section with your 1-, 2-, and 5-year goals (*REQUIRED*) • Work Samples (*REQUIRED*) • The grading rubric for this assignment is available in Doc Sharing. Be sure to proofread and spell check your work before you submit it. Submit your lab to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these.equella.ecollege.com/file/8ff9f27a-3772-48cf-9855- 4bec4e6706bf/1/Dropbox.html”>step-by-step instructions. The grading rubric is also available below: Devry CARD 205 Week 5 Cover & Thank You Letters latest COVER AND THANK YOU LETTERS (DUE THIS WEEK) Find a job ad for a position you would be interested in once you graduate. Write a targeted cover letter responding to the ad. Assume you were given the opportunity to interview for the position. Write a post-interview thank you letter to the employer. Submit your cover and thank you lettersandthe job ad to the dropbox. Devry CARD 205 Week 7 Portfolio Final lates See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information. Portfolio: Final (due this week) Based on feedback from the draft version of your portfolio, make any changes you feel are appropriate and submit them to the Dropbox. For information on content, please see the Week 2 Assignments page.
The grading rubric for this assignment is available in Doc Sharing. Be sure to proofread and spell check your work before you submit it. The grading rubric is also available below: Criteria that Submitted Assignment Meets Total Points Possible for Assignment All required content is present, the portfolio is logically organized and very visually appealing. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors. 90-100 Most required content is present, portfolio is logically organized and visually appealing. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors. 75-89 Some required content is present, the portfolio is logically organized and visually appealing. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors. 60-74 Little required content is present; poorly organized; little visual appeal. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors. 0-59 A rubric with suggested point allocation is available in Doc Sharing. Point allocation remains at the discretion of the instructor. Submit your lab to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this Tutorial TutorialDropbox Tutorial. See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information. Devry CARD 205 Week 7 Interview Questions and week 8 Informational Interview latest Devry CARD 205 WEEK 7 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (DUE THIS WEEK) Below you will find a list of potential interview questions. It is possible that you could be asked some of these exact questions during an interview. Choose 7 questions from Group A and 3 questions from Group B, for a total of 10. Your responses to the questions in Group B should have three parts. Respond to these using Martucci Lamarre’s (2006) B.A.R. (background, action(s), results) framework (p. 124). Respond to the questions as you would during an interview and provide as complete an answer as possible for each one. Group A: Standard Questions(Choose 7 questions from this group, from p. 121).
1. 1.Tell me something about yourself. 2. 2.Why should I hire you? 3. 3.What are your strengths? 4. 4.What are your weaknesses? 5. 5.Why are you applying for this position? 6. 6.How are you qualified for this position? 7. 7.Why are you interested in working for our firm? 8. 8.What can you contribute to this company? 9. 9.What are your short-term goals? 10. 10.What are your long-term goals? Group B: Behavior-Based Questions(Choose 3 questions from this group, from p. 124). 1. 1.Tell me about a difficult situation you dealt with when supervising others.What did you do, and what were the results? 2. 2.Describe a time when you had to use your best oral communication skills.What was the situation, and what was the outcome? 3. 3.Describe a time when you had to adjust to change.How did you cope? 4. 4.Explain a role you filled as a group or team member. 5. 5.We all face disappointments in life.Tell me about a time when you had to handle disappointment or rejection. 6. 6.Describe a situation that required you to show initiative. 7. 7.Tell me about a time when someone made an unreasonable request of you.How did you react, and what happened? 8. 8.Describe a time when you were most frustrated or discouraged in reaching your objectives or goals.How did it turn out? 9. 9.Describe the last time that you did something that went beyond what was expected in work or school. 10. 10.Tell me about a difficult challenge or problem you’ve faced and how you handled it. The grading rubric for this assignment is available in Doc Sharing. Be sure to proofread and spell check your work before you submit it. Devry CARD 205 Week 8 INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEW (DUE THIS WEEK) As part of your job search preparation, you will plan for, conduct, and detail notes for an Informational Interview of someone working in your target career field. Please be sure you review the assignment templatepriorto completing the interview.
The assignment template and grading rubric for this assignment are available in Doc Sharing. Save the template file by adding your last name to the template filename (e.g., Week8_Informational_Interview_Template_Smith.docx). The grading rubric is also available below: Download File Now