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HSM 320 All Week Discussions DeVry<br>Just Click on Below Link to Download This Course:<br>https://www.devrycoursehelp.com/product/hsm-320-quiz-week-4-devry/<br>HSM 320 All Week Discussions DeVry<br>HSM 320 What are the Ethics and Standards of Care Discussions Week 1 DeVry<br>HSM 320 What are the Ethics Discussions 1 Week 1<br>Explain why ethics are not just about the sincerity of oneu2019s beliefs, emotions, or religious viewpoints. Explain how medical ethics are described in the Hippocratic Oath, which is still taken by all medical graduatesu2026.<br>
HSM 320 All Week Discussions DeVry Just Click on Below Link to Download This Course: https://www.devrycoursehelp.com/product/hsm-320-quiz-week-4-devry/ Or Email us help@devrycoursehelp.com HSM 320 All Week Discussions DeVry HSM 320 What are the Ethics and Standards of Care Discussions Week 1 DeVry HSM 320 What are the Ethics Discussions 1 Week 1 Explain why ethics are not just about the sincerity of one’s beliefs, emotions, or religious viewpoints. Explain how medical ethics are described in the Hippocratic Oath, which is still taken by all medical graduates…. This discussion is our first pertaining to the topic of “What Are Ethics?” Please read Chapter 1, which contains information related to what is ethics and what ethics are and are not. Also, Chapter 1 will explain what medical law and bioethics are, and how they are important aspects that affect the field of healthcare. Please use all of this information to answer this discussion question. I look forward to reading your posts and getting to know you as well! How are ethical dilemmas between justice versus beneficence evident in the healthcare setting? What are some good examples? Please examine the following situation: The CDC has just announced that there has been a major outbreak of smallpox in a community. They plan on offering the smallpox vaccine, but there is a very limited supply of the vaccine, so initially, they can only provide it to the very young and the disabled. People in other categories… HSM 320 Standards of Care Discussions 2 Week 1 Discuss what the term standard of care means for a physician and what it means for someone in your profession. After reading Chapter 3, hopefully you will have a basic understanding of how important it is for all healthcare professionals to act in a prudent, legal and reasonable manner. Our actions as health care providers are judged as what a reasonable, prudent person would have done under a similar set of circumstances, not necessarily what could have happened under optimal circumstances. An important part of our actions is involved in providing the proper standard of care.
Please share your thoughts on what it means when we work to ensure that our clients are receiving the proper standard of care available. I look forward to hearing from you! What is wrong with doing this? What would the act of locking the patient in the room be considered legally? What would be the standard of care for this worker in a difficult situation? As a leader, how will you ensure that professionals in your facility are living up to the standard of care? Why should we study the standard of care? Why might it be important for healthcare leaders, even in a non-clinical position?… HSM 320 Areas and Issues That MCOs Try to Control and Preventing Malpractice Discussions Week 2 DeVry HSM 320 Areas and Issues That MCOs Try to Control Discussions 1 Week 2 Managed care can be considered any system of delivering health services in which care is delivered by a specified network of doctors, hospitals, and clinics that all agree to comply with the care regimes established by a care-management process. Providers may receive a capitated payment for providing all medically necessary care to enrollees or may be paid on a fee-for-service basis. Managed care often involves a defined delivery system of providers with some form of contractual arrangement with a health plan. What are some of the areas and issues that MCOs try to control? How effective do you feel the MCOs in your own area have been in these efforts? … Class, let’s list the different types of managed care plans. What are the differences in each? Class, I agree with you that there are 3 main types of health maintenance organizations: HMO, PPO, POS. Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) – In this model, a diversity of healthcare services is made available to plan members for a predetermined rate. Per member per month is the usual payment design. The problem for the hospital or clinic administrator is that the payment stays the same, regardless of what services are actually provided to the patients. A few very expensive cases can sink the ship, as the saying goes, for a particular month. And if the pattern continues, could sink the clinic or hospital permanently! The single biggest complaint about HMO’s is the delay in care which results from lengthy review and approval processes. Some services which doctors and patients consider essential are ultimately denied, producing a great deal of frustration in the care setting. Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) – In this plan, the patient uses a medical provider under contract with the insurer for an agreed upon fee. Sometimes this is a published fee schedule, sometimes a discount from charges. The PPO negotiates (sometimes fiercely I might add) with hospitals and doctors for… HSM 320 Preventing Malpractice Discussions 2 Week 2 What are some ways in which physicians and healthcare organizations can prevent malpractice? How does the doctor’s personal interaction with patients impact the possibility of malpractice litigation?… As we delve deeper into our discussion on malpractice, let’s read a little more in our text. Chapter 6 discusses malpractice in the medical field. Chapter 5 is about the Physician-Patient Relationship, and it examines the duties, responsibilities and rights of physicians and patients.
How does the doctor’s personal interaction with patients impact the possibility of malpractice litigation? HSM 320 Physician-Patient Relationship and Family Practice Medical Group Discussions Week 3 DeVry HSM 320 Physician-Patient Relationship Discussions 1 Week 3 How has the physician-patient relationship changed over the past century? Are the changes good or bad for the delivery of quality healthcare? How do you think this affects the patient’s level of perception about the care that they are receiving?… Class, read the lecture scenario make comments. Have the nurses done the right thing by implying to the daughters that somehow they are not taking good care of their mother by not putting in the pacemaker?… Following along with the Emergency Department question, what about burnout? Burnout is a real issue, especially in the healthcare field. How does the person deal with this as an individual and how do the leaders of a department deal with burnout as a department?… HSM 320 Family Practice Medical Group Discussions 2 Week 3 Following Mrs. Cary’s admission to the hospital, she has initiated a lawsuit against Family Practice Medical Group (FPMG) and Community Hospital. Her suit claims that Dr. Smith failed to properly supervise his employees and as a result, she received the wrong medication which caused her hospitalization for hypotension (low blood pressure) and delayed treatment for her infection which then became life- threatening. She is also suing Community Hospital because the office staff members are hospital employees. In the lawsuit, is there likely to be a judgment against the hospital? Or FPMG? Why? Lawsuits are common in the healthcare practice and no healthcare professional is immune. But can a medical group and a hospital be held responsible for the actions of individual healthcare professionals that hold licenses or certifications? … The benefits of legibility, being able to have prompts to make sure that a patient with a certain disease is prescribed appropriate medication are just a couple of benefits. Barriers include cost as you guys mentioned. My biggest concern is that… This doctor sees many patients per day with multiple labwork results on most patients. The task of keeping up with everyone’s lab work and other tests is monumental. What are some things/processes that this office could have had in place that would have prevented this delay in care? What would happen if the delay had caused the patient to have more treatment?… HSM 320 Handling Medical Waste and HIPPA Compliance Discussions Week 4 DeVry HSM 320 Handling Medical Waste Discussions 1 Week 4 As the new office manager for the Family Practice Medical Group, you are responsible for establishing policies and procedures for maintaining a safe environment for both the staff and patients. Medical waste is an important area that you will be legally responsible for, making sure it is handled safely and appropriately. The four categories of medical waste are: solid waste, chemical waste, radioactive waste, and infectious waste. Pick one of the categories and post your plan for safe handling of the waste. What types of items would be
included in the category? What would your policy say about proper disposal? What you would do to determine a proper waste disposal policy that was legal, practical, and effective?… Chapter 7 contains information regarding the public duties of the physician. In this chapter, there is information pertaining to Protection for the Employee and the Environment, specifically medical waste. After reading this information, please try to determine what you would do to determine a proper waste disposal policy that was legal, practical, and effective?… What is the role of the Environmental Protection Agency in regulating medical waste in our facilities?… HSM 320 HIPPA Compliance Discussions 2 Week 4 The staff of any medical office comes into contact with a variety of PHI. As the office manager of FPMG, what practices would you put in place to ensure compliance with HIPAA?… Let’s examine this scenario: A patient is seen at a hospital clinic that employs the physician and staff of this office. The patient, a minor who plays high school football, has a pretty serious potential orthopedic injury with potential long term effects. The physician tells the patient and his parents that play is not recommended as further injury could have devastating consequences for the minor’s future. Even surgery may be needed. The minor plays football in a small town where “football is king.” The parents feel the pressure of not only the small town, but they are aware that college scouts will be there to observe their son. They want their son to play to take full advantage of this situation. The coach, concerned about the overall orthopedic health of the player, calls the orthopedic office for an update. The office informs the coach that the minor should not play under any circumstances as potential for injury at this juncture is great. The coach bans the minor from play. The parents are furious as their child’s “chance” at college scholarship may dissipate. They threaten to sue the hospital system that owns the physician office for the lost opportunity for their son. They indicate that the only people who were to receive the protected health information were the two parents, not the coach. How does this make you feel? What HIPAA concerns do you have? If you were working in this office and received this phone call, how would you have handled this situation knowing that the parent’s interest were somewhat misplaced? How could you have not violated HIPAA and kept the best interest of the minor patient?… HSM 320 Patient Confidentiality and Individual Health Insurance Mandate Discussions Week 5 DeVry HSM 320 Patient Confidentiality Discussions 1 Week 5 Why has patient confidentiality become a more difficult issue to deal with in the present healthcare environment? In addition to the question above, here is a little scenario that I would like you to review:
Ms. X, a local television personality, visits Dr. C for an appointment. She is recognized by a medical assistant, who asks the nurse about this patient. The nurse confirms the patient’s identity and then the medical assistant goes to the computer, pulls up Ms. X’s records, and finds out that the patient is being treated for cancer. The medical assistant calls her sister and shares this information about Ms. X, and the sister begins to call others to tell them about it. Who violated confidentiality in this case? Can we blame everyone for this breach of confidentiality? What could have been done to protect Ms. X’s information?… So many people are involved in the care of the patient. How do we with technology try to ensure that only those that need to know, know?… What would you do if you overhead a physician speaking to another patient though the walls? Does the fact that this is an accidental breach of confidentiality make it any less serious than an intentional breach?… HSM 320 Individual Health Insurance Mandate Discussions 2 Week 5 Please share the steps you would take to prepare your facility for PPACA implementation. Keeping my questions rolling…What is the history of the Affordable Care Act? Let’s discuss the background of this Act and the changes that have been made to it since it was originally proposed. What are some of the major provisions of the ACA?… What are some of the major provisions of the ACA? Choose one of the subtopics in the article below and summarize the Affordable Care Act’s effect on the subtopic. If it is expected to be positive or negative, explain why. If it’s effect is still up for debate, explain the controversy… HSM 320 Views on Abortion and Views on Sterilization Discussions Week 6 DeVry HSM 320 Views on Abortion Discussions 1 Week 6 What do you say to a coworker who does not share your moral or religious views concerning abortion? Have you thought about how a moral/religious issue like abortion could impact your chosen health care field? Do you feel that there are any circumstances which justify abortion? Explain your view… We are all familiar with Roe v Wade, the landmark court case legalizing abortion, but abortion legislation hasn’t ended there. Let’s talk about some of the court cases that came AFTER Roe v Wade… It’s important that we recognize and respect the different cultural/religious beliefs of our patients as well. What are some beliefs related to reproductive rights/family planning that are associated with a particular group?… HSM 320 Views on Sterilization Discussions 2 Week 6
As a healthcare professional, what are your ethical perspectives on sterilization? Sterilization has increased as a form of permanent birth control for many people. If a person is making an informed decision and has been told about all of the risks and/or side effects, it is their individual choice as to whether to go through with it. As with any other medical procedure, if the patient is competent and fully informed, sterilization is accepted as an ethical choice for birth control. Thoughts? Is there ever a justification for legally mandated sterilization? What circumstance and why?… Let’s put a different spin on things: Is there ever a justification for legally mandated sterilization? What circumstance andwhy?… At what point, if any, should the person forfeit his/her right to make decisions about family planning? Because they’re poor? Because they’ve had nine children? Because they make bad decisions? You cannot legislate morality. Shame on the physician(s) that took away this woman’s right to choose… HSM 320 The Ability to Determine Death and Increasing Healthcare Costs Discussions Week 7 DeVry HSM 320 The Ability to Determine Death Discussions 1 Week 7 Why is the ability to determine when death has occurred so critical in today’s healthcare environment? What is the difference between brain-oriented death and cardiac death? At what point is it acceptable to harvest organs from a dying patient? Name one myth and one truth about organ donation. What are the requirements to be an organ donor?… Let’s talk about advance directives or “living wills.” Do any of you have a living will? What are some of the benefits to obtaining a living will? What is the difference between a living will and a durable power of attorney… Now let’s talk a bit about euthanasia. What is the difference between active and passive euthanasia? What is a situation in which passive euthanasia might be acceptable?… HSM 320 Increasing Healthcare Costs Discussions 2 Week 7 What is at the heart of the increasing healthcare costs in America? Is it possible to reduce the cost of healthcare so that everyone can have access to affordable healthcare services? Do you feel that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a good step toward reducing healthcare costs in our nation? Why or why not? Health care costs can be devastating for American families without health insurance. How would you suggest we provide basic health care coverage for American families?… Let’s talk about waiting times in countries with a national health care plan. I have heard of Canadians crossing the US/Canada border so that they can have urgent surgery. Would you be willing to wait longer for an appointment with a physician so that you could have access to a national health care plan?… Another thing to consider, though, is even if you do qualify for tax credits on paper, you may not actually be able to receive them based on your geographic location. (The thinking being that the value of a dollar goes farther in Idaho, for example, than it does in California.) Worth pursuing, though…
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