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Devry HIM 435 Midterm Exam Latest

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course:<br>https://www.devrycourses.com/product/devry-him-435-midterm-exam-latest/<br>Devry HIM 435 Midterm Exam Latest<br>Midterm<br>TCO 1. Which of the following best categorizes the group of adopters who comprise the backbone of the organization, are conventional and deliberate in their decisions, and form a bridge with other adopter categories?<br>Student Answer: Innovators<br>Early adopters<br>Early majority<br>

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  1. Devry HIM 435 Midterm Exam Latest Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: https://www.devrycourses.com/product/devry-him-435-midterm-exam-latest/ Or Email us help@devrycourses.com Devry HIM 435 Midterm Exam Latest Midterm TCO 1. Which of the following best categorizes the group of adopters who comprise the backbone of the organization, are conventional and deliberate in their decisions, and form a bridge with other adopter categories? Student Answer: Innovators Early adopters Early majority Late majority Question 2. Question : TCO 1. Which of the following is not one of the traditional four managerial functions? Leading Controlling Planning Negotiating Question 3. Question : TCO 1. Which of the following describes decentralization in management? : The home office or senior executives make the important decisions. The positive and negative effects of decision-making affect the entire organization.

  2. Decision-making should be exercised by top management because that is where final authority rests. Decision-making authority is distributed to the lowest level of the organization because that is where it can be competently exercised. Question 4. Question : TCO 1. Which of the following management functions best describes the task of designing the structure of an organization in order to allocate resources? Planning Organizing Leading Controlling : 0 of 5 Comments: Question 5. Question : TCO 1. The leadership behaviors of an HIM manager that exhibit routine and continuing exchange of effort and commitment between managers and employees in dealing with the daily work refers to transactional leadership. transformational leadership. transrelational leadership. translational leadership. : Question 6. Question : TCO 2. The federal regulation that allows unpaid leave and provides job security to employees who take time off of work due to medical reasons for themselves or for family members is known as the Family and Medical Leave Act.

  3. Americans with Disabilities Act. Civil Rights Act of 1964. Fair Labor Standards Act. Instructor Explanation: Chapter 23 Points Received: 5 of 5 Comments: Question 7. Question : TCO 2. This Act’s purpose is to assure every working man and woman in the nation safe and healthy working conditions and to preserve human resources. Americans with Disabilities Act Civil Rights Act of 1964 Family and Medical Leave Act Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) Question 8. Question : TCO 2. Employees covered by the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) are called __________ employees. waged salaried exempt non-exempt : Question 9. Question : TCO 3. The main purpose for performing a job evaluation or analysis is

  4. to define the design of jobs and work processes that maximize the cost-effective use of Human Resources to support the mission and goals of the organization while addressing each employee’s needs, concerns, and goals. to provide a coherent and comprehensive summary profile of the employee’s credentials, including his or her specific skills; area of expertise; capabilities; and potential for professional growth. to develop and coordinate effective recruitment, selection, orientation, training, and career planning activities. to provide a written reference manual of organizational policies and procedures covering employee rights, benefits, obligations, norms and standards of conduct, and other expectations and constraints on employee behavior. Question 10. Question : TCO 3. Job classification Student Answer: is the simplest and the most subjective method of job evaluation. involves matching a job’s written position description with a description of a classification grade. is a commonly used system that places weights on each of the compensable factors in a job. is a complex, quantitative method that combines elements of both the ranking and point methods. Question 11. Question : TCO 4. Joe is hired as a floater in a health information department to fill in wherever help is needed. He learns the jobs of several employees. This is an example of outsourcing. physical training. cross-training. performance evaluation. Instructor Explanation: Chapter 24 Question 12. Question :

  5. TCO 4. Employee development is important for all of the following reasons except long-term survival and growth of the organization. keeping abreast of changing regulatory and accreditation requirements. keeping staff members busy when the workload is down. keeping the healthcare organization competitive with other facilities. Question 13. Question : TCO 6. The ultimate goal of reengineering is to increase productivity. reduce cost. satisfy customers. improve quality. Instructor Explanation: Chapter 22 Points Received: 0 of 5 Comments: Question 14. Question : TCO 5. The work division pattern in which everyone simultaneously performs a different specialized task is known as parallel work division. unit work division. serial work division. simultanous work division. Question 15. Question : TCO 5. Match the following terms to the appropriate definition.

  6. Student Answer: : This is used in the reinforcement of a standard whenever possible and appropriate. » 1 : Verbal Confirmation : This is used in policy manuals, procedure manuals, regulation manuals, and employee handbooks. » 5 : Documented Rules, Regulations, or Policies : This is used in job descriptions, equipment specification sheets, forms, and design guidelines. » 2 : Written Specifications : This is a sample health record. » 3 : Documentation Model : This is a generalized statement of a unit, department, or organizational standard. » 4 : Goal Question 16. Question : TCO 5. Match the terms with the appropriate definition. Student Answer: CORRECT : This are the physical environment factors of the workplace. » 1 : Aesthetics : This can influence morale, productivity, and job satisfaction. » 3 : Workspace Design : This is a Greek word that means natural law that helps employees with comfort and safety. » 2 : Ergonomics : These specify the level of service expected from a function. » 4 : Qualitative Standards : These specify the level of measurable work or productivity expected for a specific function. » 5 : Quantitative Standards Instructor Explanation: Chapter 22 Points Received: 9 of 15 Comments: Download File Now

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