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Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course:<br>https://www.devrycourses.com/product/devry-netw-490-full-course-projects-latest/<br>Devry NETW 490 Full Course Projects Latest<br>Course Project: Intelligent Imaging Solutions.<br>.next.ecollege.com/(NEXT(8a5eeb9ed7))/Main/AuthorMode/NonManagedVizedHtmlProf/VizedHtmlView.ed?courseItemSubId=451400111&courseItemType=CourseContentItemu2033>Objectives | <br>
Devry NETW 490 Full Course Projects Latest Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: https://www.devrycourses.com/product/devry-netw-490-full-course- projects-latest/ Or Email us help@devrycourses.com Devry NETW 490 Full Course Projects Latest Course Project: Intelligent Imaging Solutions. .next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%288a5eeb9ed7%29%29/Main/AuthorMode/NonManagedVizedH tmlProf/VizedHtmlView.ed?courseItemSubId=451400111&courseItemType=CourseContentIte m″>Objectives | .next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%288a5eeb9ed7%29%29/Main/AuthorMode/NonManagedVizedH tmlProf/VizedHtmlView.ed?courseItemSubId=451400111&courseItemType=CourseContentIte m″>Guidelines | .next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%288a5eeb9ed7%29%29/Main/AuthorMode/NonManagedVizedH tmlProf/VizedHtmlView.ed?courseItemSubId=451400111&courseItemType=CourseContentIte m″>Project Milestones | .next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%288a5eeb9ed7%29%29/Main/AuthorMode/NonManagedVizedH tmlProf/VizedHtmlView.ed?courseItemSubId=451400111&courseItemType=CourseContentIte m″>Grading Rubrics | .next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%288a5eeb9ed7%29%29/Main/AuthorMode/NonManagedVizedH tmlProf/VizedHtmlView.ed?courseItemSubId=451400111&courseItemType=CourseContentIte m″>Best Practices .next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%288a5eeb9ed7%29%29/Main/AuthorMode/NonManagedVizedHtmlProf/VizedHtmlView.ed?courseItemSubId=451400111&courseItemType=CourseContentItem&#top”>.next.ecollege.com/ec/Courses/13775/CRS- DVUO-2148869/Images/021805ibtt.gif”> Objective
For your Senior Project, you will (re)design the networking and communication infrastructure for a major global corporation. They are consolidating their staff and equipment from three separate office buildings and a warehouse into a new multifloor corporate headquarters building. They also have branch offices in a number of cities and have remote and work-at-home requirements for their resources. The primary goal is to have a consistent, manageable, secure, and state-of-the-art global infrastructure for all locations. This project is significant, larger than anything that you’ve experienced in your academic career. It requires working on a team since no person can complete the project alone. It will require the application of all knowledge that you gained during your education at DeVry, your work and life experiences, and much individual and team research. .next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%288a5eeb9ed7%29%29/Main/AuthorMode/NonManagedVizedHtmlProf/VizedHtmlView.ed?courseItemSubId=451400111&courseItemType=CourseContentItem&#top”>.next.ecollege.com/ec/Courses/13775/CRS- DVUO-2148869/Images/021805ibtt.gif”> Guidelines Teamwork is an important component of the Senior Project. Successful projects have fully functioning teams working together during the entire term. The standard size for a team is four to five students. One student should take the role of team leader. The team leader will act as the project coordinator. NOTE: All members of a team, not just the team lead, must turn in the assignments and deliverables. Individual projects are not an option. Each team member is required to actively participate in all aspects of the team’s work. High-functioning teams establish a plan and actively communicate on a continual basis, sharing responsibilities and ideas. Every week, the team will prepare a status report. Successful completion of this class requires the team to plan, communicate, and work together. In Week 7 of the term, you will participate in a 360-degree feedback process. You will be required to give feedback on yourself and your team members. Information from this process will be incorporated into your final grade.
Papers can range from 40-100 pages in length; 10-point font; double-spaced; and include a cover page, table of contents, introduction, body of the report, summary or conclusion, and works cited. Please use the provided templates. Please follow the APA guidelines for formatting references. Appropriate citations are required. All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the Plagiarism Policy. Papers and oral presentations are due during Weeks 7 and 8 of this course. .next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%288a5eeb9ed7%29%29/Main/AuthorMode/NonManagedVizedHtmlProf/VizedHtmlView.ed?courseItemSubId=451400111&courseItemType=CourseContentItem&#top”>.next.ecollege.com/ec/Courses/13775/CRS- DVUO-2148869/Images/021805ibtt.gif”> Project Milestones Business Case – Week 4 Project Proposal with detailed Technical Design – Week 7 Executive Presentation – Week 8 .next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%288a5eeb9ed7%29%29/Main/AuthorMode/NonManagedVizedHtmlProf/VizedHtmlView.ed?courseItemSubId=451400111&courseItemType=CourseContentItem&#top”>.next.ecollege.com/ec/Courses/13775/CRS- DVUO-2148869/Images/021805ibtt.gif”> Grading Rubrics Business Case Points% Description Documentation, Editing, and Formatting A quality paper will include all of the elements of the template provided in Doc Sharing. It will conform to APA guidelines. 10 10 Organization and Cohesiveness 20 20 The content will be properly subdivided into sections derived from the template. The Business Case shall contain an Executive Summary, Project Overview, Description, Cost Benefit Analysis, and Risk Assessment. Content 70 70
Total 100 100 A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements. Course Paper Points% Description Documentation, Editing, and Formatting A quality paper will include a title page, an abstract, proper citations, and a bibliography. It will conform to APA guidelines. 30 10 The content will be properly subdivided into sections derived from the APA Style Sheet. In a quality paper, the conclusion will summarize the previously presented content and will complement the thesis statement from the introduction. Organization and Cohesiveness 60 20 A quality paper will have significant scope and depth of research to support any statements. Relevant illustration or examples are encouraged. A quality paper will employ sound use of reasoning and logic to reinforce conclusions. A quality paper will address all requirements. Content 210 70 Total 300 100 A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements. Course Presentation Points% Description A quality presentation will include a title page and utilize a business-like, appropriate theme. It will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. It will be clear, concise, and factually correct. Avoid distracting features (blinking, flashing), and utilize animations judiciously. Editing and Formatting 18 15 Organization and Cohesiveness 18 15 1 Hour Adobe iConnect recorded presentation. Use diagrams where appropriate. Presentation 24 20 Know the material, don’t read the slides, and focus on the content.
Content 60 50 Focus on the requirements, conclusions, and implementation sections. Total 120 100 A quality presentation will meet or exceed all of the above requirements. .next.ecollege.com/%28NEXT%288a5eeb9ed7%29%29/Main/AuthorMode/NonManagedVizedHtmlProf/VizedHtmlView.ed?courseItemSubId=451400111&courseItemType=CourseContentItem&#top”>.next.ecollege.com/ec/Courses/13775/CRS- DVUO-2148869/Images/021805ibtt.gif”> Best Practices Download File Now