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Amituofo I attended two retreats in 2013 and would like to share my learning and experiences: Than Hsiang Temple ( 檀香寺 ) in Penang Cheng Tian Si ( 承天寺 ) in Taipei May I also dedicate any merits from the retreats to you, dear Dharma brothers and sisters, for you to have
Amituofo I attended two retreats in 2013 and would like to share my learning and experiences: • Than Hsiang Temple (檀香寺) in Penang • Cheng Tian Si (承天寺) in Taipei May I also dedicate any merits from the retreats to you, dear Dharma brothers and sisters, for you to have favourable conditions to attend retreats in 2014 & beyond. For 2014, Than Hsiang Temple offers: 3-day retreat from 5 to 8 June 7-day retreat from 23 to 30 Nov Cheng Tian Si offers: 3 rounds of 7-day retreat from 18 Dec to 7 Jan During this period, you may go for a full 7-day retreat or any number of days, such as 3 days, 9 days, etc. If you wish to find out more, I will be most happy to answer your questions. Feel free to call at 9736 1146 or email chingwi@gmail.com. Yap Ching Wi 叶静慧合十
(1) Learning at Than Hsiang Temple (Penang) - thanhsiang.org 人生最可贵,因可成就佛道。 佛和历代祖师未成道前 也是从凡夫身修起。 我们可在佛七期修成往生的因缘。 如不能七天成就,也要立下这一世往生,最少在临终往生。 Why Do We Attend Retreat? Most precious aspect of human life is the ability to realize Buddhahood Buddha himself did it and all great masters, one after another did it; so why can't we? We can cultivate the causes for rebirth in Pure Land in this retreat. If not in this retreat at least in this life. Or at least at the time we need it most - the time of death.
(2)Learning at Than Hsiang Temple (Penang) - thanhsiang.org • Practice Road Map • Foundation: • Take refuge and observe the precepts well • Observe 10 meritorious deeds • Daily: • Recite Amitabha sincerely and tirelessly • Repent, dedicate merits & make aspirations • Spiritual Growth: • Foundation develop Renunciation 出离心develop Bodhichitta菩提心 十善法 Ten Wholesome Dharmas 1. 保护生命,避免杀生 Protect lives and avoid killing 2. 常行布施,避免偷盗 Practice generosity & avoid taking the not given 3. 保护贞节,避免邪淫 Protect chastity and avoid sexual misconduct 4. 说诚实语,避免妄语 Speak truthfully and avoid false speech 5. 說和合语,避免两舌 Speak to promote harmony and avoid slander 6. 說柔和语,避免恶口 Speak gently and avoid harsh speech 7. 說有益语,避免绮语 Speak to benefit and avoid idle speech 8. 修知足心,避免贪婪 Develope contentment and avoid coveting 9. 修慈爱心,避免嗔恚 Develope loving kindness and avoid malice 10. 修正信心,避免邪見 Develope pure faith and avoid wrong view
(3)Learning at Than Hsiang Temple (Penang) - thanhsiang.org We must keep on seeking the blessing and guidance of Amitabha – do not be concerned with “disturbing too much” or feel that we are not pious enough. 十方如來憐念眾生。如母憶子。若子逃逝。雖憶何為。 子若憶母。如母憶時。母子歷生不相違遠。 若眾生心。憶佛念佛。現前當來。必定見佛。去佛不遠。不假方便。自得心開。 “Out of pity for living beings, the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions are mindful of them as a mother remembers her child. If the child runs away, of what use is the mother’s regard? But if the child remembers his mother in the same way that the mother remembers the child, then in life after life the mother and child will not be far apart. If living beings remember the Buddha and are mindful of the Buddha, certainly they will see the Buddha now or in the future. They will never be far from the Buddha, and their minds will awaken by themselves, without the aid of expedients.
Qualifying age: 16 to 60 • 佛三 application form will be ready end March, visit thanhsiang.org/en, enquiry: infocentre@thanhsiang.org (or email chingwi@gmail.com I can help forward you) • Closing date: when places are filled up • No fee (donation basis) • Travelling costs around SGD $250 (airfare ~ SGD $200, taxi fare from airport ~RM55 (sits 4), taxi fare to airport ~RM20) • No extra days of travelling! Fly morning of retreat & back late afternoon of retreat 2014: June 5-8 佛三 (Thu-Sun) Nov 23-30 佛七 (短期出家) (Sat-Sun)
THAN HSIANG TEMPLE’S REGULATIONS FOR 2013 RETREAT 精進佛七錄取回函 您的申請已獲批準,歡迎您參加本寺2013年度精進佛七,請注意下列事項: 1. 精進佛七將從2013年11月16日至24日在檳城檀香寺舉行。 2. 已报名参加精進佛七者﹐不可臨時更換成短期出家。 3. 請您在2013年11月16日下午12.00pm ~ 3.00pm前來報到﹐遲到者主辦單位有權廢除其參加資格。 4. 參加者須自备黑色海青、拖鞋、衣物、毛巾、盥洗用具等。 5. 本寺將提供洗衣服務,故無需攜帶任何洗衣用品。爲了方便領回已洗乾淨的衣物,請預先將名字寫/縫在各自的衣物上。 6. 請在報到前,作好心理準備。在未來的七天內,您所過的將是團體合群的生活,而非家庭或個人生活。此外,也請您養成淩晨四時半起床和過午不食的習慣。本寺將於指定時間提供足夠流質飲料,所以不必帶美祿之類的飲品來。(胃病患者將另作安排) 7. 佛七期間﹐每日謹守八關齋戒﹐即﹕(一)不殺生﹑(二)不偷盜﹑(三)不淫﹑(四)不妄語﹑(五)不飲酒﹑(六)離花香瓔珞香油塗身﹑(七)離高勝床上坐及作倡伎樂故往觀聽﹑(八)離非时食。故不可攜帶任何貴重物品,如金鏈、戒指、耳鐶等裝飾品。手機﹑錢包等貴重物品請在報到時呈交予秘書處代為保管,手錶除外。 8. 生活作息一概以打板爲準,故不須攜帶鬧鐘,妨礙同修之睡眠。若有攜帶者請在報到時呈交予秘書處代為保管。 9. 必須萬緣放下, 以精進的態度來修持, 以達契機。 10. 佛七期間,不許外出、不許接受訪客、不許接聽電話和使用手機、不許閱讀其他讀物。 11. 佛七期間,嚴禁交談,任何時刻皆得保持身心安靜的狀態。 12. 圓滿日出堂时间是在2013年11月24日下午 3.00pm大回向後﹔請自行安排交通﹐本寺一概不負責戒子之交通。
(1)Learning at Cheng Tian Si (Taipei) – ctbm.org.tw With repentance 忏悔心, I was able to see my judgmental attitude clearly, accept this weakness as a habitual tendency and successfully develop a method to counter this in my daily life. At the retreat, it is very useful to do prostrations during breaks, to repent. I learnt the importance of repentance 忏悔, to clear bad karma 消业障so that I can develop stronger connection with Amitabha and expand my mind 心量. As my mind calm down, I can see my habitual tendencies习气clearer and can forgive myself more. I am highly critical of myself and judgmental of others. I now see that these are unnecessary distractions in my cultivation and are obstacles in my career success. I have learnt to be kinder to myself and accept that this habitual tendency of mine will not just go away overnight but surely it will be reduced over the years. I feel so relieved and light as I accept this. Now, every time my critical mind arises, I gently catch it and replace the judging thoughts with silently chanting “Amituofo”.
承天禅寺 Cheng Tian Si 2014 - All these info available at: ctbm.org.tw Email Registration starts 8 Oct 农历九月十五 Latest Reporting Date: For 1st佛七: 17th Dec For 2nd 佛七: 24th Dec For 3rd 佛七:31st Dec Note: latest arrival time on these days is 3pm If you plan to arrive a few days before the 2nd or 3rd佛七, you may arrive anytime from 8am to 8pm You may join a full 佛七 + any number of 随缘 days
佛七 Retreat Daily Schedule 广钦老和尚开示 忍辱是修行之本,戒中也以忍辱为第一道,忍辱是最大福德之处,能行忍的人,福报最大,也增加定力且消业障、开启智慧
佛七 Retreat Registration: we can register via email 广钦老和尚开示 別人的行為是好,我們的心裡不起歡喜貪著 心,行為不好,也不起憎惡心,要好好按捺這個心,不起煩惱,別人 不好,別人的習氣,那是別人的事,如果我們拿來起煩惱,那就是自 己的愚癡。這樣,不論事情是好是壞,能保持這個心不動,便是忍辱 。能夠衝破這一關,以後對什麼事就比較不會起煩惱,這點切要好好 學,好好磨練,如此業障自然消除,身體自然也好起來。
佛七 Retreat Rules – please not to worry that the rules are strict, Amitabha will take compassionate good care of us. Also, the Venerables at Cheng Tian Si are very compassionate and caring.
You may download all these teachings and chanting tunes at: ctbm.org.tw 承天禪寺助念教學 人生最大的一件事 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH8KjqM3b10