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Cloth Nappies: The Superior Choice for Your Baby and the Environment

Cloth Nappies outshine Disposable Nappies in terms of environmental impact, cost efficiency, convenience, and child-friendliness. Research shows Cloth Nappies are non-toxic, reusable, and cost-effective. Findings reveal Disposable Nappies take up to 500 years to decompose and contain harmful chemicals. Cloth Nappies can save over $1944 yearly and are more child-friendly, aiding in earlier potty training. Protect your baby and the planet with Cloth Nappies.

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Cloth Nappies: The Superior Choice for Your Baby and the Environment

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  1. Cloth Nappies; are a better choice; than disposable nappies. The products were researched, examined, critiqued, judged and evaluated based on four main criteria. The criteria which the products were compared against are the following; environmentally friendly, cost effective, convenience and child friendly.After researching, the data was converted into a table which clearly depicted each of the positives and negatives for each product, against each of the four criteria.Representing the data in this format; made examining the overall outcome of the data much more simple. One glance at the data; portrayed clearly, that the total of positive attributes Cloth Nappies has far outweighs any of its negative attributes. Furthermore the very few positive attributes, which Disposable Nappies had, were surpassed by the overwhelming amount of negative attributes.Through evaluating the data; a judgement was reached; Cloth Nappies are a better product than Disposable Nappies. Below, I will defend my judgement.The most environmentally friendly product was easily Cloth Nappies. Cloth Nappies are non-toxic and re-usable. To re-use cloth nappies; they need only be washed, some may argue that this process is more harming to the environment than using disposable nappies; however that is not the case. Research shows that; it takes as much energy to produce one disposable as it does to wash one cloth nappy 200 times (Nest Nappies, 2012). Furthermore, a study done at the Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne found that cloth nappies use 2.3 times less water, less energy and use a smaller land area for raw materials (The Green Nappy Company, 2013). To even produce one disposable nappy; requires twice the amount of water; than washing one nappy for a year. The positive attributes to using Cloth Nappies were plentiful.In contrast; Disposable Nappies cause great harm to the environment. One Disposable Nappy can take up to 500 years to decompose, with a baby needing an estimation of 2’788 nappies a year, this fact is alarming. Furthermore; rotting disposable nappies in landfill, pollute the groundwater with human waste and product high quantities of methane, a gas that contributes to global warming (The Green Nappy Company, 2013). Research proved that in relation to cost effectiveness; using Cloth Nappies could save parents over $1944 per year. It’s worth the convenience, some may argue. However, cloth nappies do not need to be bleached, soaked or ironed contrary to peoples beliefs. They need only be thrown in the wash like normal washing. Most importantly; Cloth Nappies are much more child friendly than Disposable Nappies. Disposable Nappies are made using toxic chemicals, which can irritate babies’ skin or be harmful to them. The WHO (World Health Organisation) even found levels over 3 times the estimated tolerable daily intake of Tributyl Tin (a highly toxic chemical); in some nappy brands (Nest Nappies, 2012). Cloth Nappies are non-toxic and made from soft comfortable material. Research suggests that children in cloth nappies will be toilet-trained 6-12 months earlier than children in disposables. This is because cloth nappies can help children become aware when they are wet. (The Green Nappy Company, 2013) In conclusion, in relation to nappies being; environmentally friendly, convenient, cost effective and child friendly, Cloth Nappies are a clear win.

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