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鳳凰. הדירקטור של המכון המדעי למחקר "FOHOW“- ופיתוח של תאגיד. פרופ' טאן יו ג'י Tang You Zhi. מנהל מכון המחקר ופיתוח של התאגיד. אחד מהנציגים הבולטים בחוגים המדעיים של הרפואה הסינית המסורתית (TCM) . המייסד המודרני של התיאוריה של מדעי הבריאות. סגן היו"ר של האסטרטגיה לפיתוח של תאגיד FOHOW-.
鳳凰 הדירקטור של המכון המדעי למחקר "FOHOW“- ופיתוח של תאגיד פרופ' טאן יו ג'י Tang You Zhi מנהל מכון המחקר ופיתוח של התאגיד. אחד מהנציגים הבולטים בחוגים המדעיים של הרפואה הסינית המסורתית (TCM). המייסד המודרני של התיאוריה של מדעי הבריאות. סגן היו"ר של האסטרטגיה לפיתוח של תאגידFOHOW- FOHOW ISRAEL
Tang You Zhi Resume NAME: TANG, YOU-ZHIPROFESSION: Ophthalmologist ; GENDER: Male; DATE & PLACE OF BIRTH: July 1st, 1926; Hangzhou, Zhejiang province , China POSITION:Professor & Honorary President of China Academy of TCM POSTAL ADDRESS: China Academy of Traditional Chinese MedicineBeixincang, Dongzhimen; Beijing 100700; P.R. of China; Tel.: (8610)-64014356; Fax:(8610)-64016387 EDUCATION:LU Nan- Shan Clinic of Ophthalmology og Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1943-1948 Licence(from former Chinese Ministry of Health , Nanking/Nanjing); Peking Medical College(Beijing Medical University), majored in medicine, 1952-1957 Diploma(Degree ) MEMBERSHIP OF ASSOCIATION, INSTITUTES, ETC.:Member, Board of Chinese Medical FoundationHonorary Member, State Committee of New Drug Evaluation, Chinese Ministry of Public HealthVice President, Chinese Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western medicineMember, Standing Committee of Chinese Association of Traditional ; Chinese Medicine(TCM)President, Chinese Association of Ophthalmology of TCMPresident, Chinese Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western OphthalmologyChief Editor, Chinese Journal of Traditional OphthalmologyMember, Editorial Board of Chinese Encyclopedia of Medicine Member, Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine; Member, Editorial Board of Journal of TCM Honorary President, Chinese Association of Clinical Pharmacology of TCM Honorary Professor, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy Honorary Professor, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and PharmacyHonorary President, European Society of Ophthalmology & TCMAdvisor, Board of the World Cataract Lens Project( Memphis, Tennessee USA)Academic Counselor, American Institute of TCM.
Tang You Zhi HONOURS, PRIZES, AWARDS;1. First award from Chinese Ministry of Public Health for outstanding achievement in modern development of couching technique (pars plana incision)for cataract surgery, 19662. Honorary Certificate of Merit from Chinese National Congress of Science and Technology, 19783. National second award for outstanding achievement in modern develolpment of Couching-Snaring technique(pars plana lens extraction) for cataract surgery by State Committee of Science and Technology, 19854. Subject of Commendation in MEN OF ACHIEVEMENT twelfth edition for distinguished achievement( International Biographical Centre Commemorative Awards, Cambridge, England), 1986 5. Certificate of Merit awarded for distinguished service which are subject of notice in the first edition of WHO'S WHO IN AUSTRALASIA AND THE FAR EAST(International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England) , 19886. Diploma awarded for scientific achievement and labour in benefit of mankind by World Cultural Council, Monterey, Mexico, 1989 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Practice of Ophthalmology both with traditional Chinese and western medicine. Specialized in cataract, glaucoma, retinal degeneration, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, Central venous occlusion, keratitis, uveitis, optic nerve atrophy etc.. Research in the treatment of ophthalmologic diseases with traditional Chinese medicine or with integrated traditional and western medicine using modern science and technology. Management and administration of medical research with modern science and technology. New drug development and evaluation(TCM).