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1 which is a C++ assignment

1 which is a C++ assignment. A sum = num + 5; B cin >> value; C cout << “hi”; D // add values. 2 the assignment statement. A calculates a value B repeats statements C supplies comments D outputs information. CSC 175 - PowerPoint. Assignment 2 due - project in folder on M: drive.

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1 which is a C++ assignment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1which is a C++ assignment • Asum = num + 5; • Bcin >> value; • Ccout << “hi”; • D// add values

  2. 2 the assignment statement • A calculates a value • B repeats statements • C supplies comments • D outputs information

  3. CSC 175 - PowerPoint Assignment 2 due - project in folder on M: drive

  4. CSC 175 - PowerPoint PowerPoint Slide Presentations • technically: • how to create • aesthetically: • what is “good”

  5. CSC 175 - PowerPoint PowerPoint Slide Presentations • Examples … • What’s possible …

  6. CSC 175 - Examples Executable files

  7. CSC 175 - Examples Different Environments <- Windows UNIX ->

  8. CSC 175 Example Use hashing algorithm - instructions for locating records within file • Divide Key by prime # remainder is the “address” of record

  9. Logical Record # File Key Field (eg ID number) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Zeb - 45 - $0.02 45 Hashing Algorithm 45 % 11 = 1

  10. Logical Record # File Key Field (eg ID number) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Zeb - 45 - $0.02 15 Zeke - 15 - $5.00 Hashing Algorithm 15 % 11 = 4

  11. Logical Record # File Key Field (eg ID number) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Zeb - 45 - $0.02 58 Martha - 58 - $25 Zeke - 15 - $5.00 Hashing Algorithm 58 % 11 = 3

  12. Logical Record # File Key Field (eg ID number) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Zeb - 45 - $0.02 32 Martha - 58 - $25 Zeke - 15 - $5.00 Hashing Algorithm 32 % 11 = 10 Mable - 32 - $50

  13. CSC 175 - Examples

  14. CSC 175 - Examples • Request Information • Ex: Checking accountbalance … data already stored in file; need to locate information

  15. CSC 175 - Examples • Account # | Balance1734 | $57.652339 | $345.004052 | $700.015580 | $0.986374 | $417.19Request info: account # 5580

  16. CSC 175 - Examples • Dot-Matrix

  17. 734125-19905 Data CSC 175 - Examples

  18. Info CSC 175 - Examples • U.P.C | Price173468 | $57.65233900 | $4.99405234 | $0.79734125 | $0.98837429 | $17.95Request info: upc 734125...

  19. CSC 175 - Examples Twinkies,Yummy $0.98

  20. CSC 175 - PowerPoint PowerPoint Slide Presentations • technically: • how to create • aesthetically: • what is “good”

  21. CSC 175 - PowerPoint Slide Transitions • “animation effect” applied between slides

  22. CSC 175 - PowerPoint Slide Transitions • “animation effect” applied between slides • THAT was a transition

  23. CSC 175 - PowerPoint Slide Animation • “animation effect” applied within the slide

  24. CSC 175 - PowerPoint Slide Animation • “animation effect” applied within the slide • THOSE were animations

  25. CSC 175 - PowerPoint

  26. CSC 175 - PowerPoint PowerPoint Slide Presentations • technically: • how to create • aesthetically: • what is “good”

  27. Two purposes of graphics To communicatean idea To generate, create, anddiscovernew ideas

  28. CSC 175 - PowerPoint

  29. Mon Sun 15 17 19 15 22 10 15 15 10 11 15 20 12 18 14 23 12 15 18 12 17 13 11 21 10 29 12 17 29 12 When was it above 20ºC during this month?

  30. Now when was it above 20? Mon Sun 15 17 19 15 22 10 15 15 10 11 15 20 12 18 14 23 12 15 18 12 17 13 11 21 10 29 12 17 22 12

  31. CSC 175 - Presentations • Good and PoorPowerPointPresentations

  32. CSC 175 - Presentations • PoorPowerPointPresentations

  33. Origins of CS & Computers • The first calculating device was created by Wilhelm Schickard in the year 1623. Schickard was a Lutheran pastor and professor at the University of Tubingen. Schickard was a friend of the astronomer Kepler who may have provided the impetus for Schickard’s machine. One thing that’s cool about PowerPoint is that I can write a whole lot of text in a very small font. With so much text on a slide, everyone will be impressed. “How’d he do that?” all my friends will ask. Obviously, they’re jealous of my PowerPoint expertise.

  34. What’s wrong with that? • - Don’t write it • - Too much type • - Type too small

  35. Origins of CS & Computers • I. The first calculating device • A. Wilhelm Schickard in 1623. • 1. Lutheran pastor • 2. prof at the U of Tubingen. • B.Kepler • 1.provided the impetus

  36. What was better about that? • - Outline • - Larger font size

  37. What’s still wrong with it? • - colors • - font style • - still too much info

  38. Origins of CS & Computers • I. The first calculating device • A. Wilhelm Schickard in 1623. Yo, dudes!

  39. What’s right with that? • - color and font • - one chunk of info • - humor

  40. What’s still wrong with it? • - too animated • - focus on content

  41. Origins of CS & Computers • A. Origins of Computer Science • 1. Wilhelm Schickard (1592 - 1635)

  42. Origins of CS & Computers • Schickard Calculator

  43. CSC 175 - PowerPoint

  44. CSC 175 - PowerPoint

  45. Brochure Assignment Initial Feedback • Final Brochure due …

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