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Computational Perception Li Liu

Computational Perception Li Liu. 10 lectures 2 exercises 2 labs 1 project 1 written examination. Course. Upload information. Computational Perception. Biomedia. Download information. Scope. to learn how perceptual organs work to understand information processing

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Computational Perception Li Liu

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  1. Computational Perception Li Liu

  2. 10 lectures • 2 exercises • 2 labs • 1 project • 1 written examination Course

  3. Upload information Computational Perception Biomedia Download information Scope

  4. to learn how perceptual organs work • to understand information processing • under nervous systems • to experience technical challenges What Do We Study?

  5. Perceptual Process

  6. Proximal stimulus Transduction processing Perception Recognition Action Distal Stimulus Perception Sensation Cognition Perceptual Process

  7. A: The behavior approach stimulation to perception D B: The physiological approach stimulus to processing C: The psychological approach processing to perception D: Our approach Transduction to perception Perceptual Cycle

  8. Lec 3 Neuron, neural network, and brain Lec 5 Learning and neural networks Transduction processing Perception Lec 6 Perceptive field Lec 7 Sensory integration Lec 9 Visual attention Lec 10 Tactile video Lec 4 Natural Sensors Course Focus

  9. Transduction is the transform of one form of energy into another form of energy. In the nervous system, transduction occurs when environmental energy is transformed into electrical energy. Transduction

  10. Transduction is the transform of one form of energy into another form of energy. In the nervous system, transduction occurs when environmental energy is transformed into electrical energy. Perceptual Organs

  11. Neural processing is the operations that transform the electrical signals in the networks of neurons. An important processing is to extract the primary sketches from sensory raw data. Neural Processing

  12. Right Eye Left Eye Optic Nerves Retinal Image Optic Chiasm Optic Tracts Superior Colliculus (left lobe) Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) - left Optic Radiations Visual Association Cortex Perception Perception is the process of putting inputs together into a usable mental representation of the world.

  13. Sensory Bandwidth Perceptual Bandwidth Cognitive Bandwidth sensation perception data information cognition knowledge Information Rate

  14. This course is to understand information processing in the nervous system. • computer simulations of neural circuits, models of learning, • representation of sensory information in neural networks, • computational analysis of problems in biological sensing and perception How Do We Study Perception?

  15. Learning in neural network • Interaction bwteen our • neural system and physical • environment • Sensory integration Three Topics

  16. How To Do A Project? Li Liu

  17. Research & Project ” The good researcher is not ’one who knows the right answers’ but ’one who is struggling to find out what the right questions might be’ ” Phillips and Pugh, 1994

  18. Project • Setting your project • Conducting your project • Presenting your project

  19. 1. Setting your project • Writing a proposal • Project planning

  20. Writing a project proposal • Thinking about Title, aim, objectives, extected outcomes, related research, questions, hypotheses, methods, .....

  21. Project Planning • Work breakdown • Time estimates • Milestone identification • Activity sequencing • Scheduling • Replanning

  22. 2. Conducting your project • Literature searching and literature reviews • Doing your project

  23. Literature review To avoid ”re-invent wheel”

  24. Doing your project • Project Control • Dealing with problems • Managing your time • Using your supervisor • Team work

  25. 3. Presenting your project • Writing report • Oral presentation

  26. Ref: The Essence of Computing Projects a student’s guide by Christian W. Dawson

  27. Good luck!

  28. What is a ”project”? Project = ”Solving a problem”

  29. A Problem? • What is the problem? • How to solve the problem? • How to know that the problem has been solved? • How good is the solution? A quality measure.

  30. Case 1

  31. Personal Area Network

  32. Principle

  33. Speech – Control Technology Name Dialing Hand Free

  34. Speech Recognizer ”repeat” Speech Recognizer

  35. Speech Signal Waveform

  36. Effect of Background Noises

  37. 100 Words Correct Rate (%) 0 0 -30 Speech-to-Noise Ratio (dB) Performance

  38. Lip Tracker

  39. Performance of Speech Recognition 100 Auditory and visual cues Words Correct Rate (%) Auditory cues only 0 0 -30 Speech-to-Noise Ratio (dB)

  40. Tip ? How to Design A Headset?

  41. Mobile Phones

  42. Scenario • Shadi has a banking system based on a password • He heard about an old Palestinian-Chinease identification system that could increase his system security • He made a search on the Internet and found that he may find it at Umeå University, Biomedia2007. • You are the consultants to help him

  43. How to enjoy football with your mobile phone

  44. One way is to use animation..

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