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Significance of Venkateswara Worship in Kali yuga

Significance of Venkateswara Worship in Kali yuga. Kali: sadhu: - (Kali is the best) says Veda vyasa – Its merit is “Value for efforts” – least efforts yielding maximum results Kali’s disadvantage is – Austerity, honesty, Truth and virtues at the lowest ebb.

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Significance of Venkateswara Worship in Kali yuga

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  1. Significance of Venkateswara Worship in Kali yuga • Kali: sadhu: - (Kali is the best) says Veda vyasa – Its merit is “Value for efforts” – least efforts yielding maximum results • Kali’s disadvantage is – Austerity, honesty, Truth and virtues at the lowest ebb. • The solution - Simple efforts in the right direction • Let us refer to Rg Veda

  2. Rg Veda about Tirumala • arAyi kAne vikatE girim gaccha satAnvE sirim pithasya satvabhi: ebhistva sAtayAmasi – if you are a destitute, lost your wealth, no saviour, march towards the 7 Hills, the abode of Srinivasa, chanting Govinda nAma as many times as possible along with like minded devotees. • Is it sounding simple ? The etymological meaning of the word Venkata provides the answer – ‘Vem’ means the collection of sins and ‘kata’ means burning to ashes. Staying for a while in Venkata giri burns our sins to ashes and sows bhakti in our minds.

  3. Kalou vEnkata nAyaka: • Lord Srinivasa is accessible to one and all • He is impartial while granting the wish of all • Our wish list is long – wealth, health, marriage, employment, children, business …it is never ending. Why cannot we leave the decision to Him ? Does He not know better ? • The permanent solution is – satisfaction and sAnti. In other words –The Lord Himself.

  4. 7 Simple practices • Follow Rg veda and climb the 7 hills – behold – walk through these 7 simple steps and reach the 8th – Lord Venkatesa Himself. • Venkatesa is pleased by floral offering as is evident from daily tOmala seva. Can we offer Him 7 flowers – He being the 8th. • Ahimsa prathamam pushpam pushpam indriya nigraha: sarva bhUta dayA pushpam kshamA pushpam visEshata: gnAnam pushmam tapa: pushpam dyAnam pushpam tathaiva ca satyam ashtavidham pushpam vishnO: pritikaram bhavEt.

  5. The 8 flowers • 1. Ahimsa – do not offend anyone by speech, mind or body. The cruelty of bhagavata apacaram. • 2. Indriya nigraha: - control of senses – control of food habits – absorbing the Divine body of Venkatesa through our senses • 3. Sarva bhUta dayA – compassion towards all beings – Rama’s mercy towards rAkshasas and RavaNa – Yudhishthira’s svarga arOhaNa. – kUrathazhvan and nAloorAn. • 4. kshamA – Forgive and forget – Rama about vibheeshana, kAkAsura, samudra rAja – Ramanuja about a launderer.

  6. 8 flowers (contd) • 5. gnAnam – wisdom – bhakti rUpApanna gnana – a blend of gnAna and bhakti – the unfailing means – Vidura ? • 6. Tapas – research and nyasam – surrender – accept His saviourship • 7. dyAnam – meditation – make a humble beginning with 15 minutes a day. • 8. Satyam – Truth – satyam bhUta hitam proktam – the Lord Himself – sat (sentient) + ti (insentient) + yam (the controller).

  7. The ultimate objective • The purpose of our birth is to please the Creator, Lord Venkatesa • For sure He is pleased by offering these 8 flowers. • We are blessed with everything (initially) and with sAnti and bhagavat prapti (eventually). • Let us begin …..

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