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Navigating BGP Complexity: Pitfalls, Misconfigurations, and Inefficiencies

Explore the complexities of BGP protocol, from misconfigurations affecting connectivity to inefficiencies in routing, with insights on performance, reliability, and more.

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Navigating BGP Complexity: Pitfalls, Misconfigurations, and Inefficiencies

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  1. BGP Inefficiencies Supplemental slides 02/14/2007 Aditya Akella

  2. BGP Complexity • BGP is a very complicated protocol • Too many knobs • Need to accommodate (sub-optimal) ISP policies • Requires complex, human configuration • For all its complexity, BGP offers no guarantees • Performance?? • Reliability?? • Correctness?? • Reachability?? • All of BGPs complexity begets… Headache!

  3. BGP Pitfalls and Problems • Pitfalls and problems • Misconfiguration • Convergence • Performance • Reliability • Stability • Security • And the list goes on…

  4. Favorite Scapegoat! Networkingcommunity BGP

  5. Misconfiguration [Mahajan02Sigcomm] • Origin misconfiguration: accidentally inject routes for prefixes into global BGP tables

  6. Misconfiguration • Export misconfiguration: export route to a peer in violation of policy

  7. Interesting Observations • Origin misconfig • 72% of new routes may be misconfig • 11-13% of misconfig incidents affect connectivity • Pings and e-mail checks • Self de-aggregation is the main cause • Export misconfig • Upto 500 misconfiguration incidents per day • All forms are prevalent, although provider-AS-provider is more likely

  8. Effects and Causes Export Misconfig • Effects • Routing load • Connectivity disruption • Extra traffic • Policy violation • Causes (Origin misconfig) • Router vendor software bugs: announce and withdraw routes on reboot • Reliance on upstream filtering • New configuration not saved to stable storage (separate command and no autosave!) • Hijacks of address spaces • Forgotten to install filter • Human operators and poor interface P1 P2 A C • Intended policy: Provide transit to C through link A-C • Configured policy: Export all routes originated by C to P1 and P2 • Correct policy: export only when AS path is “C”

  9. BGP Convergence [Labovitz00Sigcomm] • Conventional beliefs • Path vector converges faster than traditional DV (eliminates the count to infinity problem) • Internet path restoration takes order of 10s of seconds • Convergence • Recovery after a fault may take as much as ten minutes • Single routing fault could result in multiple announcements and withdrawals • Loss and RTT around times of faults are much worse • Upon route withdrawal, explore paths of increasing length • In the worst case, could explore n! paths • Depends which messages are processed and when • Limit between update message could reduce messages • Forces all outstanding messages to be processed

  10. End-to-End Routing Behavior [Paxson96Sigcomm] • Large scale routing behavior as seen by end-hosts, based on analysis of traceroutes • Pathologies: persistent routing loops, routing failures and long connectivity outages • Stability: 9% or routes changed every 10s of minutes, 30% about ~6hrs and 68% took a few days • Symmetry: more than half of paths probed were asymmetric at router level

  11. Inefficiencies in BGP &Internet Routing • Route convergence and oscillations • Poor reliability • No way to exploit redundancy in Internet paths • Inefficiency: sub-optimal RTTs and throughputs • What are some of the causes? • Policies in routing: Inter-domain and Intra-domain • Lack of direct routes, “sparseness” of the Internet graph

  12. Inefficiency of Routes [Spring03Sigcomm] • Three classes of reasons for poor performance (“inflation”) • Intra-domain topology and policy • Topology: no direct link between all cities • Routing policy: “shortest paths” may be avoided due to engineering • ISP Peering • Peeering topology: limited peering between ISPs • Peering policy: hot-potato routing or early-exit routing • Inter-domain • Topology: AS graph is sparse • Inter-domain policies: policies are policies

  13. Path Inflation Summary

  14. Internet Bottlenecks As access technology improves… Non-access or Wide-Area Bottlenecks? Last-mile, slow access links limit transfer bandwidth High-speed “core” Big, fatPipe(s) Slow, flaky home connection 100Mbps home connection Most bottlenecks are last-mile

  15. Wide-Area Bottlenecks Wide-area bottleneck  where an unconstrained TCP flow sees delays and losses Not the “traditional” bottlenecks  may not be congested Link with the least available bandwidth Very Small ISP Very Small ISP Tiny ISP Unconstrained TCP flow Wide-Area Internet/High-speed “core” Small ISP Small ISP Small ISP ATT Very Small ISP Sprint UUNet Small ISP Tiny ISP SmallISP Tiny ISP

  16. Measurement Tool: BFind But no control over destination Emulate the whole processfrom the source! Ideally… dest source Monitor queues, identify where queues build up bottleneck

  17. Measurement Tool: BFind Round 1 Round 2 Round j • BFind functions like TCP: gradually increase send rate until hits bottleneck • Can identify key properties of the bottleneck • Location, latency, available bandwidth (== send rate of BFind before quitting) • Single-ended control • Quits after 180s and before send rate hits 50Mbps • Bfind validation: wide-area experiments and simulations 1Mbps Flag #2, keep curent rate for round j+1 force queueing Rate for round 2:1+d Mbps Rate for round 3: 1+2d Mbps Rate controlled UDP stream Round j:Queueing on #2! Round 2:No queueing! Round 1:No queueing! dest source Rounds ofTraceroutes If #2 flagged too many times  quit. Identify #2 as bottleneck Monitor links forqueueing Report toUDP process

  18. Results: Location Intra-ISP links Inter-ISP links 51% 49% One of the two peering links with 50% chance %bottlenecks %all links %bottlenecks %all links Peering Link Probability of being the bottleneck = 0.25 Intra-ISP Link Probability of being the bottleneck = 0.125 One of the four non-peering links with 50% chance

  19. Results: Available Bandwidth Intra-ISP links Inter-ISP links • Tier-1 –1 peering is the best • Peering involving tiers-2,3 similar • Tier-1 ISPs are the best • Tier-3 ISPs have slightly higher available bandwidth than tier-2

  20. Performance: End-to-End Perspective • From an end-to-end view… • Is there a way of extracting better performance? • Is there scope? • How do we realize this? • Scope: Savage99, CMU Multihoming work • Reality: UW’s “Detour” system, MIT’s RON, Akamai’s SureRoute, CMU’s Route Control implementation

  21. Quantifying Performance Loss [Savage99Sigcomm] • Measure round trip time (RTT) and loss rate between pairs of hosts • Alternate path characteristics • 30-55% of hosts had lower latency • 10% of alternate routes have 50% lower latency • 75-85% have lower loss rates

  22. Bandwidth Estimation • RTT & loss for multi-hop path • RTT by addition • Loss either worst or combine of hops – why? • Large number of flows combination of probabilities • Small number of flows worst hop • Bandwidth calculation • TCP bandwidth is based primarily on loss and RTT • 70-80% paths have better bandwidth • 10-20% of paths have 3x improvement

  23. Possible Sources of Alternate Paths • A few really good or bad AS’s • No, benefit of top ten hosts not great • Better congestion or better propagation delay? • How to measure? • Propagation = 5th percentile of delays • Both contribute to improvement of performance

  24. Overlay Networks • Basic idea: • Treat multiple hops through IP network as one hop in overlay network • Run routing protocol on overlay nodes • Why? • For performance – like the Savage 99 paper showed • For efficiency – can make core routers very simple • E.g. CSFQ, • Also aid deployment. E.g. Active networks • For functionality – can provide new features such as multicast, active processing

  25. Future of Overlay • Application specific overlays • Why should overlay nodes only do routing? • Caching • Intercept requests and create responses • Transcoding • Changing content of packets to match available bandwidth • Peer-to-peer applications

  26. Overlay Challenges • “Routers” no longer have complete knowledge about link they are responsible for • How do you build efficient overlay • Probably don’t want all N2 links – which links to create? • Without direct knowledge of underlying topology how to know what’s nearby and what is efficient? • Do we need overlays for performance?

  27. Number of Route Choices • Flexible control of end-to-end path many route choices Multiple candidatepaths Single path Multiple BGPpaths • BGP: one path via each ISP  choices linked to #ISPs Few more route choices…?

  28. Route Selection Mechanism • BGP: simple, coarse metrics such as least AS hops, policy Best performingpath Least AS hops Policy compliant Current best performingBGP path • Smartselection “Multihoming route control” • Overlays: complex, performance-oriented selection Sophisticated selection among multiple BGP routes

  29. Overlay Routing vs. Multihoming Route Control Route Control Overlay Routing Overlay provider $$ Genuity $$ Sprint $$ ATT $$ ATT $$ Connectivity fees Connectivity fees + overlay fee Announce/20 sub-blocks to ISPs Overlay nodeforces inter-mediate ISP to provide transit If all multihomed ends do this /18 netblock Routing table expansion Bad interactions with policies

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