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KIT Objectives in Fusion by 2020

Explore key technologies in fusion through workshops focusing on in-vessel components, high-temperature cooling, and more towards the European Fusion roadmap for FP8 and beyond.

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KIT Objectives in Fusion by 2020

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  1. KIT Objectives in Fusion by 2020 Workshop on the European Fusion Roadmap for FP8 and beyond April 13 – 14, 2011; IPP Garching

  2. Objectives of the KIT Nuclear Fusion Programmetowards 2020 • Development of key technologies for fusion • Currently three main areas: • Design, engineering, realisation and testing of components and systems for ITER (60% - 10%) • Long term developments in view of DEMO and Fusion Power Plant (inter alia: Broader Approach, IFMIF)(30% - 90%) • Contributions to Wendelstein 7-X(10% - 0%) • Staff: • 230 scientists, engineers and support staff (~ 200 ppy) • 8 KIT institutes are contributing to the KIT Fusion Programme • Annual Budget: ~ 30 M€ Workshop on European Fusion Roadmap for FP8 and beyond

  3. Challenge: FPP Preparation • In-vessel Components • Divertor Engineering • Breeder Blanket Concepts & Engineering • High-Temperature Cooling Technology • Remote Handling • Heating & Current Drive Systems • Advanced ECRH Sources • Advanced Transmission Components • D-T Fuel Cycle • He-T Processing • Vacuum Pumping • Safety & Licensing, Neutronics • HTS Magnets • Plant Modelling • Materials Development & Qualification • Structural Materials • Functional Materials • IFMIF Workshop on European Fusion Roadmap for FP8 and Beyond

  4. In-Vessel-Components: Divertor Engineering • Challenges: Engineering design compatiblewith • Physicsrequirements (operationscenario, geometry) • Heatload, plasma & neutronflux • Manufacturing possibilities • Remote handling / maintenance / plant availability • Status: • European reference design:Helium Cooled Multi Jet design • Collaboration & Partners: • Variation ofphysicsconcept / geometry: IPP, CCFE, CRPP, … • New engineeringapproaches: ENEA, … • Plasma Wall Interaction: FZJ, IPP, … Armor (W) Cap (W Alloy) He 600°C He 700°C KIT Cartridge (Steel) Workshop on European Fusion Roadmap for FP8 and Beyond

  5. In-Vessel-Components: Breeder Blanket Concepts & Engineering • Challenges: • Tritium self-sufficiency • Heat supply to converter • Neutron & heat load, operation temperature, cycling, total operation time • Remote handling, maintenance, plant availability • Manufacturing technology • Status: • 2 European concepts for testing in ITER (HCPB, HCLL) • Further ideas: Dual Coolant, … • Collaboration & Partners: • TBM-CA for ITER: CEA, ENEA, CIEMAT, NRI, RMKI • Further developments: CCFE, NRG, … Workshop on European Fusion Roadmap for FP8 and Beyond

  6. In-Vessel-Components: High Temperature Cooling Technology • Challenges: • High-grade heat supply to converter (plant efficiency) • Appropriate operation temperature in blanket & divertor • Materials, components, temperature and pressure ranges • Status: • High temperature He technology • Commissioning of HELOKA • Collaboration & Partners: • Engineering concepts , engineering design & testing: RMKI, ENEA, … Workshop on European Fusion Roadmap for FP8 and Beyond

  7. Heating & Current Drive Systems: ECRH – Advanced Sources & Transmission Lines • Challenges: • Reliability & wall plug efficiency • Current drive efficiency • Counteracting plasma instabilities • Cost efficiency by reducing unit numbers & space requirements→ High-power sources • Avoid moving parts near the plasma → Tuneability • Status: • 1MW cw (30 min) gyrotrons for W7-X • 2MW cw gyrotrons for ITER(so far only short pulse) • Tuneable multi-frequeny tubes • Multi-frequency transmission line components • Collaboration & Partners: CRPP, CNR, IPP, FOM, HELLAS, … Workshop on European Fusion Roadmap for FP8 and Beyond

  8. Deuterium-Tritium Fuel Cycle:He-T-Processing, Vacuum Pumping • Challenges: • T removal from huge He mass flows • Pumping efficiency – plant efficiency • Selective pumping, T-compatible fore-pumping • Divertor pressure control • Integral vacuum modelling • Status: ITER Fuel Cycle • Conceptual design completed • Eng. design of key componentscompleted • Cryopumps with customisedpumping speed & pressure • Bridging of Knudsen & molecular flow • Collaboration & Partners: CEA, ENEA, ICIT, HELLAS, …. Workshop on European Fusion Roadmap for FP8 and Beyond

  9. Safety, Licensing & Neutronics: • Challenges: • Licensing of FPP for continuous operation • Accident scenarios, activation and inventories, mitigation scenarios • Radiation-induced materials changes • Fusion-specific design codes • Neutronics data base • Status: • Modelling / verification / mitigation of explosion scenarios • Nuclear data evaluations • Arcing scenarios • Materials characterisation • Collaboration & Partners: CEA, ENEA, CCFE, CRPP, ÖAW, NRG, JSI, … Workshop on European Fusion Roadmap for FP8 and Beyond

  10. High Tc Superconducting Magnets: • Challenges: • Plant efficiency / cryo power requirements • Plant availability / reduction of complexity • Transfer of HTS materials into reactor components • Status: Strand and cable experiments • Collaboration & Partners:CRPP, IPP, CEA, … Workshop on European Fusion Roadmap for FP8 and Beyond

  11. Plant Modelling • Challenges: • Predict / optimise performance / efficiency of plant • Wide range of parameter options • Engineering codes system complementing system codes for design support • Provide complete set of engineering parameters as a function of basic choices (physics scenarios, reactor configuration) • Status: • Various system codes, integrating physics aspects • Numerous engineering models (neutronics, thermo-mechanics, electro-magnetics, fluid-dynamics, …) • Collaboration & Partners: CCFE, IPP, FZJ, ENEA, CEA, … Workshop on European Fusion Roadmap for FP8 and Beyond

  12. Materials Development & Qualification • Challenges: • Structural materials for high and very high temperature operation under extreme neutron loads • Functional materials for tritium breeding & First Wall • Qualification & licensing: IFMIF • Status: • EUROFER characterised for high temperature applications;irradiation & neutron load qualification incomplete • Refractory alloys being characterised;irradiation behaviour & qualification missing • Functional materials under optimisation • IFMIF – EVEDA in Broader Approach • Collaboration & Partners: CEA, CRPP, CIEMAT, ENEA, SCK-CEN, NRG, … Workshop on European Fusion Roadmap for FP8 and Beyond

  13. Conclusion • Multitude of challenges • Transform approaches into solutions • In a well-coordinated European programme • Responsibility of the Commission • Role of EFDA Workshop on European Fusion Roadmap for FP8 and Beyond

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