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This document provides guidelines and principles for promoting effective stakeholder engagement in Europe 2020, including people experiencing poverty and their NGOs. It also includes an action note and capacity building suggestions to improve civil dialogue and engagement in policy processes.
13EAPN: Fighting for a Social Europe Free of Poverty Task Force Stakeholder Engagement Elke Vandermeerschen EAPN EU Inclusion Strategies Group 8 February 2014 Brussels EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DES ASSOCIATIONS DE LUTTE CONTRE LA PAUVRETÉ ET L’EXCLUSION SOCIALE
Members of the TF National Networks: Kalle Laane (EAPN EE), Isabel Allende (EAPN ES), Sonja Wallbom (EAPN SE), Natasha Najdenovalevic (EAPN MA), Elke Vandermeerschen and Paul Rosiers (BAPN), EO's: Reka Tunyogi (Eurochild), Macej Kucharczyk (AGE-Platform), EAPN Secretariat: Sian Jones & Nellie Epinat
Objectives & outputs of the TF General objective: Promoting Effective Stakeholder Participation in Stakeholder Dialogue in Europe 2020, including people with direct experience of poverty”. Output 1: “Guidelines”: Produce EAPN Common Principles to promote effective stakeholder engagement in Europe 2020 that includes people experiencing poverty and their NGOs, at the EU, national and sub-national level.
Objectives & outputs of the TF Output 2: Action Note: Produce an action note to help members to use the Principles and handbook in order to improve civil dialogue and engagement, in Europe 2020 and similar policy processes. Output 3: Capacity Building: Prepare a capacity building exchange with the EUIS to build on the learning and to take forward demands at EU, national and sub-national level.
Guidelines: 'Give a Voice to Citizens !' How to build stakeholder engagement for effective decision-making Introduction: Strong message What ?: • Clarifying concepts • Core principles
WHAT ? - Clarifying concepts - Core principles: • Participative • Inclusive • Respectful • Continuous • Open • Transparent • Accountable • Coherent • Effective
WHY ? - The Added Value • Bringing in essential expertise & knowledge • Empowering people & communities • Promoting mutual learning & understanding • Building consensus, accountability & legitimacy • Raising visibility & public awareness • Enhancing coördination
WHY ? - Necessity & EU basis • Governance principles in the Lisbon Treaty • Open Method of Coördination • Europe 2020 • Social Investment Package - The Lack of Stakeholder Engagement today • Lack of Meaningful Participation • Scepticism about the EU & Europe 2020
WH0 ? - Policy Actors - Other Stakeholders
HOW ? - Define the scope and terms of the dialogue and engagement – what you want to achieve and how, with a timeframe. - Ensure you reach the right stakeholders - Invest in the engagement – allocate the resources - Establish clear coordination contact point for stakeholders and person responsible for continuous quality in the engagement.
HOW ? -Plan the engagement – set out a clear timeline, giving sufficient time for engagement – this means pre-preparation for some groups. – Invest in effective methodology (before during after) - Invest in capacity building of administration, decision-makers and stakeholders- to learn more about each other, but also to develop their skills for participating better in this kind of processes
HOW ? - Establish a legal framework for civil dialogue - Promote mutual learning and exchange on methodologies and results with other administrations and at EU level. - Ensure that stakeholder involvement processes are used where functional
ACT ! - At EU level - At national level - At regional (sub-national) level - At local (town/ community) level
WHAT WE WANT FROM YOU ? - CONCRETE examples: good practices, less good practices, inspiring practices... (especially on the 'HOW' part) - feedback on the document
ACTION NOTE & CAPACITY BUILDING - How to use the guidelines, what can you do to try to build or enforce structural stakeholder engagement (related to EU2020): - when there is no structural stakeholder engagement at all in your country - when there is some form of structural stakeholder engagement - when you already have a strong structure/practice of stakeholder engagement