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Explore the role of concepts in software development, object-oriented modelling, and bridging perspectives using Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). Learn how FCA helps in forming and evaluating essential concepts for software development.
Formal Concept Analysis used forobject-oriented software modelling Wolfgang HesseFB Mathematik und Informatik, Univ. Marburg
Contents 1 The role of concepts in software development 2 OO modelling: Aspects, methods and open questions 3 Bridging the gap between use case analysis and class & object modelling 4 FCA used for "crossing perspectives" 5 Other SE applications of FCA 6 Resume References
1 The role of concepts in software development • Software development methods support the complex task of .. gathering and analysing requirements • .. designing and structuring the software system • .. implementing (i.e. programming and integrating) the system • .. operating and improving the system • Modelling is the central task for finding the adequate system structure to fulfill the requirements • Object-oriented modelling builds on concepts formed during analysis of the application domain and to be maintained during system design & implementation
Use & Operations Use environment Development environment The SW development cycle (acc. to the EOS* model) Analysis Design Implementation planning,analyticactivities synthetic, verifyingactivities * (for Evolutionary, Object-oriented Software development)
Use & Operations Concepts everywhere … Business concepts Use & user concepts Maintenance concepts Analysis Domain concepts System concepts Process concepts Design Implementation Design & architectural concepts Test & integration concepts Programmingconcepts
Citations on concepts … James Rumbaugh: "The objects in the model should be application-domain concepts ... ." James Martin und James Odell: "Object types are important, because they create conceptual building blocks for designing systems. [...] An object type is a concept." Grady Booch: "Key abstractions are the classes and objects that form the vocabulary of the problem domain." Use Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) to form and evaluate the concepts needed for software development
2 Object-oriented modelling: Aspects and methods Aspects of OO modelling structural behavioural ontological • OO methods: • support building an OO model and bringing together various aspects. • Recent, popular methods • start with use cases ( behavioural aspect), • recommend to detect objects & classes ( structural aspect), • according to the intentions of system users and owners ( ontological aspect).
From use cases to classes & objects (2) • Open questions: • Are use cases (formulated in user language)appropriatefor finding a good class & object structure? Are there promising alternatives? • Where do the candidates for classes & objects come from? Are they already "contained" or "hidden" in the use cases? • Is the object list (I. Jacobson) an appropriate "medium"? • What are the criteria to choose between class candidates? How can we compare alternative class models? • Is all this so easy as some authors suggest? • ".. objects are there just for the picking." (B. Meyer in [Mey 88])
Example of a use case diagram Wine trade business Receive order Process order <<include>> Determine inv. stock Clerk Order missing products <<include>> <<include>> Create deliv. instructions Process inc. delivery Define max. & min. stock quantity Process delivery results
Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) A theory for formally describing concepts and their relationships Formal Context (G, M, I ):G (formal) objects ("things")M(formal) attributesI G MIncidence relation AI := { m M | g I m for all g A}the set of attributes common to all objects inA BI:= { g G | g I m for all m B }the set of objects that have all attributes from B Formal Concept(A, B) with A G, BM and AI = B und BI= A .A the extent of a conceptB the intent of a concept Sub- / super concept relation(A, B) ≤ (C, D) iffA C (DB)
3 Bridging the gap: The BASE approach • Use cases • describefunctionality • handle "things" of the domain • "Things" • are marked by the domain experts, • may occur as classes, objects, attributes, roles, etc. .. in the forthcoming class model. • Our FCA view: • "Things" formal objectsUse cases formal features
Crossing perspectives via FCA Functional perspective (Use cases) general special ... particular ... common Data perspective ("Things")
Crossing perspectives via FCA (2) • Most general use cases stand top-most. • Special use cases stand lower in the diagram. • Upper part shows use case hierarchy (functional perspective) • Most common "things" (class candidates?) stand bottom-most. • Particular "things" (class attributes?) stand higher in the diagram • Lower part shows "things" hierarchy (data perspective) • Typical questions resulting from FCA analysis: • Why is thing X so high in the diagram? Shouldn't it lie in the scope of use case Y? • Why is (sub-) use case X so low in the diagram? Shouldn't its scope comprise thing Y? • Is node X is good class candidate? Are its sub-nodes good candidates for (OO-) attribute, its super-nodes for (OO-) operations?
Alternative approaches • Other possible associations with FCA categories • classes formal objectsattributes & operations formal features • ( e.g. Godin et al. 1998, Snelting & Tip 2000) • But: In our case we analyse a forthcoming (not an existing) class structure! It is just our goal to find classes, attributes and operations ! • use cases formal objects"Things" formal features • is a reasonable alternative,- equivalent from a mathematical point of view,- even more "natural" from the use case point of view, • - ... but less "natural" from an overall SE point of view: functional perspective should be on top of data perspective
Further analyses • Implication analysis:. • All use cases covering thing X cover thing Y as well. • Is this an indicator of a possible use case refinement? • Block relation analysis: • Try to fill up the incidence table in such a way that blocks (rectangles with a total incidence relation) are formed. • Each block can be considered as a candidate for a system component (I.e. as a collection of coherent concepts)
Conclusions • FCA supports building class & object models from use case descriptions by exposing class candidates, their attributes and operations. • Choice between class candidates is done interactively - no automated decisions. • FCA analysis illuminates both functional and data perspectives of classes & objects. • Implication analysis supports refinement of functional decomposition. • Block relation analysis supports modularisation and component structure. • FCA is a good basis for the discourse between system owners, users and developers. • BASE tool generates concept lattices, suggestions for functional refinement, modularisation and plausibility checks. • Additional effort for applying FCA analysis and the BASE tool is marginal.
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