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This document provides a detailed account of the County Commission meeting, including motions, resolutions, votes, and important discussions. It is a condensed and user-friendly version of the agenda, organized to align with each agenda topic. The minutes aim to accurately reflect the decisions made during the meeting and provide a historical record for the county.
Commissioner Minutes Mary Lou Hansen, Teton County Clerk Jim McNall, ICRMP Risk Management Specialist
The Bare Necessities • Names of all Commissioners present • All motions, resolutions, orders, ordinances and their disposition • The results of all votes and, upon request of a member, the vote of each member by name
Content • Place Agenda on page 1 of minutes • Minutes should be expanded version of Agenda • Start and end times • List complete names of Commissioners present - What about the names of others present? • Signature blocks for Board Chair and Clerk • Header/footer on every page: - Name of Board, date of meeting, Page number (best to use “Page 2 of 7”)
Content • Condense discussions by consolidating/summarizing comments - Main points/range of opinion - Questions answered - Concerns raised/answered • Use unbiased judgement to decide what’s important to included/exclude • Remember that Minutes are County’s historical record
Content • Include all motions/decisions • Include significant action items • No need to report verbatim discussions • Places undue attention on personalities • Disincentive to free exchange of ideas • Tedious to read, minutes not useful • Take too long to write
Example Solid Waste Supervisor Saul Varela said that oil-based paint, anti-freeze, agricultural herbicides and pesticides, and other materials are considered hazardous waste because they are corrosive and toxic to humans. He said those types of materials cannot be accepted at the transfer station. Solid Waste Supervisor Saul Varela described concerns related to hazardous waste materials at the transfer station.
Open Mic Sessions • Report very minimal info - Name & topic addressed - “Susan Smith spoke about the public lands resolution” • NOT, “Susan Smith said the Board was crazy for even considering adoption of the public lands resolution and that her husband and neighbors agreed.”
Make Minutes User-Friendly Format should make minutes easy to read & easy for public to find info of interest • Organize minutes to follow agenda, even if topics not discussed in order • Use bold headings to align with each agenda topic • Use symbol or formatting to make motions easy to spot • Names: Use first name, last name and title for first reference, simplify for subsequent references • Abbreviations: Avoid unless common, use only after spelling out the first time, Teton Soil Conservation District (SCD) can become “SCD”
Motions • Wording must be accurate, read back to Board if complicated • When must minutes list result of vote by name? • How should negative vote be documented? • Executive Session requires formal motion • Motion should include time and statutory reference/purpose for ES • Roll call vote required, okay to record vote: “Motion carried unanimously” • No motion to come out of ES, but minutes should reflect end time • Do not list names of those who participated in ES
Claims • Minutes should include summary of dollar amount per fund • Attach detailed claims report to minutes? • Include payroll checks in detailed list or fund summary?
Attachments • Documents approved by Board motion • Resolutions, Ordinances • Contracts, Letters • Other documents referenced in minutes - Memos from staff - Documents related to planning decision
Agendas • Should agenda list specific times? -Balancing act between putting times on agenda to help public and not wasting Board’s time • Must list every item requiring Board decision • Decision must be reflected in formal motion • “The Board decided . . .” is not a valid decision • Decisions made about items not on agenda are not valid
Publishing Minutes • Idaho Code 31-819 Publication of proceedings. To cause to be published monthly such statement as will clearly give notice to the public of all its acts and proceedings, and, shall include a brief financial summary indicating the total amount spent from each county fund during the month . . .
Publishing Minutes • Idaho Code 60-109. Publication of notices -- Number of publications required. Whenever any law of this state requires publication of any notice or proceeding, said requirement shall be satisfied by publishing the same once each calendar week on the same day of each week for the number of times equal to the number of weeks mentioned in the requirement in any regular issue of a newspaper published on one or more days of each week . . .
Publishing Minutes: possible statute change? 60-109. Publication of notices -- Number of publications required. Whenever any law of this state requires publication of any notice or proceeding, said requirement shall be satisfied by publishing the same once each calendar week on the same day of each week for the number of times equal to the number of weeks mentioned in the requirement in any regular issue of a newspaper published on one or more days of each week . . . On the County’s official website
Publishing Minutes: possible statute change? • Idaho Code 31-819. Publication of proceedings. To cause to be published monthly such statement as will clearly give notice to the public of all its acts and proceedings, and, shall include a brief financial summary indicating the total amount spent from each county fund during the month . . . Proceedings published on the County’s official website shall satisfy the requirements of this section.