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Explore how the cotton gin and railroads transformed Georgia into an economic powerhouse in the mid-1800s, shaping its development and political landscape. Discover the rise of "King Cotton" and the pivotal role of railroads in connecting regions. Uncover the significance of Atlanta as the "Gate City" and its evolution into a major railroad hub.
Lesson Eleven (SS8H5c) – The student will explain how technological developments, including the cotton gin and railroads, had an impact on Georgia’s growth. • Bythemid-1800s, Georgia was becoming aneconomicand political power, formultiplereasons. • 1. “King Cotton” • In colonial Georgia, growingcottonwas not practical orprofitable becauseit was toodifficult to separatetheseed fromthecotton by hand • In1793, whilevisiting a plant- ation nearSavannah, Eli Whitneyinventedthe cottonginto quicklyandeasilycleancottonof its seeds SS8H5 – The student will explain significant factors that affected the development of Georgia as part of the growth of the United States between 1789 and 1840.
Lesson Eleven (SS8H5c) – The student will explain how technological developments, including the cotton gin and railroads, had an impact on Georgia’s growth. • 1. “King Cotton” • Almost overnight, cotton becamethedominant cropin thesouth, andGeorgiawas thenation’s largest producer. • Unfortunately, morecotton meant moreplantations, and more plantations meant a greater dependenceonslavery. SS8H5 – The student will explain significant factors that affected the development of Georgia as part of the growth of the United States between 1789 and 1840.
Lesson Eleven (SS8H5c) – The student will explain how technological developments, including the cotton gin and railroads, had an impact on Georgia’s growth. • Bythemid-1800s, Georgia was becoming aneconomicand political power, formultiplereasons. • 2. TheGrowthof theRailroads • Thegrowthof cottonmeant therewas a needfora better means of transporting cotton fromGeorgia’s interiorto theport cityof Savannah. • Transportation bywagon, flatboat, andsteamboat was slow andexpensive. SS8H5 – The student will explain significant factors that affected the development of Georgia as part of the growth of the United States between 1789 and 1840.
Lesson Eleven (SS8H5c) – The student will explain how technological developments, including the cotton gin and railroads, had an impact on Georgia’s growth. • 2. TheGrowthof theRailroads • In1834, workers began building theGeorgia Railroad,whichwas to extend fromAthens to Augusta. • By1860, therewereover1200miles of railroadinGeorgia. SS8H5 – The student will explain significant factors that affected the development of Georgia as part of the growth of the United States between 1789 and 1840.
Lesson Eleven (SS8H5c) – The student will explain how technological developments, including the cotton gin and railroads, had an impact on Georgia’s growth. • Bythemid-1800s, Georgia was becoming aneconomicand political power, formultiplereasons. • 3. Atlanta – The “Gate City” • In1838, theGeneral Assemblypasseda law creating theWestern andAtlantic(W&A) Railroad from theChattahoocheeRiverto theTennesseeRiver. • The purposeof theW&A RRwas to connect railroads fromAugusta, Macon, Columbus and MilledgevillewithGeorgia’s interior. SS8H5 – The student will explain significant factors that affected the development of Georgia as part of the growth of the United States between 1789 and 1840.
Lesson Eleven (SS8H5c) – The student will explain how technological developments, including the cotton gin and railroads, had an impact on Georgia’s growth. • 3. Atlanta – The “Gate City” • In1838, theGeneral Assemblypasseda law creating theWestern andAtlantic(W&A) Railroad from theChattahoocheeRiverto theTennesseeRiver. • The purposeof theW&A RRwas to connect railroads fromAugusta, Macon, Columbus and MilledgevillewithGeorgia’s interior. SS8H5 – The student will explain significant factors that affected the development of Georgia as part of the growth of the United States between 1789 and 1840.
Lesson Eleven (SS8H5c) – The student will explain how technological developments, including the cotton gin and railroads, had an impact on Georgia’s growth. • 3. Atlanta – The “Gate City” • TheW&A RR beganinthe north inRoss’s Landing, near Chattanooga, ended at a small rail depot calledTerminus. • Within fiveyears, two other railroads convergedat Terminus, causing the depot to grow rapidlyinto a town. SS8H5 – The student will explain significant factors that affected the development of Georgia as part of the growth of the United States between 1789 and 1840.
Lesson Eleven (SS8H5c) – The student will explain how technological developments, including the cotton gin and railroads, had an impact on Georgia’s growth. • 3. Atlanta – The “Gate City” • In1843, the nameof Terminus was changedto Marthasville, afterthe daughterof Gov. Wilson Lumpkin, a key figureinthecreationof theW&A Railroad. • In1845, stateleaders changedthenameonceagainto a namemore fitting fora growing city andtheSouth’s most important rail center-Atlanta The name “Atlanta”was taken from theWestern & AtlanticRailroad SS8H5 – The student will explain significant factors that affected the development of Georgia as part of the growth of the United States between 1789 and 1840.