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Explore the diverse detectors for slow, fast, and ultrarelativistic neutrons, along with spectrometry using nuclear reactions. Learn about compound detectors, crystal diffraction spectrometers, and neutron elastic scattering-based detectors. Discover neutron spectrometers based on reflected protons and TOF spectrometers. Gain insights into detecting relativistic neutrons and measuring neutron spectra with various materials, methods, and technologies.
Medipix-2 Neutron detectors and spectrometers 1) Introduction and basic principles 2) Detectors of slow neutrons (thermal, epithermal, resonance) 3) Detectors of fast neutrons 4) Detectors of relativistic and ultrarelativistic neutrons Detection of neutrons – by means of nuclear reactions where energy is transformed to charged particles or such particles are created Consequence: 1) Complicated reactions → strong dependency of efficiency on energy 2) Small efficiency → necessity of large volumes 3) Only part of energy is loosed → complicated energy determination → common usage of TOF Usage of neutronography Bonner spheres at NPL (Great Britain)
Used reactions: neutron + nucleus → reflected nucleus proton deuteron triton alpha particle fission products Very strong dependency of cross section on energy Compound detectors: 1) Convertor – creation of charged particles 2) Detector of charged particles Complicated structures of convertor and detector ITEP CTU Requierements on material of convertor and detector: 1) Large cross section of used reaction 2) High released energy (for detection of low energy neutrons) or high conversion of kinetic energy 3) Possibility of discrimination between photons and neutrons 4) Price of material production as cheap as possible A) Neutron counters – proportional counters, convertor is directly atworking gas or as admixture, eventually as part of walls B) Scintillators – organic (reflected proton and carbon), dopey by convertor liquid (NE213) or plastic (NE102A)
Pulse height H Detectors of slow neutrons Choice of material with large cross section for thermal and resonance neutrons Importance of low efficiency to gamma rays Exoenergy reactions → energy released at detector is given by reaction energy Energy is determined for example by time of flight 1) Detectors based on reactions with boron: A) BF3 proportional chambers BF3 serve as neutron convertor and also as gas filling of proportional counter High enrichment by 10B isotope Low efficiency to gamma rays B) Boron on walls and alternative gas filling C) Scintillators with boron contents Usage of possibility to distinguish neutrons and photons by pulseshape 2) Detectors based on 6Li reactions 3) Detectors based on 3He reactions – proportional counters – convertor is also filling 4) Detectors based on fission
Crystal diffraction spectrometers and interferometers 1) Determination of neutron energy 2) Determination of crystal structure Usage of diffraction: Usage of crystal bend for measured energy change neutron diffractometer of NPI CAS Monochromators utilizing reflection Mechanical monochromators rotated absorption discs – properly placed holes very accurate measurement of energy of low energy neutrons
Detectors of fast neutrons Usage of moderation to slow neutrons Plastic and liquid scintillators – simultaneously detection and moderation Bonner spheres: organic moderator around neutron detector of thermal neutrons Spectrometry: Bonner spheres at NPL (England) their usage at spectrometry Different diameter – moderation of neutrons with different maximal energy Reconstruction of spectrum from measured count rates from spheres with different diameters Simulation of response by means of Monte Carlo codes Advantages: simplicity, wide energy range Disadvantages: Very smallenergy resolution
Detectors and spectrometers based on neutron elastic scattering Scintillation (for example NE213): Response L: From that we obtain: Energy derived from response: If: then: (for neutron scattering with E < 10 MeV) on protons Other factors: 1) influence of edges 2) multiple scattering 3) scattering on carbon 4) detector resolution 5) competitive reactions for higher En Dependency of response on energy Distribution of response at detectors Dependency of response change with energy on energy Energy distribution of reflected nuclei (protons)
ψ target with high content of hydrogen Detector of protons Neutron spectrometer based on reflected protons 1) Detection and determination of reflected proton energy Ep. 2) Usage of reflection angle ψ knowledge Wide set of used detectors • Proper target size • Accuracy of angle determination Problems:
TOF spectrometers The most accurate determination of neutron energy Problem of interaction point and detector thickness E[GeV]ΔE/E 0,1 0,02 1.5 0.15 TOF neutron spectrum from Bi + Pb collision (E = 1 GeV/A) d = 4,3 m Δd = 0,25 m, Δt = 350 ps Usage of inorganic scintillators for detection of relativistic neutrons: Response of BaF2 detector on relativistic neutrons Dependency of BaF2 efficiency on neutron energy for different thresholds Comparison of elmg a hadron showers
Activation detectors of neutrons Sandwiches of foils from different materials (mostly monoisotopic) Usage of different threshold reactions → determination of neutron spectra Measurement of resonance neutrons for different (n,γ) reactions (attention: influence of neutron absorption at foil) Problem with spectrum reconstruction → possibility of direct comparison of activated nuclei numbers Advantages: simplicity, small sizes, possible put to small space Disadvantages: complicated interpretation Induced fission & emulsion Combination of 235U, 238U, 208Pb Counting of ionization tracks number produced by fission fragments