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This lecture discusses the Ford-Fulkerson method or algorithm for finding the maximum flow in network flows. It explains the iterative algorithm, data structures used, and the steps involved in the algorithm. The lecture also covers the analysis of the algorithm and its efficiency. The lecture concludes with a brief mention of the Edmonds-Karp algorithm for finding maximum flow.
CS473-Algorithms I Lecture ? Network Flows Finding Max Flow Lecture ?
FORD-FULKERSON METHOD / ALGORITHM • iterative algorithm: start with initial flow f =[0] with |f| = 0 • at each iteration, increase | f | by finding an augmenting path • repeat this process until no augmenting path can be found • by max-flow min-cut thm: upon termination this process yields a max flow FORD-FULKERSON-METHOD(G, s, t) initialize flow f to 0 while an augmenting path p do augment flow f along path p returnf Lecture ?
FORD-FULKERSON METHOD / ALGORITHM • basic Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm: data structures • note(u,v) Ef only if (u,v) E or (v,u) E • maintain an adj-list representation of directed graph G' = (V', E'), where • E' = {(u,v): (u,v) E or (v,u) E}, i.e., • for each v Adj[u] in G' maintain the record • note: G' used to represent both G and Gf , i.e., for any edge (u,v) E' • c[u,v] > 0 (u,v) E and cf[u,v] > 0 (u,v) Ef v f(u,v) c(u,v) cf (u,v) Lecture ?
FORD-FULKERSON METHOD / ALGORITHM • COMPUTE-GF (G', f) • for each edge (u,v) E'do • ifc[u,v] – f [u,v] > 0 then • cf [u,v] ← c[u,v] – f[u,v] • else • cf[u,v] ← 0 • returnG' • CANCEL (G', u, v) • min← {f [u,v], f [v,u]} • f [u,v] ← f [u,v] – min • f [v,u] ← f [v,u] – min • FORD-FULKERSON (G', s, t) • for each edge (u,v) E'do • f [u,v] ← 0 • cf [u,v] ← 0 • Gf ← COMPUTE-GF(G', f) • while an st path p in Gfdo • cf (p) ← min {cf[u,v]: (u,v) p} • for each edge (u,v) pdo • f [u,v] ←f [u,v] + cf(p) • CANCEL(G', u, v) • Gf← COMPUTE-GF(G', f) Lecture ?
FORD-FULKERSON ALGORITHM • augmenting path in Gf is chosen arbitrarily • performance if capacities are integers: O(E |f*|) • while-loop: time to find s t path in Gf = O(E') = O(E) • # of while-loop iterations:≤ |f*|, where f* = max flow • so, running time is good if capacities are integers and |f*| is small Lecture ?
FORD-FULKERSON ALGORITHM Gf0 f0 u u 0/100 0/100 100 100 s 0/1 t s 1 t 0/100 100 0/100 100 v v p = < s, u, v, t > cf (p) = 1 | f1 | = | f0 | + | fp | = 0+1 = 1 Lecture ?
FORD-FULKERSON ALGORITHM Gf1 f1 u u 1/100 0/100 100 99 1 s 1/1 t s 1 t 99 0/100 100 1 1/100 v v p = < s, v, u, t > cf (p) = 1 | f2 | = | f1 | + | fp | = 1+1 = 2 Lecture ?
FORD-FULKERSON ALGORITHM Gf2 f2 u u 1/100 1/100 99 99 1 1 s 0/1 t s 1 t 99 99 1/100 1 1 1/100 v v p = < s, u, v, t > cf (p) = 1 | f3 | = | f2 | + | fp | = 2+1 = 3 Lecture ?
FORD-FULKERSON ALGORITHM Gf3 f3 u u 2/100 1/100 98 99 2 1 s 1/1 t s 1 t 99 98 1/100 2 1 2/100 v v p = < s, v, u, t > cf (p) = 1 | f4 | = | f3 | + | fp | = 3+1 = 4 Lecture ?
FORD-FULKERSON ALGORITHM • choose p = < s, u, v, t > in odd iterations • choose p = < s, v, u, t > in even iterations • 200 augmentations to reach |f*| = 200 • might never terminate for non-integer capacities • efficient algorithms: • augment along max-capacity path in Gf:not mentioned in textbook • augment along breadth-first path in Gf:Edmonds-Karp algorithm O(VE2) Lecture ?
EDMONDS-KARP ALGORITHM • def: δf (s,v) = shortest path distance from s to v in Gf • unit edge weights in Gfδf (s,v) = breadth-first distance from s to v in Gf • L7: v V – {s,t}; δ(s,v) inGf’s increases monotonically with each augmentation • proof:suppose • (i) a flow f on G induces Gf • (ii) fp along an augmenting path in Gf produces f’ = f + fp on G • (iii) f’ on G induces Gf’ • notation:δ(s,v) = δf (s,v) and δ’(s,v) = δf’ (s,v) Lecture ?
ANALYSIS OF EDMONDS-KARP ALGORITHM • want to prove: δ'(s,v) ≥ δ(s,v) v V – {s,t} • for contradiction: assume δ'(s,v) < δ(s,v) for some v • without loss of generality: assume δ'(s,v) is minimal over all such vertices • i.e., δ'(s,v) < δ'(s,u) u V – {s,t} δ'(s,u) < δ(s,u) • thus δ'(s,u) < δ'(s,v) δ'(s,u) ≥ δ(s,u) (1) Lecture ?
ANALYSIS OF EDMONDS-KARP ALGORITHM • consider a shortest sv path p': su → v in Gf’ • δ'(s,u) = δ'(s,v) – 1 by “subpath is also a shortest path” δ'(s,u) < δ'(s,v) by (1), δ'(s,u) ≥ δ(s,u) (2) • consider this edge (u,v) Ef': question: was (u,v) Ef ? • YES:i.e., (u,v) Ef'and (u,v) Ef ; notef(u,v) < c(u,v) • δ(s,v) ≤ δ(s,u) + 1 by triangle inequality ≤ δ'(s,u) + 1 by (2) = δ'(s,v) δ'(s,v) ≥ δ(s,v) contradiction Lecture ?
ANALYSIS OF EDMONDS-KARP ALGORITHM • NO: i.e.,(u,v) Ef' but (u,v) Ef ; notef(u,v)=c(u,v) • fp pushes flow back along edge (u,v) (v,u) p in Gf • i.e., augmenting path p is of the form p = s v → u t • note: p is a breadth-first path from s to t (Edmond-Karp algorithm) • δ(s,v) =δ(s,u) – 1 by “subpath is also a shortest path” ≤ δ'(s,u) – 1 by (2) = (δ'(s,v) – 1) – 1 by “subpath is also a shortest path” = δ'(s,v) – 2 < δ'(s,v) δ'(s,v) ≥ δ(s,v) contradiction Lecture ?
ANALYSIS OF EDMONDS-KARP ALGORITHM • what is the bound on the total # of augmentations? • def: an edge (u,v) in Gf is critical on an augmenting path p in Gf if cf (u,v) = cf (p) • at least one edge on an augmenting path must be critical • a critical edge disappears from Gf after the augmentation • f'(u,v) = (f+fp)(u,v) = f (u,v) + fp(u,v) = f (u,v) + (c(u,v) – f (u,v)) = c(u,v) cf'(u,v) = c'(u,v) – f'(u,v) = c(u,v) – c(u,v) = 0 Lecture ?
ANALYSIS OF EDMONDS-KARP ALGORITHM • Thm:number of flow augmentations is O(EV) • proof: find a bound on the number of times an edge (u,v) becomes critical • let (u,v) becomes critical the first time along path p = s u → v t in Gf • δ(s,v) = δ(s,u) + 1 (1), since p is a shortest path • then (u,v) disappears from the residual network • (u,v) can reappear an another augmenting path • only after net flow from u to v is decreased • this only happens if (v,u) appears on an augmenting path Lecture ?
ANALYSIS OF EDMONDS-KARP ALGORITHM • assume this event occurs along a path p' = s u → v t in Gf ' later • δ'(s,u) =δ'(s,v) + 1 since p' = s u → v t is a shortest path ≥ δ(s,v) + 1 by L7 =(δ(s,u)+ 1) + 1since p' = s u → v t is a shortest path = δ(s,u) + 2 δ'(s,u) ≥ δ(s,u) + 2 • i.e., δ(s,u) increase by ≥ 2 each time (u,v) becomes critical, except the first time • thus each edge (u,v) can become critical at most O(V) times, since • 1 ≤ δ(s,u) ≤ | V | - 2 and δ(s,u) never decreases by L7 • (E) edges in Gf’s # of flow augmentations = O(VE) • running time of Edmonds-Karp algorithm: |E|×O(VE) = O(E2V) • finding an augmenting path in a Gf = breadth-first search = O(E) Lecture ?
MAXIMUM BIPARTITE MATCHING PROBLEM • many combinatorial optimization problems can be reduced to a max-flow problem • maximum bipartite matching problem is a typical example Lecture ?
MAXIMUM BIPARTITE MATCHING PROBLEM • given an undirected graph G = (V, E) • def: a matching is a subset of edges M E such that v V, at most one edge of M is incident to v • def: a vertex v V is matched by a matching M if some edge M is incident to v, otherwise v is unmatched • def: a maximum matching M* is a matching M of maximum cardinality, i.e., |M*| ≥ |M| for any matchingM • def: G=(V,E) is a bipartite graph if V=LR where L∩R= such that E={(u,v): u L and v R} Lecture ?
MAXIMUM BIPARTITE MATCHING PROBLEM • applications:job task assignment problem • Assigning a set L of tasks to a set R of machines • (u,v) E task u L can be performed on a machine v R • a max matching provides work for as many machines as possible Lecture ?
MAXIMUM BIPARTITE MATCHING PROBLEM L R L R • example:two matchings M1& M2on a sample graph with |M1| = 2 & |M2| = 3 u1 u1 v1 v1 u2 u2 v2 v2 u3 u3 v3 v3 u4 u4 v4 v4 u5 u5 M1 = {(u1,v1), (u3,v3)} M2 = {(u2,v1), (u3,v2) , (u5,v3)} Lecture ?
FINDING A MAXIMUM BIPARTITE MATCHING • idea: construct a flow network in which flows correspond to matchings • define the corresponding flow network G'=(V',E') for the bipartite graph as • V' = V {s} {t} s, t V • E' = {(s,u): u L}{(u,v): u L, v R, (u,v) E} {(v,t): v R} • assign unit capacity to each edge of E' Lecture ?
FINDING A MAXIMUM BIPARTITE MATCHING 1 u1 u1 1 v1 1 v1 1 u2 u2 1 1 1 v2 1 v2 1 t s u3 u3 1 1 1 v3 1 v3 1 u4 u4 1 1 v4 v4 1 u5 u5 Lecture ?
FINDING A MAXIMUM BIPARTITE MATCHING • def: a flow f on a flow network is integer-valued if f(u,v) is integer u,v V • L8:(a)IFM is a matching in G, THEN an integer-valued f on G' with | f | = |M|(b)IFf is an integer-valued f on G', THEN a matching M in G with | M | = | f | Lecture ?
FINDING A MAXIMUM BIPARTITE MATCHING • proof L8 (a):let M be a matching in G • define the corresponding flow f on G'as • u,vM; f(s,u)=f(u,v)=f(v,t) = 1 & f(u,v) = 0 for all other edges • first show that f is a flow on G': • 1 unit of flow passes thru the path s → u → v → t for each u,v M • these paths are disjoint s t paths, i.e., no common intermediate vertices • f is a flow on G' satisfying capacity constraint, skew symmetry & flow conservation • because f can be obtained by flow augmentation along these s t disjoint paths Lecture ?
FINDING A MAXIMUM BIPARTITE MATCHING • second show that | f | = |M|: • net flow accross the cut ({s}L, R {t}) = | f | by L3 • | f | = f (s L, R t) = f (s, R t) + f (L, R t) = f (s, R t) + f (L, R) + f (L, t) = 0 + f (L, R) + 0; f (s, R t) = f (L, t) since no such edges = f (L, R) = |M| since f(u,v) = 1 uL, v R & (u,v) M Lecture ?
FINDING A MAXIMUM BIPARTITE MATCHING • proof L8 (b):let f be a integer-valued flow in G' • defineM={(u,v): u L, v R, and f (u,v) > 0} • first show that M is a matching in G: i.e., all edges in M are vertex disjoint • let pe(u) / pl(u) = positive net flow entering / leaving vertex u, u V • each u L has exactly one incoming edge (s,u) with c(s,u)=1 pe(u) ≤ 1 uL Lecture ?
FINDING A MAXIMUM BIPARTITE MATCHING • since f is integer-valued; u L,pe(u) = 1 pl(u) = 1 due to flow conservation u L,pe(u)=1 exactly one vertex vR f(u,v) = 1 to make pl(u) = 1 • thus, at most one edge leaving each vertex u L carries positive flow = 1 • a symmetric argument holds for each vertex v R • therefore, M is a matching Lecture ?
FINDING A MAXIMUM BIPARTITE MATCHING • second show that |M| = | f |: • |M| = f (L, R) by above def for M since f (u,v) is either 0 or 1 = f (L, V' – s – L – t) = f (L,V') – f (L,s) – f (L,L) – f (L,t) = 0 – f (L,s) – 0 – 0 = – f (L,s) = f (s,L) = | f | due to skew symmetry & then def. f (L,V') = f (L,V') = 0 due to flow cons. f (L,t) = 0 since no edges from L to t Lecture ?
FINDING A MAXIMUM BIPARTITE MATCHING • example: a matching M with |M| = 3 & a f on the corresponding G' with | f | = 3 u1 u1 v1 v1 1 1 u2 u2 1 1 v2 v2 1 1 t u3 s u3 v3 v3 1 1 u4 u4 v4 v4 1 u5 u5 Lecture ?