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Explore the historical roots and significance of Human Resource Management from early civilizations to present practice, emphasizing Islamic principles. Learn the essentials for effective personnel management and development in healthcare administration.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA \ MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCTIONKING SAUD UNIVERSITY/ RIYADH MALE COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES / HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION JOHALI HRM HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 2009_2011 MOH_RCHS A Chair Symbolizing Job Opportunities And Advancement Employees Complaining To Their Lazy Boss Cubicle Office The Way Ahead Towards A TOTAL ISLAMIC QUALITY HEALTH PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT(TIQUHEPMAN) Johali59@hotmmail.com (HRMpar2010) Live Window Group EISA ALI JOHALIعيسى بن علي الجوحليA LecturerB A. M. Sc. Heath Education, KSU 1407 /1987 Short Fellowship Planning Health Professions Education, UIC, USA 1991 MA (Ed.) Nursing Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, UK 1995 plus Author of two published books, the 3rd under publishing, plus 2 projected2009_2011 Johali
E-Live Learning Johali59@Hotmail.com (HRMPar2010) Live Window Group Johali
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم لأننا نتعلم مفاهيم عمل وعاملين نفتتح تعليم وتعلم مقررنا هذا بذكر فان الذكرى تنفع المؤمنين.. في قوله تعالى: وَقُلِ اعْمَلُواْ فَسَيَرَى اللّهُ عَمَلَكُمْ وَرَسُولُهُ وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ وَسَتُرَدُّونَ إِلَى عَالِمِ الْغَيْبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ فَيُنَبِّئُكُم بِمَا كُنتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَالتوبة 105 فَاسْتَجَابَ لَهُمْ رَبُّهُمْ أَنِّي لاَ أُضِيعُ عَمَلَ عَامِلٍ مِّنكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍ أَوْ أُنثَى بَعْضُكُم مِّن بَعْضٍ فَالَّذِينَ هَاجَرُواْ وَأُخْرِجُواْ مِن دِيَارِهِمْ وَأُوذُواْ فِي سَبِيلِي وَقَاتَلُواْ وَقُتِلُواْ لأُكَفِّرَنَّ عَنْهُمْ سَيِّئَاتِهِمْ وَلأُدْخِلَنَّهُمْ جَنَّاتٍ تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهَا الأَنْهَارُ ثَوَاباً مِّن عِندِ اللّهِ وَاللّهُ عِندَهُ حُسْنُ الثَّوَابِال عمران 195 ونًسأل قبل أن نُسأل كم آية وردت حول الانسان والبشر والبشرية والعمل وأخلاقياتها مثل الامانة والإخلاص والإتقان والعلاقات؟، و الثواب والعقاب ؟ (خيار من خيارات المشاركة البحثية لعدد لا يزيد عن 5 طلاب؟) Johali
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Welcome HRM ? OUR Overall AIM The Way Ahead Towards Total Islamic Quality Personnel Management & Development By You as an "Islamic Based Assertive & Creative Health Administrator” Johali
خطتنا لتعليم وتعلم نافع HRM Objectives & Lifelong T – L Plan Johali
References & Sources • Your Smart Notes + Handout • **Johali Easy Guide to Quality Management of Health Care Human Resources:A Creative Thinking Lectures’ Note of the related literature by Eisa Ali Johali the Lecturer (Aavailable at al Quafil Centrenear KSU) • * Human Resource Management (3rd Edition) by Shaun Tyson & Alfred York. Made Simple Books. • * Human Resource Management in Health Care By L. Fleming Fallon, Charles R. McConnell 2007; Jones & BartlettISBN-13: 9780763735319 ISBN-10: 0763735310 (www.jbpub.com ) • Managing Human Resources in Health Care Organizations by Leiyu Shi, Jones and Battlerr Publisher 2007. • Human Resources and Personal Management, 5th ed, By William B Werther & Keith Davis. MacGraw Hill. Johali
REASONINGWHY HRM? Small Group Thinking • Why – why HRM? • Who are you? • What HRM means for you? • Whom will work with you ? • Reflect in your Job Description (JD) and write • Do you believe in the term HRM: YS; Y: N; N’t Sure? To conclude: There are many Reasons behind this course; 1st “It is a part of my JD” as a HA a master of Health Professions; 2nd Treat other in humanitarian style HR ; & To assure the quality of working or HA Johali
HRMProbing Roots & Defining Terms Just spend three minutes thinking, is HRM has history?! Why?” --------- Do you think there is relation between HRM & Religions? (Reflective Assignment) Johali
Probing Historical Roots of HRM Brief History of HRM Titles • Sure HR History go back to the origin of humankind • Early Civilizations & Religions (Reflective Assignment?) • In the modern Western History Professional &Bureaucratic 1914; Welfarebefore 1920s Employment 1920s-1930s; Liberal Radical 1930s Personnel M 1945; & 4. Finally the New Term HRM Raised at 1980s Johali
HRM Probe – Define Terms • Thus from the above brief history, HR is a new term replaced the old names the “ workers, people, recruits, workforce, personnel, staff & our common term “Manpower” • HR= Human Resources, it is a term refers the people in an organization. It defines as the people who are ready, willing, and able to contribute to organizational goals (Werther & Davis 1996) Johali
HRM Probe – Define Terms • HRM has many definitions, the most reliable are: (1) HRM is the “Organizational Function” that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance, management, organization development safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training(http://humanresources.about.com). (2) HRM is the function within an organizationthat focuses on “Recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization (http://humanresources.about.com) • Werther & Davis (1996) define HRM as a system that consists of many independent activities (Werther & Davis 1996). Think e.gs: … Johali
HRM Probe – Define Terms As a system, HRM that we are learning, is a complex system consists of many “Independent parts “subsystems”working together as an organized whole with identifiable boundaries. Ego Reflective .. Think e.gs:…. • As whole system, Can we compare HRM with a Car !; our Human body!) • Play a new HA role who have a poor decision about staffing requirements … what will happened • Personnel Management: the study of howemployee obtain, develop, utilize, evaluate, maintain, and retain the right members and types of workers. It is also called HR Johali
HRM Purposes • Improving the productive contribution of people to the organization in ways that strategically, ethically, and socially responsible. • Guiding the Personnel Management (see Def.) • HR determine every organization’s success • HR Department exists to support managers and employee as they follow the organization’s strategies. Johali
HRM Objectives Managers and HR Departments achieve their purpose by meeting HR Objectives. HR Objectives must meet and balance HR Challenges as follow: • Organizational Objectives (Or.O) • Functional Objectives (FO) • Societal Objectives (SO) • Personal Objectives (PO) • ……. ------------------ SO is a functional objective: T / F Johali
HRM Objectives – main focus • (Or.O) Recognized that HRM exists to contribute to organizational effectiveness “Quality” • (FO) To maintain the departments contribution at a level appropriate to the organization needs. “HR are wasted when HRM is more or less sophisticated than organization demands”. • (SO) To be ethically and socially responsible to the needs and challenges of society while minimizing the negative impart of such demands. • (PO) To assist employees in achieving their personal goals. POs must be met if HR are to be maintained, retained, and motivated. Otherwise, Performance and satisfaction will ………. ( Decline), and they may ….…… (Leave) the organization. (Rearrange these HROs to assure the Quality) (Write Qualitative Objectives ( balance needs and demands of O + F + S + P) ?” & Present it Johali
The Sciences of HRM Do you think HRM has Sciences ? Sciences = “Philosophies; Scientific Theories & Models) Johali
Summary of the Most related Theories & Models to HRM There are huge HRM related “humanistic, social, psychological, behavioral…”Philosophies (Applied Logical Thinking as base for Applied systems thinking)Sciences (Applied theories and models). However, since you have study or you will study many of these theories, models, and approaches, we will focus on the most related to societal and personality developments mainly the Motivation Theories. Plus the most related organizational models and approaches mainly the Managerial System. These are: • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Basic Needs • Mayo’s Theory of Social & Personal Needs • Herzberg’s Two Group Factors • Mc Gregors’ Theories of X & Y • Porter & Lawler • Vrooms’ Valiancy + Expectancy Theory: Force F = V + E • Adams QWL - IQWL Finally, you have to apply these theories to HR Components Johali
Perception - Motivation HR • Motivation: from the Latin word “Mover” means to set into motion, Motivation has been defined as: - Psychological force that moves a person toward some kind of the action (Haggard). -Willingness of the learners to embrace learning with Readiness (Redman 1993). -It consists of (Internal + External forces): A- Internal Drives: 1- Primary: e.g.; Thrust-Drinking & Hunger-Eating 2 - Learned: e.g.; Desire-Smoking & Overeating B- External: Incentive Environment:e.g; place - Motivators are things induce/encourage an individual to perform; While motivation reflects wants, motivators reflects rewards e,g. prize -Implicit in Management, motivation is a movement in the direction of meeting a need or toward reaching a goal: Manage Chain Johali
HRM MOTIVATIONSEQUENCE NEEDS WANTS SATISFACTION “S NWSCHAIN” Smart Read & Redraw in sequence 1. NEEDS Give rise to .WANTS Which cause TENSIONS That give rise to ACTION Which result in 5. SATISFACTION To be applied in later models e.g Vrooms Johali
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Basic Needs Self Actualization Ego / Identity Self esteem Social Needs(Belong/Love) Safety & Security Physiological Needs (Foods-hunger /Water–thirsty ….) To be applied in later models Johali
Herzberg’s Two Group Factors This Theory is reclassified “Maslow’s 5 Basic Needs” into two Groups corresponding to the lower and higher levels of human goals. : • Hygiene of /HR working Environment Factors, including pay / salaries and other rewards, work condition, security, supervision styles etc. • Motivators: workers who find work meaningless may react apathetically (lazily) even though all the environmental factors are well looked after. Johali
Mayo’s Theory of Social & Personal Needs It is unexpected classic study of human relations, Mayo & Dicson (1927-1039) conduct an experiment to study the effect of illumination on productivity, but it comes out with “managerial human relation theory”. Its main human management Principle that: The personal and social needs of employees are very important and that concentration by management exclusively on productivity, material and environmental issues will prove to be a self –defeating aim. Compare with Objectives & to be applied in later models Johali
Mc Gregors’ Theories of X & Y • Theory of X carries “our” traditional beliefs “Attitudes” that: “People seen as inherently lazy and unambitious, and will avoid responsibility” Thus, HR managers’ encouragement and persuasion are necessary. • Theory Y: It takes benevolent or Feeling view of human nature. It assumes that “work is a natural human activity, which is capable of providing enjoyment and self-fulfillment”. Thus, HR Mangers have to create a favorable climate for growth, development, self reliance, self confident and self actualization See and reflect in Models ( X & Y) Diagrams To be applied in later models Johali
Theory X People “Youth” Don’t Want to Work?! People don’t want to be responsible People want to be directed People want security People are only interested when they are forced Strict rules & regulations control No sharing of responsibilities Show no interest Passive react Johali
Theory Y People are What they are Working Is their profession? People want to be responsible {to be in charge of} People want to be creative People need self-confidence {as result of feedback } More place Less rules and regulations More self –control People share responsibilities People show interest Big interest in working Johali
Vrooms’ Valency +ExpectancyTheory This theory based on the “Maslow & Herzberg” Model. Vroom proposes that motivation is a product of the worth or value that individuals place on the possible results of their action and the expectation that their goals will be achieved. Simply, it expressed by this mathematical formula: F=V+E F= Force of Motivation or Strength of Motivation; V= Value or Strength of Preference (desire, beloved..) E = Energy or Probability of action to satisfy desire Think if V = 0; what is the value of F ? (X) ( Create equations and solve them ?) To large extent, Lyman Porter & Edward Lawler 3rd derived more complete model of motivation, it built in large part on Expectancy theory the PLM Model Johali
The PLM Model P & L Expectancy model holds that: job satisfaction follows effective job performance rather than the other way round However; The Actual Performance in a job (the doing of task or the meaning of goals) is not only determined by effort expended but it is also greatly influenced by an individual’s ability (knowledge and skills) & by his Perception of what the required task is (the extent to which the person understands the goals, required activities ) Performance sees as leading to Intrinsic Reward (eg.; sense of accomplishment or self actualization) and Extrinsic Reward (working environment/condition/status) Johali
The Diagram of PLM Modelwww.bola.biz/motivation/expectancy.html The well-known Lawler/ Porter diagram of expectancy relationships can be simplified as follows. - To be applied with later Models e.g; Vrooms; QProductivity; IQP; Adams equity & Islamic Equity & IQWL - Satisfaction means perceiving inequity rewards (T/F) Johali
The PLM Model Group Reflective Exercise Q: Think how you felt when given a significant task to do recently. List your feelings, reactions, expectations......... Expected Result Your thinking may go something like this .... • You felt you should attempt it because it was your role to do so - reasonable request from the boss. • You wanted to do it well - not to let your team or yourself down. If you manage to complete it and make good - others will learn and acknowledge your success. • You (and your team?) will feel you have achieved something. So achievement is an important payoff for you. • However you may be anxious about how much effort you needed to put in to do the work. You feel lacking in confidence or the skills. You may feel that the task was not really feasible in terms of its scope and the time and resources available. You may decide that it is unlikely that it can be accomplished - so you approach it half heartedly - you do not anticipate any worthwhile achievement from the effort. Johali
The Equation of PLM Model • The model suggests that people at work are motivated to perform because of expectations as to perceived payoffs or rewards arising from that performance. The desirability of these (valence), perception of expectancy and force of expression are intrinsic to the person . Each one has their view of what is challenging or interesting, important to self-esteem and regard for extrinsic payoffs - pay and material rewards Expectancy depicts a subjective not "other-defined objective reality". It is how you/I see the world around use. Our perception of the worth of the payoffs available and attainable affects the degree of motivation. • As it is built in large part of expectancy theory, it is more complete model of motivation, it uses Vrooms’ equation more clearly as follow: (F) the amount of motivation effort or energy depends (=)on the (V) Value of a reward plus (+)the amount of (E) Energy F = V + E Now; Just Think & calculate your HR expectations F/V/E Johali
Adams’ Theory of Equity Johali
Adams’ Theory of EquityKey Concepts & Application in this mathematic equation Just thinking in math = 50% PSreplace all except A with value and solve?/replace all except B with value and solve?A C -------- = ------ B D Johali
Adams' Equity Theory - job motivation Balance 'calibrated' and measured against comparable references in the market-place. What I put into my job: time, effort, ability, loyalty, tolerance, flexibility, integrity, commitment, reliability, heart and soul, personal sacrifice, etc. What I get from my job: pay, bonus, perks, benefits, security, recognition, interest, development, reputation, praise, responsibility, enjoyment, etc. People become “motiveless” and reduce input and/or seek change or improvement whenever they feel their inputs are not being fairly rewarded by outputs. Fairness is based on perceived market norms. Johali
Quality of Working Life (QWL)the Reality: the Simple; the Cost effective and the most interest Although, it is connected to Herzberg’s theory, and Maslow, compare to our culture, its title very interesting, its simple, cost effective & it comes from live experience of large companies. its Principles based on the reality. • Its main focus on “Job Enrichment” = J Enhancement; J reinforcement; J growth and Improvement • The Major QWL Principles are: • Give workers more freedomin choosing and deciding their techniques and procedures.. • Encourage participation;subordinates(Assistants, 2nd line; junior mangers) and interaction between all workers • Give workers a feeling of personal responsibility for their tasks. • Take steps to make sure that workers can see how their tasks contribute to workachievement and welfare • Give people feedback on their job performance before their supervisor. • Involve workers in the analysis and change of physical aspects of the work environment such as layout of office, lighting ..etc. See Net Model QWL Johali
Live NetQWL Process Model • ** Ego Reflective Assignment • Reflect in the above Net Model & develop all the above concepts into an Islamic Cycle QWL Model for Improving Quality H Care HRM ? Johali
The ModifiedJohali & his learners’2009Islamic QWL Model International Contexts International Contexts National the Islamic Teachings National Islamic Teachings HRM Organization HRM Organization Family – Individual Nature Family – Individual Nature Quality W Live The IQWL QHRM Job Johali
Reflect on (review, think, contemplate & reason) and discover the “heart/core” secrete of the previous sciences ? (why there were many ?; what are their major differences & about what they were competitive?) Ego Reflective Assignment for All (3 substituted Grades) Self Quiz = quarter exam to be submitted Next Week Discover the “Heart Secrete/Core” the Title of the Next Unit? Johali
HRMETHICSWestern + Islamic • Allah create us to be His (Caliph /Khaleifah) in the Earth .... (Versus …. What is this mean?) • All our life including work life should be ethical based • Compare to Islam; all other civilization including the Western did not & will not brink except that Muslim people neither well concern nor well organized as Western did e.g; The Western Code of Ethics … ------ Additional Reference مصدر مرجع اضافي Johali, E. A (2008) A Concise Health Professions History & Ethicsكتاب مختصر تاريخ وأخلاقيات المهن الصحية، دار الاوائل دمشق 1429هـ/2008م (متوفر في مكتبات ولدى مركز القويفل ومركز الكلية) Johali
THE MOAJOE ISLAMIC ETHICAL BASESISLAMIC ESSENTIALS • Individual/Personal Nature & Educational Development: from fetus - later age & day after التربية والتطور الطبيعي للفرد • Social Security/Welfare & Relationshipsالتكافل والأمن والعلاقات الاجتماعية • COMMUNICATION RIGHTS حقوق التعامل والتواصل (As a Muslim learner; You have to write Evidence from Holly Qura’an & Sunnah) Johali
ISLAMIC FOUNDATIONS • HUMAN NOBILITY / Dignity/Ego الكرامة الإنسانية • JUSTICE & EQUITY العدالة والمساواة • HUMAN COOPERATION التعارف والتعاون الإنساني • FORGIVENESS/COMPASSION/AFFECTION التسامح / الرحمة والمودة • HONESTY / FIDELITY /LOYALITY /الولاءالأمانة/ الإخلاص • BENEFIT/ USEFULNESS الإحسان/البر/المنفعة والمصلحة ============ As a Muslim learner, you have to find at least (Aiah or Hadeeth) as scientific evidence for each Johali
GLOBAL HR ETHICS PRINCIPLESModified for Patients Ethics • BENEFIENCE :Act in the best interest of the HR • AUTONOMY:HR rights to self-determination • HONESITY :HR have the right to the Truth • INFORMAL CONSENT : this is a part of Autonomy & honesty principles;The HR have the right to be informed about all the relevant decisions • CONFIDENIALITY: based on the human dignity, HR have the right to assure that all the their information will not be given to other without their prior permission. • FIDELITY/LOYALTY:HR responsibilities should be directed toward the “Patients Welfare”, not to the management and manager interests; Managers responsibilities should directed to his employee not to his heads Johali
Global Codes of Ethics(CE) Johali
Code of Ethics (CE) PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY • Core Principle • As HR professionals, we are responsible for adding value to the organizations we serve and contributing to the ethical success of those organizations. We accept professional responsibility for our individual decisions and actions. We are also advocates for the profession by engaging in activities that enhance its credibility and value. • Intent • To build respect, credibility and strategic importance for the HR profession within our organizations, the business community, and the communities in which we work. • To assist the organizations we serve in achieving their objectives and goals. • To inform and educate current and future practitioners, the organizations we serve, and the general public about principles and practices that help the profession. • To positively influence workplace and recruitment practices. • To encourage professional decision-making and responsibility. • To encourage social responsibility. • Guidelines • Adhere to the highest standards of ethical and professional behavior. • Measure the effectiveness of HR in contributing to or achieving organizational goals. • Comply with the law. • Work consistent with the values of the profession. • Strive to achieve the highest levels of service, performance and social responsibility. • Advocate for the appropriate use and appreciation of human beings as employees. • Advocate openly and within the established forums for debate in order to influence decision-making and results. Johali
Code of Ethics PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT • Core Principle • As professionals we must strive to meet the highest standards of competence and commit to strengthen our competencies on a continuous basis. • Intent • To expand our knowledge of human resource management to further our understanding of how our organizations function. • To advance our understanding of how organizations work ("the business of the business"). • Guidelines • Pursue formal academic opportunities. • Commit to continuous learning, skills development and application of new knowledge related to both human resource management and the organizations we serve. • Contribute to the body of knowledge, the evolution of the profession and the growth of individuals through teaching, research and dissemination of knowledge. • Pursue certification such as CCP, CEBS, PHR, SPHR, etc. where available, or comparable measures of competencies and knowledge. Johali