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A Gentle Introduction to MITRE ATT&CK

A Gentle Introduction to MITRE ATT&CK. Security bsides FredEricton 2018. Jason Keirstead STSM & Lead Architect. November 20 th , 2018. IBM Security. The Five Ws (and an H)…. WHO are you? WHAT is MITRE ATT&CK? WHEN and WHERE would I use MITRE ATT&CK? WHY is it advantageous?

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A Gentle Introduction to MITRE ATT&CK

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  1. A Gentle Introduction to MITRE ATT&CK Security bsidesFredEricton 2018 Jason Keirstead STSM & Lead Architect November 20th , 2018 IBM Security

  2. The Five Ws (and an H)… • WHO are you? • WHAT is MITRE ATT&CK? • WHEN and WHERE would I use MITRE ATT&CK? • WHY is it advantageous? • HOW does it break (challenges)?

  3. WHO Are you?

  4. Who Are You • Working in Security Intelligence arena since 2004 (Q1 Labs/IBM Security) across many domains including SIEM, risk and vulnerability management, security analytics, and cyber threat intelligence (CTI). Currently serves as Lead Architect for the IBM Security Cloud. • Has presented on cybersecurity & CTI sharing matters at several international conferences such as Borderless Cyber, RSA USA, FS-ISAC, IBM THINK. • Working with STIX and TAXII community since 2014; OASIS CTI Technical Committee co-chair since 2016 • Elected to OASIS Board of Directors in 2018 • Loves working on enterprise-scale challenges and interesting new problem domains, but a simple hacker at heart

  5. Credits! • Some of the materials you will see have been shamelessly lifted from an amazing presentation delivered by John Wunder & Katie Nickels from MITRE at BSidesLasVegas 2017


  7. Framing the problem What keeps you awake at night? • How effective are my defenses? • Can I detect FriendlyRabidSquirrel, BrokebackHippo, or whatever the latest APT of the hour is? • Is the data I’m collecting actually useful? • Do I have obvious gaps? Do I have overlapping tool coverage? If so, how much? • Will this *shiny new* product from a vendor in the lobby really help my organization’s defenses?

  8. WHAT is ATT&CK? • ATT&CK IS NOT – An open-source (or any other kind of) threat intelligence feed full of IOCs to look for • ATT&CK IS NOT - Yet another kill-chain system that describes an event lifecycle • ATT&CK stands for “Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge” • ATT&CK IS - A globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques, categorized into an easily-consumable model • ATT&CK IS - Based on real-world in-the-wild observations of actual adversary behavior • ATT&CK IS – Purposefully focused on the adversary and the behaviors they exhibit, tools they use, and actions they perform. • ATT&CK IS – Community driven, and updated by MITRE quarterly based on new things being seen and reported in the wild.

  9. How ATT&CK Is Layed Out • ATT&CK is layed out as a series of adversary tactics, each of which are comprised of many techniques. • Techniques are what one wants to detect / mitigate, and emulate when red teaming • This is often layed out in a tabular matrix form for ease of consumption • As part of ATT&CK, MITRE also describes the adversaries (80) and malware/tools (280) who use these various techniques

  10. ATT&CK and the Cyber Kill-Chain • Priority Definition • Planning, Direction • Target Selection • Information Gathering • • Technical, People, Organizational • Weakness Identification • • Technical, People, Organizational • Adversary OpSec • Establish & Maintain Infrastructure • Persona Development • Build Capabilities • Test Capabilities • Stage Capabilities • Initial Access • Execution • Persistence • Privilege Escalation • Defense Evasion • Credential Access • Discovery • Lateral Movement • Collection • Exfiltration • Command and Control

  11. What is a TECHNIQUE in ATT&CK?

  12. What is a GROUP in ATT&CK?

  13. What is SOFTWARE in ATT&CK?

  14. WHEN and WHERE would I use MITRE ATT&CK? Detection & Analytics Measuring Defense Evaluating Tools

  15. Use Case 1: Detection & Analytics

  16. Use Case 1: Detection & Analytics • Analytics lookfor observable events and artifacts that indicate adversary behavior • E.g., if an adversary uses RDP, Windows Event Logs will show a Login with type=RemoteInteractive • Most analytics described in ATT&CK are general purpose and will result in false-positives if deployed in isolation • Environmental context is required to fill in the gaps. • #PROTIP – Only Groups or Chains of successful analytics should lead you to increased confidence

  17. Use Case 1: Detection & Analytics The 3 Steps to developing a successful analytic • Read the ATT&CK page and fully understand the technique • Think about it from an adversary perspective, not as a defender • Try to mentally separate any legitimate usage from malicious usage • Try it • Carry out the attacks via your own testing or pre-written scripts, or leverage open source tools such as Red Canary’s Atomic Red Team or EndGame’sRed Team Automation • What does the result look like in the logs? • Could you write a search / rules / alert to find the behavior? • Write and iterate • Write your first searches / rules / alerts, narrow down false positives, and iterate • Keep testing – make sure you check for a variety of ways it can be used, not just the easiest • If once deployed, the analytic gives false positives, do not give up / disable it, tune it to eliminate them

  18. WHEN and WHERE would I use MITRE ATT&CK? Use Case 2: Measuring Defense

  19. Use Case 2: Measuring Defense • The ATT&CK matrix when combined with MITRE’s online viewer, is a powerful tool to measure current defense coverage • Heat map / Color code techniques based on • Threat actor group • APT malware / software in use • Rule / search / alert coverage deployed • Toolchain capabilities • Log sources monitored • Use to plan where to deploy precious resources (both financial & human)

  20. Use Case 2: Measuring Defense • RED / BLUE teaming works better & is more actionable when planned & actioned using ATT&CK • The red team can make use of ATT&CK to label their post-event activities in a debrief report. • The blue team can then map their gaps back to their analytics and products in the environment can be tuned to address detection gaps.

  21. WHEN and WHERE would I use MITRE ATT&CK? Use Case 3: Evaluating Tools

  22. Use Case 3: Evaluating Tools • Use ATT&CK to plan and execute well-structured and unbiased product evaluations • Provide reports to management (and back to vendors) using the ATT&CK matrix • New vendor-neutral tool evaluation program against APT3 - https://www.mitre.org/news/press-releases/mitre-offers-attck-based-evaluations-of-post-exploit-detection-products - vendors will likely start advertising coverage based on ATT&CK . • You can already see it happening in the market: • EndGame - https://www.endgame.com/mitre-attck-coverage • CrowdStrike - https://www.crowdstrike.com/resources/news/crowdstrike-falcon-endpoint-protection-platform-validated-against-mitre-attck-framework-in-nation-state-emulation-test/

  23. Challenges & Common Pitfalls

  24. Common Pitfalls • Assuming all techniques are created equal • Techniques in ATT&CK do not have any kind of “severity” rating, but they should • Some techniques are more trivial to exploit than others, and some have much more impact than others, while others are entire programming languages (ie. Powershell) • Assuming that “you’re covered” because you can detect a technique in one specific scenario • Technique definitions are purposefully high-level and attackers are always evolving within these techniques • You will never gain and maintain 100% coverage of any technique, let alone all of them • Coverage of techniques is best thought of as a continuum rather than a binary • Assuming you need alerts for every technique • Many techniques have positive uses as well • If you have tools that allow it, it is better to evaluate technique CHAINS than them in isolation

  25. Challenges • Evaluating analytics and chains will require increasing amounts of data • Data marking at ingestion become less useful • Collection and long term storage a challenge • Can ATT&CK help target your data collection? • Can collection be made more agile? • Many analytics will depend on search • How can you scale your search / analytics to become near-time? • How can you prioritize and made effective use of your resources? Can ATT&CK help? • Communities • How to convince parties of the value in bridging the asymmetric information gap • How to develop robust trust communities to create, curate, evaluate, and share analytics

  26. MITRE ATT&CK – https://attack.mitre.org Detection Lab https://github.com/clong/DetectionLab https://medium.com/@clong/introducing-detection-lab-61db34bed6ae Atomic Red Team - https://atomicredteam.io/ Endgame Red Team Automation (RTA) - https://github.com/endgameinc/RTA Cyb3rWard0g Playbooks – https://github.com/Cyb3rWard0g/ThreatHunter-Playbook Linux auditd Events -> ATT&CK - https://github.com/bfuzzy/auditd-attack Palo Alto Unit42 Playbook Viewer - https://github.com/pan-unit42/playbook_viewer Fortiguard Playbook Viewer - https://threatplaybook.fortiguard.com/ Resource Links & Questions

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