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Comprehensive Water Management Solutions for Arizona Region

Explore advanced tools and techniques for managing water sources like groundwater, effluent, and reservoirs. Learn about watershed management, irrigation efficiencies, and urban stormwater management. Discover strategies for managing elevated tanks, groundwater recharge, and regulatory frameworks to ensure water sustainability in Arizona.

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Comprehensive Water Management Solutions for Arizona Region

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Water Management: TOOLS

  2. Water Sources Groundwater Surface Water Effluent

  3. Reservoirs SRP Lake Pleasant Colorado River Powell Mead

  4. Watershed Management Irrigation Efficiencies Range Management Riparian Restoration Invasive Plant Removal Stream Course Redesign Urban Storm Water Management

  5. Elevated Tanks

  6. Standpipes

  7. Ground Level - Steel

  8. Cast-in-Place Concrete

  9. Recharge Injection Vadose ASR Constructed Spreading Basins In-Channel Managed GSF

  10. RechargeRegulatory Framework USF Permit Constructed vs Managed WSP Permit APP CAP Projects Excluded Remediated Source Effluent Source Surface Water Rights

  11. Recharge Facilities Scottsdale Gilbert State Demonstration Projects CAVSARP/SAVSARP Sweetwater Recharge Facility Lower Santa Cruz Managed BKW Farms Rural WWTF Recharge

  12. Recharge Facilities Scottsdale Gilbert State Demonstration Projects CAVSARP/SAVSARP Sweetwater Recharge Facility Lower Santa Cruz Managed BKW Farms Rural WWTF Recharge

  13. Recharge Facilities Scottsdale Gilbert State Demonstration Projects CAVSARP/SAVSARP Sweetwater Recharge Facility Lower Santa Cruz Managed BKW Farms Rural WWTF Recharge

  14. Recharge Facilities Scottsdale Gilbert State Demonstration Projects CAVSARP/SAVSARP Sweetwater Recharge Facility Lower Santa Cruz Managed BKW Farms Rural WWTF Recharge

  15. Recharge Facilities Scottsdale Gilbert State Demonstration Projects CAVSARP/SAVSARP Sweetwater Recharge Facility Lower Santa Cruz Managed BKW Farms Rural WWTF Recharge

  16. Recharge Facilities Scottsdale Gilbert State Demonstration Projects CAVSARP/SAVSARP Sweetwater Recharge Facility Lower Santa Cruz Managed BKW Farms Rural WWTF Recharge

  17. Recharge Facilities Scottsdale Gilbert State Demonstration Projects CAVSARP/SAVSARP Sweetwater Recharge Facility Lower Santa Cruz Managed Pinal/Pima Farms Rural WWTF Recharge

  18. Recharge Facilities Scottsdale Gilbert State Demonstration Projects CAVSARP/SAVSARP Sweetwater Recharge Facility Lower Santa Cruz Managed BKW Farms Rural WWTF Recharge

  19. Arizona Water Banking Authority (AWBA) Role Goals/Status On-River – 420,000 AF Phoenix AMA – 1,566,000 AF Pinal AMA – 243,000 AF Tucson AMA – 864,000 AF Challenges • ; 96% • ; 87% • ; >100% • ; 39%

  20. Remediation/Treatment of Groundwater Human Caused Contaminants Treated Superfund/WQARF sites Nitrogen Natural Contaminant Treatment Arsenic, Fluoride Brackish Desalination

  21. Remediated Groundwater Tucson Airport Remediation Project Glendale Nitrate Flowing Wells

  22. Treatment of Groundwater Goodyear Desalination Plant Sahuarita Arsenic Treatment Green Valley Arsenic Treatment Santa Cruz Well Field Blending

  23. Reuse Things to Consider Match water quality with end user Consider user agreements Requires advanced treatment of effluent Conduct System Separation Tests Backflow prevention required System Identification/Signage

  24. Cross ConnectionTesting • Prior to reclaimed water service is initiated: • The reclaimed water system is charged with potable water and red dye is added to allow the movement of the water to be tracked. • After it has been verified that there is no red dye coming out of any potable faucet, the system is connected to reclaimed water.

  25. Backflow Prevention Arizona regulations require all sites with reclaimed water to install backflow prevention assemblies to protect the potable water system from contamination in the event that there is a cross-connection between the reclaimed and potable water systems. Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Assemblies

  26. Identifying Reclaimed Water Pipes & Appurtenances

  27. Demand Management Roles of Demand Management Reduce Overall System Demand Reduce System Failures Encourage Customer Conservation Demand Management Tools Infrastructure Design/Operation Maintenance Conservation Rate Structure

  28. Infrastructure Maintenance Infrastructure Maintenance Routine PMs and Inspections Prioritized Replacement Main and Reservoir Flushing Accurate Metering Production In-System Billing

  29. Design and Construction Looped Systems Reduce “Dead Heads” Adequate Storage Operational Strategies Off-Peak Minimum Reservoir Levels Off-Daily-Peak Reservoir Filling Minimize System Pressures Infrastructure Design/Operation

  30. Conservation Residential Low Flow Fixtures Retrofit Programs New Construction Resale Retrofit Ordinances Land/Xeriscaping Proper Irrigation Vegetation Removal Rainwater Harvesting Gray Water Reuse Multi Family/Commercial Individual Metering

  31. Conservation Utility/Municipality Approaches General Public Information Education Training Direct Assistance Incentives Ordinances

  32. Population vs.. GPCD Tucson Phoenix

  33. Questions

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