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Lesson 3: Processed Kids

Lesson 3: Processed Kids. Food Processing. What Does It Mean To Process Foods?. To transform raw food into a new food through the use of technology, chemicals, physical or other refining methods. REASONS FOODS ARE PROCESSED. Can be distributed world-wide Produced at a lower cost

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Lesson 3: Processed Kids

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  1. Lesson 3: Processed Kids Food Processing

  2. What Does It Mean To Process Foods? To transform raw food into a new food through the use of technology, chemicals, physical or other refining methods

  3. REASONS FOODS ARE PROCESSED • Can be distributed world-wide • Produced at a lower cost • Keep food from spoiling • Preserve seasonal foods • To remove toxins

  4. What Does Processing Do To Food? • Leaches out valuable vitamins and minerals • Destroys Fiber • Causes allergies, asthma and cancer • Adds calories • Increases sugar and fat consumption

  5. Affects Your Brain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoDsfiD3Bv8 Teacher please note: You may have to copy and paste this link into your browser in order for the video to run

  6. Processing Techniques Bleaching • Benzyl Peroxide to whiten flour • Chlorine Dioxide rapidly changes the color • Destroys Vitamin E • Skin and eye irritant • Linked to allergic reactions • Cancer-causing agent • Poisonous in large amounts

  7. FOOD FACT: BLEACH Unprocessed flour is naturally brown in color. Flour is changed to a white color by bleaching it. Used to take several months to change the color of flour, now it only a few minutes with bleaching additives.

  8. Processing Techniques Hydrogenation • Chemicals change a liquid oil into a solid • Known as hydrogenation, partially hydrogenated oils or trans-fats • Raises cholesterol levels more than any other fat • Can lead to heart disease

  9. FOOD FACT: HYDROGENATION Most people are wise to the dangers of trans-fats, so food companies have been replacing them with palm oils. Palm oils are extremely high in solid or saturated fats. This process is destroying the rain forest.

  10. Difference Between Whole and Refined Foods • Whole foods are foods in their entirety or closest to their natural state • Refined foods are highly processed and stripped of their nutritional value

  11. Why are Grains Refined? • To extend shelf life. • Refining grains led to deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. • Pellagra – niacin deficiency • Beriberi – thiamin deficiency • Food companies required to add nutrients back in – process called “enrichment”

  12. Refining a Grain Activity

  13. Refining Sugar Process Uses Bone Char A granular matter produced by “charring” or heating bones to high temperatures. Used to remove colors in sugar.

  14. Sugar and Diabetes Insulin A hormone secreted by the pancreas that removes excess sugar or glucose from the blood and moves it to the cells of the liver or muscles for storage and later use.

  15. Alternative to Processed or Refined Foods? • Fresh Fruits • Vegetables • Whole Grains

  16. Whole Grain? Check the Label • 100% Whole Wheat is Whole Grain. • Whole grain is 1st ingredient. • Fiber • 3 grams or more = good source • 5 grams or more = excellent

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