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The Marvel of Super Shells: A Divine Creation Unveiled

Discover the intricate design and strength of super shells, showcasing God's engineering marvel in nature, as explained by Dr. Roberto Ballarini and Dr. Su Xiao-Wei. Explore the layers, repair capabilities, and unique properties that make the conch shell a masterpiece of creation.

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The Marvel of Super Shells: A Divine Creation Unveiled

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  1. Sermons From Science -- Aug 2017科学布道-- 2017年8月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. Just type “Pastor Chui” in Google Search. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 10/29/2019 1

  2. Super shells超级贝壳 • The Creation.com website published the article written by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati on 7-19-2017. I now quote his article below: • “The prestigious evolutionary journal Nature marvelled at the giant conch shell. Nature said that this shell is ‘one of nature’s greatest engineering masterpieces’.1 So what makes it so special? • “The animal grows its shell by first depositing an organic outer layer called the periostracum. This forms a base for tiny elongated crystals to grow, pointing at right-angles to the membrane. This layer is only one micron (1/25,000 inch) thick. So more mineral grows on top to a thickness of a few millimetres (about 1/8 inch). 10/29/2019 2

  3. Super shells超级贝壳 • cheesy42, wikimedia commons  • Adult shell of the queen conch. 10/29/2019 3

  4. Super shells超级贝壳 • “This has a three-layered criss-crossing structure. It comprises rods of aragonite, a form of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), held together by protein glue. This makes a shell with 99% mineral and 1% protein. The rods in each layer line up at 90° to those in the adjoining layer. Further, each rod is composed of even smaller rods, and these comprise rods that are smaller still. And so on, down to individual crystals.2 10/29/2019 4

  5. Super shells超级贝壳 • “Dr Roberto Ballarini, Material Science Engineer at Case Western Reserve University, investigated the shell’s strength. He showed that its arrangement makes it hard for a crack to travel through the entire structure. So although aragonite is very brittle, the architecture means that it is ‘one of the toughest brittle-natured composites known to man’. In fact, it’s 30 times stronger and about 1,000 times tougher (more resistant to fracturing) than the pure mineral.3 He hopes to be able to copy this structure ‘for small electronic hardware to make it tougher and more resilient’.2 10/29/2019 5

  6. Super shells超级贝壳 • “And the living conch does something no man-made material can do—repair itself. Dr Ballarini’s colleague, Dr Su Xiao-Wei, has shown how the conch repairs holes. Within 24 hours, the conch seals a wound with a transparent membrane. Then it deposits tiny aragonite crystals, forming many fine layers. Only then, after 6–8 days, does the conch deposit the elongated crystals followed by the amazingly tough cross-layered structure.1 10/29/2019 6

  7. Super shells超级贝壳 • “The repair process requires fine coordination of the organic and mineral layers. Dr Su and colleagues hope that their research will show how to design tough man-made materials. However, they still need to find out how this process is controlled at the molecular level. And when they discover the way the genes program this, they will learn yet another lesson from the Programmer (cf.Romans 1:18–23).” • Thank God for the contribution of Dr. Sarfati. 10/29/2019 7

  8. Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 10/29/2019 8

  9. Sermons From Science -- Aug 2017科学布道-- 2017年8月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. Just type “Pastor Chui” in Google Search. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 10/29/2019 9

  10. The church of Jedi … believe it!绝地教会...相信! • The Creation.com website published the article written byGary Bates on July 18, 2017. I now quote his article below: • “The Force Awakens (another installment of the popular Star Wars movie franchise) has led to a spike in people joining a sci-fi-based religion known as Jediism. Britain’s Daily Telegraph reported that over 1,000 people a day were signing up, even before the movie’s release in December, 2015.1 While ‘Jediism’ began as a joke, it has gained serious traction. Even as far back as 2012 a UK census found that “it [is] the most popular faith in the ‘Other Religions’ category on the Census and the seventh most popular faith overall.”2 While adherents acknowledge that their religion is based upon fiction, they claim to seriously follow the man-made spiritual and moral teachings practiced by the characters in the movies. They have asked for official government recognition as a religion. 10/29/2019 10

  11. The church of Jedi … believe it!绝地教会...相信! • Cartoon by Steve Cardno  10/29/2019 11

  12. The church of Jedi … believe it!绝地教会...相信! • “Over 10 years ago in my book Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection(AI), I demonstrated how beliefs based upon popular entertainment were shaping Western societies, especially when it came to beliefs about life evolving on countless other worlds in the universe. Such beliefs have spiritual implications. If such life evolved millions of years before life evolved on Earth, then any potential alien life could be ‘millions of years’ more advanced in their technology, and they could have even been the creators of humankind, seeding life on Earth. 10/29/2019 12

  13. The church of Jedi … believe it!绝地教会...相信! • “This is no longer just science fiction—such an idea has been promoted by well-known scientists including Richard Dawkins, Paul Davies, and even DNA co-discoverer, Francis Crick. Is it any wonder that people, prompted by these same themes promoted in science fiction, would then look to ‘the stars’ for inspiration—where these alleged ancient alien civilizations have already overcome all types of problems that humans face on Earth? This would include starting a new ‘perfect’ religion, free from the laws and moral bounds of ‘primitive’ earthly religions that also inhibited human evolution. Indeed, many of the extreme sci-fi cults have made up all sorts of strange moral codes, especially regarding sex. 10/29/2019 13

  14. The church of Jedi … believe it!绝地教会...相信! • “I quoted Star Wars creator George Lucas in AI when he said, “I put the Force into the movie in order to try to awaken a certain kind of spirituality in young people … I think there is a God. No question. What that God is or what we know about God, I’m not sure.”3 Well, he seems to have achieved his goal. Elsewhere he also said, “I wanted to try to explain in a different way the religions that have already existed. I wanted to express it all.” And that, “All religions are true.”3 But this concept that all religions are true, and that ‘all’ the different alien races ‘out there’ might be our creators is illogical, which is ironic given the attempt to appeal to rationalists. How can they all be “true” when they make conflicting claims? For example, Jesus said that no-one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6), but other religions deny this. They can’t all be true (correct). So instead, it is now said that all religions are ‘equal’. 10/29/2019 14

  15. The church of Jedi … believe it!绝地教会...相信! • “Making up new religions so one can do what is right in one’s own eyes is really just a form of idol worship dressed up in modern clothes. • “A satirical letter sent to the Kansas State Board of Education (US) in 2005 poked fun at creationist beliefs, citing that the ‘Flying Spaghetti Monster’ was the creator and therefore as valid as the teaching of intelligent design. The letter effectively claimed that all religions were man-made and therefore all ‘equal’. Sometime later, this incident spawned yet another nonsensical ‘church’ called the ‘Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster’, which now has chapters in several countries. In New Zealand they have even been given permission to conduct weddings.4 Note that this is really claiming, not that all religions are true, as Lucas said, but that all religions are equally baseless, including Christianity. The invention of these new truly baseless religions entails: 10/29/2019 15

  16. The church of Jedi … believe it!绝地教会...相信! • “1. A rejection of the Creator (Romans 1:21–25) • “This Romans passage says that although they knew God (or else why would they need to start their own religion to fill such voids in their lives), they did not acknowledge Him. This leads to futile thinking and their “foolish hearts” being darkened, leading them to becoming “fools” by rejecting the Creator and worshiping created things. With such ‘binds’ loosened they ultimately engage of all sorts of immoral things. • “2. An attempt to fill the resulting ‘God-shaped’ void in the human heart: “ … he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end” (Ecclesiastes 3:11) 10/29/2019 16

  17. The church of Jedi … believe it!绝地教会...相信! • “It is ultimately the need to have some sort of belief about where we came from. This foundational belief will also determine meaning and purpose to life, and what happens to us when we die (our worldview). The Bible talks about why and how people will build things to satisfy this void. • “3. Idol building (Exodus 32, Leviticus 26) • “A wise king once said “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). 10/29/2019 17

  18. The church of Jedi … believe it!绝地教会...相信! • “Making up new religions so one can do what is right in one’s own eyes is really just a form of idol worship dressed up in modern clothes, just as the Hebrews built a golden calf and reveled around it, as recorded in Exodus. Similarly, the First Church of Atheism has taken off in some countries. They generally hold services on Sunday mornings and their ‘ministers’ can even officiate at weddings and funerals. Their ‘creator’ is the unguided process of evolution, which ultimately has to be the same foundational belief that created unseen aliens at some stage in the universe’s history—even if those aliens eventually and supposedly created human life on Earth. 10/29/2019 18

  19. The church of Jedi … believe it!绝地教会...相信! • “Only the real Creator has the power to save you • “The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14). This is why creation ministry is so important today. By demolishing their foundational belief in evolution and providing evidence of the Creator God of the Bible, we can help people discern the fallacies in truly man-made religions.” •  Thank God for the contribution of Gary Bates. 10/29/2019 19

  20. Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 10/29/2019 20

  21. Sermons From Science -- Aug 2017科学布道-- 2017年8月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. Just type “Pastor Chui” in Google Search. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 10/29/2019 21

  22. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 • The Creation.com website published the article written byGary Bates on July 17, 2017. I now quote his article below: • “CMI exists because the Genesis account of creation is foundational to understanding the Gospel. In short, if there was no literal sin, no literal Fall of man, and no curse of death because of that sin, then we literally don’t need to be saved from anything. • “But unfortunately many Christians (before they’ve been exposed to CMI’s message) wrongly perceive that the creation vs evolution debate is just one of those many ‘controversial problems’ facing the church like gay marriage, abortion, or euthanasia. When I speak in churches on this topic I usually illustrate the issues with Picture 1. 10/29/2019 22

  23. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 10/29/2019 23

  24. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 • “The Lord Jesus spoke a lot about trees and their fruit. For example, in Matthew 7:16–19, He said, “You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” • “Our worldviews are like a filter or a framework through which we view all of reality. Moreover, even our children, once they reach the age of understanding, will have already developed a worldview lens for themselves. But most (adults or children) don’t even realize this. Nor do they realize that the primary factor that forms someone’s worldview is their belief about where they came from. 10/29/2019 24

  25. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 • “Trees and worldviews • “The trees in Picture 1 represent the two dominant worldviews in Western cultures. Our worldviews are like a filter or a framework through which we view all of reality. Moreover, even our children, once they reach the age of understanding, will have already developed a worldview lens for themselves. But most (adults or children) don’t even realize this. Nor do they realize that the primary factor that forms someone’s worldview is their belief about where they came from. • “Note the soil in which these two trees are planted. The tree of secular humanism (which means that man determines truth for himself) is planted in the soil of evolution. 10/29/2019 25

  26. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 • “Evolution has a materialistic foundation, meaning that only material causes for our existence are allowed. Thus, there is no role for a Creator-God, who only exists in the minds of the religious. No one therefore sets the rules, and you can make up your own rules about life; truth is simply what you decide, or what society establishes. It puts God out of the picture as the ultimate authority—as lawmaker and giver of truth. So, the major ‘problems’ that many think are facing the church today, like abortion and gay marriage, are not really the problems. They are simply the fruit (or the symptoms of an underlying problem) of humanism rooted in the soil of evolution. For example, if one believes that humanity is the product of time and chance, then who’s to say it’s wrong to kill unborn children in the womb? After all, modern biology textbooks falsely claim that unborn babies display throwbacks to our evolutionary ancestry and are nothing more than animals. 10/29/2019 26

  27. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 10/29/2019 27

  28. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 • “Now, please don’t misunderstand me here. I am not saying that evolution is the cause of ills in our society. The ultimate problem is our sin nature, but as the noted ‘high priest’ of evolution, Richard Dawkins, once wrote, “Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.”1 Evolution gives a ‘scientific’ excuse for living life as if God does not exist.2 • “The fruit is not the actual problem 10/29/2019 28

  29. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 • “As the old saying goes, ‘An apple tree isn’t an apple tree because it produces apples, it produces apples because it’s an apple tree.’ In the same way we are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners. We are born sinners because of real history—biblical history. That is, we are literal descendants of Adam— “as in Adam all die” (1 Corinthians 15:21). So the problem is not so much what we do, but what we are. It is because of what we are that Christ came: “ … but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). 10/29/2019 29

  30. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 10/29/2019 30

  31. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 • “However, when our previous unregenerate humanistic worldview (There is no God, or if there is, the Bible is wrong about His holiness and hatred of sin) is replaced by a Christian tree (worldview), then logically it should be planted in the good soil of believing the Bible as God’s inspired Word. We should then also see fruit in accordance with that worldview. But please note, just because one professes to be a Christian (and whether one is or not), it doesn’t automatically follow that one has a Christian worldview. Believers should be consistent and recognize that our need for salvation and, in particular, our fallen state comes from the foundation of biblical history. 10/29/2019 31

  32. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 • “That is, the belief that the Bible is true from the beginning; otherwise how do we know what we are being saved from, for one thing? As Christ is the founder and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), we should believe that He is the Word of God (John 1:1–3). Jesus said, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned” (John 15:4–6). 10/29/2019 32

  33. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 • “Evolutionist Ernst Haeckel fraudulently drew the pictures on the top row to reinforce the idea that while in the womb, human beings and other creatures undergo a throwback to an alleged evolutionary ancestry. This has been known to be wrong for over 100 years, yet similar pictures still adorn biology textbooks today. Photographs of actual embryos (bottom row) bear little resemblance. 10/29/2019 33

  34. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 • “How to bear good fruit • “Notice that in the quoted Matthew and John passages, Jesus focused on bearing fruit. However, preceding the Matthew 7 discourse He also said, “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” • “But evolution is a materialistic concept that dispenses with the need for a Creator. If we add such evolution ‘salt’ to Scripture, then (unwittingly perhaps), we end up undermining the Gospel because we’ve put millions of years of death and suffering before the Fall of Adam. 10/29/2019 34

  35. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 • “Look at Picture 2. It’s a fact that most of us have been taught evolution under the guise of science. And many try to fit the idea of millions of years into the book of Genesis somewhere. But evolution is a materialistic concept that dispenses with the need for a Creator. If we add such evolution ‘salt’ to Scripture, then (unwittingly perhaps), we end up undermining the Gospel because we’ve put millions of years of death and suffering before the Fall of Adam. When witnessing to someone, is it reasonable to ask them to accept the claims of Christ (who referenced a historical Adam and Eve, a global Flood, etc.) if we claim that Genesis does not mean what it says? 10/29/2019 35

  36. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 • “Don’t believe those teachers who are content to add evolution to the Bible. Even atheists like Richard Dawkins say that church leaders who add evolution to the Bible are ‘deluded’.3 So, who are we trying to win over with such compromise? Sure, the majority of the world believes in evolution because that’s all most are ever taught. So, believing in a six-day creation is most certainly ‘the narrow way’. 10/29/2019 36

  37. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 • “See Picture 3: if the foundational view of God as Creator in Genesis is undermined or destroyed, we would expect the tree of Christianity to wither (as indeed it has in many countries). But we can fight back by similarly destroying the foundational beliefs of materialistic humanism by undermining evolution. I believe the biblical way to change a nation’s attitudes towards God is to first change the hearts and minds of its individuals. Otherwise it is unrealistic to expect unregenerate hearts to obey Christian morality. This was the method of the Apostles whose efforts, with God’s enabling, changed countries and, thus, changes in laws soon followed.4 And similarly, with God’s enabling we can see minds and hearts changed to point to the Creator. 10/29/2019 37

  38. Soil, trees and their fruit土壤,树木和水果 • “And the good news for Christians today is that we have more resources to do this than at any time in church history. Destroy the base of evolution and you will see the worldview of humanism decline. And that’s how we can change a culture. It’s no surprise that the Creator (the Lord Jesus) knew what He was talking about when he used the analogies of trees and their fruit.” • Thank God for the contribution of Gary Bates. 10/29/2019 38

  39. Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 10/29/2019 39

  40. Sermons From Science -- Aug 2017科学布道-- 2017年8月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. Just type “Pastor Chui” in Google Search. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 10/29/2019 40

  41. Can people be good without God?没有上帝,人可以好吗? • The Creation.com website published the article written byLita Cosner. I now quote her article below: • “Catherine K., Canada, writes: • “Hi,“I am always searching for ways to get through to my skeptical kids. They are in university and have a lot of non Christian friends. One day as my son was at a Bible study, the leader (a pastor) told the group that no one who is not a Christian was capable of goodness. My son protested that he had non-Christian friends who were capable of goodness--and gave some examples. The pastor countered with this statement: "Well, there must have had a wrong motive in the "good" action." This caused my son to leave the Faith in exasperation. He just did not understand this reasoning. And I do not either. 10/29/2019 41

  42. Can people be good without God?没有上帝,人可以好吗? • “I just read an article by Lita Cosner titled "The Goodness of God". She says, "One consequence of this [sanctification] is that we become capable of good works." This does not make sense. We have a lot of Christians and non Christians around us. I can name many instances of non-Christians showing selfless love, and Christians failing to show goodness!Would appreciate a response. • “Lita Cosner, CMI-US, responds: • “Dear Catherine, • “Thanks for writing in and giving me an occasion to expand on this idea. My article was written for publication in Creation magazine, and sometimes word limits mean that it is impossible to explain some statements fully. 10/29/2019 42

  43. Can people be good without God?没有上帝,人可以好吗? • “You can’t pull out a single deed and evaluate it on its own apart from a life that’s fundamentally aligned against the God who is the source of every good thing, and even our standard for good and evil! • “Ever since Adam sinned, humans have been sinful. We’re not sinful because we sin, we sin because we’re born sinful. David said, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me” (Psalm 51:5). In other words, David understood the reason he sinned with Bathsheba (the occasion for that particular psalm was his repentance). To understand the importance of this, consider that Christ never sinned because He was righteous. He didn’t overcome sin a certain number of times and then become righteous—He was righteous from conception (as only the incarnate Son of God could be) and thus never succumbed to temptation. Conversely, we commit sins because we are sinful—the underlying nature determines the actions. 10/29/2019 43

  44. Can people be good without God?没有上帝,人可以好吗? 10/29/2019 44

  45. Can people be good without God?没有上帝,人可以好吗? • “When we have this conception of sin, we can understand what Scripture means when it says that there is none who does good, not one. Isaiah says that even our righteous deeds are like polluted garments (Isaiah 64:6). Paul said all the things that made him a ‘Hebrew of Hebrews’ he counted as dung (Philippians 3:8). Even the things that we would count as good deeds from a human level are repulsive when compared to the standard of divine perfection. This is because while an atheist can mow his elderly neighbor’s lawn, and from a human level that’s a good deed, he’s doing that while he’s breaking the most important commandment: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might” (Deuteronomy 6:5, also 10:12, 11:13, 13:3 30:6; Joshua 22:5, 23:11, Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27). You can’t pull out a single deed and evaluate it on its own apart from a life that’s fundamentally aligned against the God who is the source of every good thing, and even our standard for good and evil! 10/29/2019 45

  46. Can people be good without God?没有上帝,人可以好吗? • “Every unbeliever is separated from God, and is thus incapable of doing anything that God will consider good, because everything they do is in the context of a life that is in rebellion against Him. No one thinks Hitler’s environmentalism is a mitigating factor in what an evil person he was. “Well, at least he was a vegetarian!” We’re rightly horrified at even the thought of that sort of moral ‘reasoning’, but the ‘good atheist’ is a difference only in degree, not kind. • “Christians are only capable of doing deeds God considers good because of our status “in Christ” which means Christ’s goodness is credited to us and He enables us to do good deeds. 10/29/2019 46

  47. Can people be good without God?没有上帝,人可以好吗? • “This is why we can’t do anything to save ourselves. No good deed can make up for our sinfulness, even if we could perform deeds that God would consider good, and we can’t even do that, because we’re separated from God, who is the source of all goodness! This is precisely why God had to take the initiative to save people. • “As I mentioned above, because Jesus is the Incarnate Son of God, He was able to live a perfectly sinless, righteous life. He was actually able to keep every commandment, and willingly died on the cross for our sins, and was raised on the third day. When we trust in Jesus for salvation, God reconciles us to Himself. One consequence of this is we become able to do good deeds, because God, the source of all goodness, enables us. Yet we remain completely dependent on Him: Jesus says, “apart from me, you can do nothing” (John 15:5). 10/29/2019 47

  48. Can people be good without God?没有上帝,人可以好吗? • “So yes, atheists can do what we would consider to be good deeds, but from a standard of divine perfection, none of us can measure up. Christians are only capable of doing deeds God considers good because of our status “in Christ” which means Christ’s goodness is credited to us and He enables us to do good deeds. • “I must say, however, that if this issue caused your son to leave the faith, there was probably some other underlying issue, because when people with a healthy faith encounter challenges or things they do not understand, they struggle through it until they understand, instead of ‘leaving the faith’ after hearing one answer they disagree with. • “I hope this is helpful.” • Thank God for the contribution of Lita Cosner. 10/29/2019 48

  49. Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 10/29/2019 49

  50. Sermons From Science -- Aug 2017科学布道-- 2017年8月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. Just type “Pastor Chui” in Google Search. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 10/29/2019 50

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