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This activity constructor helps teachers design a flipped classroom activity using existing content. It covers the out-of-class and in-class segments of the strategy, providing guidelines for video selection, assessment design, and interactive learning activities.
About this constructor This activity constructor document is aimed at assisting teachers in designing Flipped Classroom Activity in their own course using existing content. This guide will deal with Open Education Resources (OER’s) or those licensed under Creative Commons. The slides with white background are information sheets. The slides with Pale-yellow background require you to provide inputs. Replace the text written in BLUE with your input. This will be followed by an example input.
About you Provide basic information about yourself and the topic in which you want to design a flipped classroom.
Out-of-class Segment This section helps you design the Out-of-Class segment of Flipped Classroom Strategy.
About Out-of-Class Segment Meant mainly for Information-Transmission to student. Mostly help achieve lower-order cognitive levels (Recall-Understand-Apply) Teacher takes time to search and locate videos. Out-of-Class activity should not be too lengthy, (ideally think of 1 lecture being transferred outside)
Out-of-class Activity Design -1 Learning Objective(s) of Out-of-Class Activity • At the end of watching the videos student should be able to • Describe components of DFD (Understand Level) • Convert SRS document into DFD (Apply Level) • Explain the general rules of DFD(Recall level) • Construct the various level of DFD(understand Level) • Design DFD using its component(Apply Level) Key Concept(s) to be covered DFD symbols. Construction level of DFD. Examples on DFD.
Guidelines for Video Selection - 1 First check in National Repositories NPTEL Videos (http://www.nptelvideos.in/) NPTEL Youtube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/nptelhrd) Second Look in International Repositories OER Commons (https://www.oercommons.org/) OCW Consortium (http://www.oeconsortium.org/) Open Learing Initiative (http://oli.cmu.edu/)
Guidelines for Video Selection - 1 Third Look in Internet Video Repositories (filter for Creative Commons License) Youtube(https://www.youtube.com) Vimeo(https://vimeo.com/) Please note that Repository List is not exclusive and there are many more in the web. Please check this link from Edutopiafor more information.
Guidelines for Video Selection - 2 Keep the length of video short (not more than10 minutes).This is because it has been found that shorter videos are more engaging[1]. If the topic is too big for a single 10 min video, split the topic into multiple videos and give instructions to pause.(E.g. Pause at 4:30 sec) Select videos that have both text and audio narration.This will help in assimilation of content easier[2]. Guo, P. J., Kim, J., & Rubin, R. (2014, March). How video production affects student engagement: An empirical study of mooc videos. In Proceedings of the first ACM conference on Learning@ scale conference (pp. 41-50). ACM. Mayer, R.E. (2008). Applying the science of learning: Evidence-based principles for the design of multimedia instruction. American Psychologist, 63(8), 760-769.
Out-of-class Activity Design - 2 https://youtu.be/PF40PTJxn4Q Main Video Source URL Creative Commons License License of Video Mapping Concept to Video Source 38.2min. TOTAL DURATION
Guideline for Designing Assessments It is recommended to provide few assessment with each video resource. The assessment has to be at lower cognitive levels (Recall – Apply), aligned to the learning objectives. It is recommended that you evaluate these assessments before the in-class to understand the level of students.
Out-of-class Activity Design - 3 Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective
Out-of-class Activity Design - 3 Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective
Out-of-class Activity Design - 3 Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective • Submit answers to all questions 3 hours before coming to class • 30 min. • Total activity duration
In-class Segment This section helps you design the in-class segment of Flipped Classroom Strategy.
About In-Class Segment Make sure that In-Class segment contain activities for effective learning In active learning student goes beyond listening, copying of notes. Execution of prescribed procedures. Students are required to talk, write, reflect and express their thinking. Engage students in higher-order thinking (Analyze-Evaluate-Create). Ensure that students get feedback on their work, either from peers or you. Ensure to provide summary that connects Out-of-Class and In-Class activities.
In-class Activity Design -1 Learning Objective(s) of In - Class Activity At the end of the class, students will be able to, Solve real life scenario problems involving DFD examples (analyze level). 2. Predict & implement the External entities, processes, data store and dataflow between modules(analyze level). Key Concept(s) to be covered Use of DFD in real world problem solving. Design the DFD using its rules. Balancing the DFD in various levels.
In-class Activity Design -2 Active Learning activity(ies) that you plan to do • Real world problem solving using. • Think-Pair-Share • Concept clarification using. • Peer Instruction
In-class Activity Design -2 TPS Strategy – What Instructor does • First provide the scenario / example: • Suppose you are given the following requirements for a simple Pizza Ordering System. • PIZZA ,PIZZA Coupon • PIZZA Order, PIZZA Delivery, PIZZA chart, PIZZA Address, Customer
In-class Activity Design -2 TPS Strategy – What Instructor does Think (~5 minutes) Instruction: Construct a Data flow Diagram for online PIZZA ordering using the notation as explained in videos. List your assumptions & clearly show the decomposition & balance between the levels. Think individually and identify the scenario where External entities, process and dataflow occur. Design the complete DFD TPS Strategy – What Student does Thinks individually about the scenario/example and identifies the dataflow between modules. Draw the DFD.
In-class Activity Design -2 TPS Strategy – What Instructor does Pair (~7 minutes) Instruction: Now pair up and compare your answers. Agree on one final answer. While students are pairing and discussing, instructor goes to 2~3 sections to see what they are doing. Now according to the assumptions check for the Processes, external entities and Levels of DFD construction with your neighbor's DFD. TPS Strategy – What Student does Pairs up with neighbour, checks each others DFD and finds the optimal DFD.
In-class Activity Design -2 TPS Strategy – What Instructor does • Share (~10 minutes) • Students share their answers to the class. • Instructor asks a group to share their answer with class and see whether there are different answers. After sharing is done, instructor gives feedback on the correct solution, summarizes the key concepts involved in DFD and the importance of DFD in real life applications, like PIZZA Ordering System. • In the next iteration, instructor comes with a TPS idea to Convert DFD to Structure Design.
In-class Activity Design -2 Peer Instruction Strategy – What Teacher Does Pose the two PI questions at the start of the class and provide summary of DFD components and its various levels Q1. Data cannot flow from an external entity to an external entity because (a) it will get corrupted (b) it is not allowed in DFD (c) an external entity has no mechanism to read or write (d) both are outside the context of the system
In-class Activity Design -2 Peer Instruction Strategy – What Teacher Does Q2.The following portion of a DFD is not correct as Out of stock Order to vendor Too much stock (a) there are many data flows out of the process (b) there are no input data flows to the process (c) the output does not go to an external entity (d) there is no data store 4.0 Billing Process
In-class Activity Design -2 Peer Instruction Strategy – What Student Does • For each question they will first vote individually. • Then they will discuss with peers and come to consensus. • Listen to instructors explanation
In-class Activity Design -2 Justify why the above is an active learning strategy In both the above strategies, students are required to go beyond mere listening and execution of prescribed steps. They are required to think deeply about the content they were familiarized in out-of-class and do higher order thinking. There is also feedback provided (either through peer discussion or instructor summary)