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This plan evaluates the effects of nutrient load reductions in the Mississippi River Basin on water quality in the drainage basin and nearshore Gulf waters. The study examines nutrient concentration, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll levels, and explores the magnitude of reductions necessary to improve water quality and reduce hypoxia.
Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Assessment PlanCommittee on Environment and Natural ResourcesHypoxia Work Group Topic 4: Effects of Nutrient Load Reductions David W. Dilks (Presenter) Patrick L. Brezonik (Watershed P. I.) Victor J. Bierman, Jr. (Gulf of Mexico P. I.)
Objectives • Evaluate the effect of nutrient-source reductions that may be implemented in the Mississippi River Basin on: • Water quality in the drainage basin itself • Water quality in the nearshore Gulf waters
Study Questions • What are the effects of reducing MRB nutrient loads on • Nutrient concentration in the flowing waters of the basin? • Water quality and ecological condition in the flowing waters of the basin? • Dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll on the LIS? • What magnitude of reductions in nutrient loadings might be necessary to improve present water quality conditions, especially seasonal hypoxia?
Watershed Approach • Consider both nitrogen and phosphorus • Case study on Minnesota River examining effectiveness of improved management practices • Examine nutrient retention in the flowing waters of the Mississippi River Basin • Examine benefit of lower nutrient concentrations on ecosystem and water quality
Gulf of Mexico Approach • Develop deterministic water quality model of the Louisiana Inner Shelf portion of the Gulf of Mexico • WASP model • Relatively simple kinetic complexity • Externally specified hydrodynamics • Apply model to investigate relationship between nutrient load reductions and dissolved oxygen/ chlorophyll a concentrations on the LIS
External Source Loads Advection and Dispersion Sediment Flux Boundary Conditions Temperature Light Water Column Denitrification Organic C NO2 + NO3 NH3 SRP Reaeration Denitrification Settling Organic P OrganicN Nitrification Oxidation Settling Settling Photosynthesis Phyto- plankton Zoo- plankton Dissolved Oxygen Grazing Respiration Respiration / Decay Settling SOD Sediment
Watershed Findings • Nutrient loss processes from agricultural lands differ between N and P • N: Subsurface drainage • P: Erosion • Water quality standards violations are rare, but proposed nutrient criteria routinely exceeded • River productivity correlated to phosphorus
Gulf Findings • Dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a on the LIS appear to be sensitive to changes in nutrient loads • Nitrogen more important than phosphorus • A 20-30% reduction in TN loads could increase bottom water dissolved oxygen by 15 to 50% • Sensitivity analyses conducted to determine primary sources of uncertainty: • seaward boundary conditions; underwater light attenuation; sediment oxygen demand; variability in hydrometeorology
Average Dissolved Oxygen ResponsesN Reductions - All Boundaries Reduced
Dissolved Oxygen Sensitivity Analyses1990 Conditions 450 +30% 400 -30% 350 300 250 200 150 Percent of Baseline 100 50 0 -50 -100 Extinction Extinction Saturation Saturation Carbon: Carbon: Water Water Sediment Sediment Coefficient Coefficient Light Light Chlorophyll Chlorophyll Column Column Oxygen Oxygen Intensity Intensity Ratio Ratio Oxygen Oxygen Demand Demand Demand Demand
Basin Monitoring Recommendations • Routine monitoring programs by local, state and federal agencies are essential should be continued • Additional monitoring sites are needed in the Upper Mississippi main channel to evaluate nutrient retention/loss in the lock and dam system. • Monitoring needs to be expanded in the Lower Mississippi to clarify the extent of nutrient retention.
Basin Monitoring Recommendations • Better monitoring is needed at fine spatial scales to establish effects of changes in land management on nutrient loads • Long-term, intensive monitoring/research sites should be established at the field/minor watershed scale • Monitoring fertilizer use patterns is critical for targeting improvements in management practices within identified problem areas
Basin Research Recommendations • Studies on improved management practices to minimize off-site impacts of agricultural production • Research on impacts of large confined-animal-feeding-operations (CAFOs) and ways to minimize • Better information on rates of nitrification and denitrification and factors affecting these processes • Information on mechanisms of P retention and factors affecting these processes
Basin Research Recommendations • Assess whether the mechanism(s) causing shifts towards dominance of plankton by blue-green algae in eutrophic rivers are the same as or different from those causing blue-green blooms in lakes • N- vs. P-limitation should be assessed by bioassays and algal tissue analysis • Importance of light vs. nutrient limitation of algal growth in rivers needs to be assessed • Critical nutrient concentrations and loading rates need to be developed for flowing waters
Basin Modeling Recommendations • Further development and field testing of the SWAT-based, national- scale model for nutrient export and transport should be pursued • Further development of regression-based models relating nutrient-related variables to stream trophic state and nutrient loading from the watershed • Further modeling efforts are needed in extending the chemical reactor modeling approach of Vollenweider to rivers, for both N and P • The N/P ratio hypothesis needs further clarification
Basin Modeling Recommendations • Models for algal growth in rivers should focus on peak biomass, not only on mean annual biomass • Models should be developed at different levels of complexity–from spreadsheet to complex simulation models–to relate watershed export and stream nutrient concentrations and transport in the MRB • Models to predict effects of changes in river nutrient levels on fish yield or fish species composition are lacking, and should be developed
Gulf Monitoring Recommendations • Future monitoring design should be driven by management questions, and should be based on a quantitative ecosystem model • Monitoring should be conducted on a hierarchy of spatial scales, temporal scales and parameters • There is a basic need for physical oceanographic data on water movements
Gulf Monitoring Recommendations • Data needed on light attenuation and other correlated parameters • In-situ measures of primary productivity • Comprehensive data specifying external model forcing functions
Gulf Research Recommendations • Emphasis should be placed on better defining physical, chemical and biological processes • Primary productivity • Indigenous species, light dependency • Factors controlling underwater light attenuation • Fate pathways for organic carbon • Cycling and transformation of nutrients, carbon and oxygen • Sediment processes and sediment-water interactions • Shifts in phytoplankton species abundance
Gulf Modeling Recommendations • The water quality model should be directly coupled with a hydrodynamic model • The temporal domain should be extended to include continuous representation of water quality conditions • The spatial domain should be extended to include entire Gulf of Mexico
Gulf Modeling Recommendations • The horizontal and vertical spatial resolution should be refined • A sediment diagenesis submodel is needed • The model should be expanded to include multiple phytoplankton groups and silicon