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Delve into the captivating journey of diamond formation, mining, and significance throughout history. Discover the 4 C's—Carat, Cut, Clarity, and Color—that define a diamond's brilliance. Uncover fascinating facts about the world's most valuable diamonds and industry insights. This comprehensive guide sheds light on the allure and mystique of these precious gemstones.

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  2. In the Beginning • Diamonds were formed millions of years ago below the earth's surface between 75 to 120 miles deep by pressure and extreme heat forcing carbon atoms to crystallize into diamonds. When pressure built up in volcanoes forcing volcanic eruptions it was then that the diamonds were carried to the surface. Sometimes diamonds would settle back into their volcanic pipes while others were washed 100 of miles away in floods and rivers

  3. Historically Speaking • Diamonds are one of the hardest minerals known to man. It is made up of 99.5% pure carbon and the remaining .05% elements determines the diamonds colour and shape. • It is believed that the first diamond mines were discovered in a little country called India 500 BC. For two thousand years India was the largest producing diamond countries producing some of the worlds most famous diamonds.

  4. WHERE DIAMONDS ARE FOUNDDiamonds are mostly found in Africa, India, Russia (Siberia), South America, Australia, China, and Canada. A good sign that diamonds are in the area is where kimberlite rock is found.

  5. World’s Diamond Producers By Value 2006

  6. How Diamonds are Mined A good sign that diamonds are in the area is where kimberlite rock is found. Diamonds are mined with a big drill that drills a small hole in the ground that goes down a 100 to 300 feet in the ground to obtain a core sample. The most common method of mining diamonds is an open pit mine.

  7. Diamonds in the Rough Rough diamonds are diamonds found before the get cut and polished for sale. The big rough diamonds sometimes are cut into two diamonds such as the Cullinan one and the Cullnian two . They were cut out of a diamond that weighed 3106 carats.

  8. Most valuable diamond. The Cullinian 1 is the 2nd biggest diamond in the world with an estimated value at 400 million and weighing 530.20 carats making it one of the most valuable diamonds in the world.

  9. SO WHAT MAKES A DIAMOND • Once a diamond is mined it is taken to a artisan who determines the most important components of the diamond. When you are in the market to purchase a diamond, you need to consider the 4 C’s. • CARAT This refers to the diamond’s size by weight. Each Carat represents 100 points. • CUT This part of the diamond is influenced by man. The cut of the diamond does not refer to the shape of the cut diamond but rather the craftsmanship applied in cutting the facets of the stone. A well cut diamond is one that reflects the most light. • CLARITY When diamonds are born shall we say, along their journey they may have embedded in them natural elements called inclusions. An artisan will examine the stone very closely. They will then decide which is the best way to cut the diamond to achieve optimum brilliance by eliminating the inclusion or by reducing it. • COLOUR This is one part of the diamond that is not determined by man. The closer the diamond is to colorless the more pure and valuable the diamond is. The color grades are D, E and F. F is considered a colorless diamond that is rare.

  10. Did you know! • A diamond is a semi precious stone • The bigger the diamond does not necessarily mean better • The biggest diamond in the world is the Golden Jubilee which weighs 545.67 carats • That a diamond can only be scratched by another diamond. • That there is such a thing as industrial diamonds used for cutting, drilling, grinding and polishing • DeBeers is the largest diamond mining company

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