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Comprehensive guide for balancing energy systems and body functions, including heart rate variability, psychosomatic condition, immune status, and spine health. Unlock optimal health with insightful recommendations and program sets.
More than 15 Energy Indicators, including organ systems, psychosomatics, meridians and chakras Recommendations for using program sets on the DEVITA AP and RITM, as well as guidelines for using the new DELIXIR supplements
George HEART RATE INDICATOR Names History Quick search George Natassa Maria Dynamic Physiological Indicators during Examination Validity: High Adaptation Vegetative Balance Biochemical Balance Psychosomatic Condition Total Health Indicator Comments:
NEUROVEGETATIVE FUNCTION INDICATORS STRESS INDICATOR STRESS INDICATOR Normal Values Acute Stress Lowered Adptation Chronic Stress No adaptation Ισορροπία (10-100) NEUROVEGETATIVE BALANCE NEUROVEGETATIVE BALANCE Unstable Neurovegetative Balance Reduced Neurovegetative Balance Dysfunctional Neurovegetative Balance Excellent Neurovegetative Balance Balanced Neurovegetative Balance Normal Neurovegetative Balance Balance (35-145) General Indicator
PSYCHOSOMATIC CONDITION ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY 83-100% Balanced State 66-83% Stable Condition 50-66% Normal Condition 33-50% Fatigue 17-33% Nervous Tension 0-17% High Levels of Stress BRAIN WAVE ACTIVITY FOR DIFFERENT STAGES BRAIN WAVE ACTIVITY FOR DIFFERENT STAGES GAMMA:high level of perception, excellent concentration levels BETA: active waking of consciousness, intense Spiritual development ALPHA: development of consciousness, relaxed state THETA: the hour of falling asleep, sleep and dream state DELTA: sleep without dreams, unconscious, coma state
IMMUNE SYSTEM STATUS IMMUNE SYSTEM STATUS IMMUNE SYSTEM STATUS IMMUNE SYSTEM . The ability of the body to defend against foreign invaders , maintaining homeostasis on a cellular and molecular level. 83-100% High level of immunity 66-83% Good level of immunity 50-60% Normal level of immunity 33-50% Weakened immunity 17-33% Very weakened immunity 0-17% Exhausted immunity
STATUS OF BIOLOGICAL AGING AGING CURVE AGING CURVE Biological Age (ζωτικοί πόροι) Age of patient Biological Age is less than the Chronological Age Biological Age is higher than the Chronological Age ENERGY PYRAMID ENERGY PYRAMID Energy Stored Energy Expenditure Optimal Energy Balance High Energy Balance Normal Energy Balance Low Energy Balance Very Low Energy Balance Dysfunctional Energy Balance
FUNCTIONAL STATE OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT The Gastrointestinal Tract is designed for digesting the food that we eat in order to provide energy to all the other organ systems. This is why it is a critical system at the heart of all the other systems of the body. The GI tract includes: the mouth, teeth, oesophagus, the stomach, small and large intestines, leading to the anus. In addition, the pancreas that secretes enzymes that help to break down the food. The gallbladder also produces bile to help emulsify fats. • Stomach • Liver • Spleen • Gall bladder • Pancreas • Colon • Small intestine Good functioning of the organs Stressed organs Disease risk – the organs are dysfunctional
FUNCTIONAL CONDITION OF ALL PHYSIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS FUNCTIONAL SYSTEMS FUNCTIONAL SYSTEMS The Human Bodyis a complex, self-regulating biological system that is constantly maintaining balance with its external environment. The vitality of the body is determined by the synergistic functioning of all the physiological systems of the body. The human body is comprised of the following systems: urinary, circulatory, respiratory, neuromuscular, GI tract, endocrine, reproductive, lymphatic and more. • Heart • Blood vessels • Lymph nodes • Kidneys • Bladder • Lungs • Head • Thyroid • Trachea • Reproductive 66 – 100% Good functionality 34 – 65% Stressed functionality 0 - 33% Disease risk. Functionality is severely compromised.
FUNCTIONALITY OF THE SPINAL COLUMN THE SPINAL COLUMN SECTIONS OF THE SPINAL COLUMN Spinal column is in excellent condition – with free flow of energy. Spinal column in good condition – slight deficiency in energy flow. Spinal column in moderate health – there is a definable deficiency in energy flow Spinal column in poor condition – there is a big deficiency in energy flow Spinal column in very poor health – with blocked energy flow Cervical Vertebrae (Total -7) Thoracic Vertebrae (Total -12) Lumbar Vertebrae (Total -5) Sacrum Coccyx
INDICATOR OF FUNCTIONAL HEALTH DYNAMICS OF FUNCTIONAL HEALTH INDICATOR OF FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PROGNOSIS 24- hour BIOLOGICAL AGING CURVE Age of patient Biological Age This is not a comprehensive medical exam, but an energetic analysis of body function. It should under no circumstances be substituted for medical examinations by a qualified doctor when required.
ENERGY AURA OF BODY ENERGY FLOW IN BODY ENERGY FLOW IN BODY The aura is the bioenergy emanated by the human and is composed of various layers. A disturbance of this energy field that may also be caused by external informational pollution can lead to imbalances and diseases. A bright , luminescent aura indicates harmony and balance, whereas a darker aura reflects a physiological, psychological and emotional imbalance and deficiency. The size of the aura perimeter also plays a role – the larger the aura, the more pronounced if the energy flow and the person will be better protected and healthy. There is also a direct relationship between the aura and the chakras. High energy levels – good adaptation reserves Reduced energy levels and lower adaptation reserves Energy exhaustion – very low adaptation reserves
THE CHAKRA SYSTEM CHAKRA ENERGY MAPS CHAKRA ENERGY MAPS The Chakras are Energy Centres where humans obtain energy from the environment. The are found along the spinal column. Depending on how open these Chakras are, this will determine the overall health of the person. Open Opening Neutral Semi-closedClosed Chakra ChakraConditionChakra Chakra SAKHASRARA : the Spiritual and Consciousness Chakra Organs: brain, pituitary and pineal gland Responsible for psychological health and inner harmony of the person ADZNA: the chakra of gentleness and high achievement Organs:neurovegetative system, eyes, nose, vertebral column . Responsible for the nervous system VISHUDHA: the Harmony Chakra. Organs: larynx, thyroid, vocal chords, upper lungs. Responsible for respiratory system and larynx. ANAHATA: the Chakra of Love. Organs: heart, lungs, circulation. Responsible for the circulatory system MANIPURA: the Chakra of Wealth. Organs: stomach, pancreas, bladder, liver. Responsible for the digestive system. SVADHISTANA: the Chakra of Desire. Organs: urinary system, omentum, appendix. Responsible for controlling Metabolism. MULADHARA:τthe Chakra of Energy. Organs: colon, bladder, prostate, uterus, lower limbs. Responsible for Energy, Vitality and Metabolism
THE MERIDIANS ENERGY DISTRIBUTION ENERGY DISTRIBUTION Open EnergyReduced Energy Energy Flow Flow Flow Dysfunctional Lung Meridian Colon Meridian Stomach Meridian Spleen and Pancreas Meridian Heart Meridian Small Intestine Meridian Bladder Meridian Kidney Meridian Brain Meridian Spinal Cord Meridian Gall Bladder Meridian Liver Meridian
THEU-SIN SYSTEM OPTIMAL ENERGY IN MERIDIAN SYSTEMS OPTIMAL ENERGY IN MERIDIAN SYSTEMS YIN– the passive energy pole (inner circle). YANG– the active energy pole (outer circle). YANG TYPES : dissipates energy to the external environment YIN TYPES : collects energy Depending on the time of the day, YIN and YANG values can change. During the day, YANG energy is dominant, peaking at lunch time. YIN energy is more dominant at night, peaking around midnight. During a new moon, the female energy YIN is dominant, but during a full moon the YANG male energy is dominant. During a full moon people are usually more active and it is good to keep busy during this period. For creativity and achieving, it is best to wait until the new moon. The seasons can also effect our YIN and YANG energies. In Fall and Winter, the YIN is effected more, whereas YANG is more effected during Spring and Summer. Children that are however born in Winter or Fall will have dominant YANG , whereas children born in Spring and Summer will have more dominant YIN. TRIPLE WARMER ---------------- PERICARDIUM SMALL INTESTINE ------------------ HEART GALL BLADDER ------------------ LIVER STOMACH ------------------ SPLEEN TREE (Green) Anger, rage, eyes, bile, joints, bitter taste EARTH (Yellow) reflectingί, lips, muscles, lymph, sweet taste FIRE (Red) Intense emotions, (happiness, anxiety), tongue, arteries, blood, bitter taste KIDNEYS ------------------ BLADDER LUNGS ------------------ LARGE INTESTINE WATER (Black) Fear, ears, bones, urine, unsalted taste METAL (White) Sadness, nose, skin, dampness, spicy taste
DYNAMICS OF FUNCTIONAL – ENERGETIC MEASURES DYNAMICS MEASURES OF TEST THE AURA THE CHAKRA THE MERIDIANS The measures in this test are not comprehensive and cannot be substituted for medical tests by a medical practitioner. This test can be considered an additional measure of the ENERGETIC balance of the body and its energy systems
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