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GRB mobile Deposit for Business User Guide

GRB mobile Deposit for Business User Guide. GRB mobil e Deposit for Business.

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GRB mobile Deposit for Business User Guide

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  1. GRBmobile Deposit for BusinessUser Guide

  2. GRBmobile Deposit for Business GRBmobile Deposit for Business allows GRB’s business customers to make deposits utilizing a mobile device. Deposits can be made until 7 PM Monday-Friday (excluding holidays) to be considered for that day’s business.

  3. Table of Contents 4 – 10 - Logging Into GRBmobile Deposit for Business 11 – 19 - Making a Deposit 20 – 23 - Viewing Results 24 – 26 - The Web Portal 27 – 28 - Transaction Status Summary 29 – 34 - Voiding a Transaction 35 Reports 36 – 39 - Transaction Status Report 40 – 51 - The Reports Tab 52 – 58 - Deposit Results Report 59 Customer Service

  4. Logging Into GRBmobile Deposit for Business 1. Download the app in the Google Play or Apple Store by searching Genesee Regional Bank. 2. Open the GRB Mobile Deposit for Business app on your device. 3. Login using the user name, password and company information provided by us.

  5. Logging Into GRBmobile Deposit for Business 4. You will receive a message indicating that your password has expired. Touch Ok.

  6. Logging Into GRBmobile Deposit for Business 5. Touch Current Password and type in the temporary password provided. Touch New Password to enter your new password. Touch Confirm New Password and re-enter your new password. Passwords expire every 90 days. The guidelines for choosing a new password are as follows: • At least 1 uppercase letter • At least 1 lowercase letter • At least 1 number • 8-15 characters in length Touch Change Password to continue.

  7. Logging Into GRBmobile Deposit for Business 6. You will be asked to designate security questions for your profile. Security questions are an extra precaution to ensure your login credentials are secure. Read through the information regarding setting up security questions and touch Next.

  8. Logging Into GRBmobile Deposit for Business 7. The app will prompt you to select and register your answers to three questions. Tap to select a question as indicated for each of the three questions. 8. From the scroll list, touch the question you would like to select to answer. Touch Done when the question you have chosen is bolded.

  9. Logging Into GRBmobile Deposit for Business 9. Touch the answer box for each question to bring up a keyboard to type in your answer. 10. Once all of your questions are answered, touch Next to continue.

  10. Logging Into GRBmobile Deposit for Business 11. The app will prompt you to read and confirm your answers. Select Next to continue

  11. Making a Deposit • Verify that the payee name, amount and date are legibly completed on the check. Do not endorse the back of the check. The software will take care of placing an electronic endorsement on the image of the back of the check. 2. Touch Deposit to create a new deposit. Only one check can be processed per deposit.

  12. Making a Deposit 3. Touch Select Deposit Account. A list of accounts will appear at the bottom of the screen. Scroll through the list of accounts and touch the account receiving the deposit.

  13. Making a Deposit 4. Touch the Enter Amount field. Type in the amount of the check using the keyboard that appears. Touch done after the amount has been entered. 5. Touch Check Front to capture an image of the check front.

  14. Making a Deposit 6. A rectangular outline will appear with instructions to center the check within the box. Hold the mobile device steady as your mobile device captures an image of the check. Use the following guidelines to ensure your picture will be captured and read correctly: • Sufficient lighting should be available • All edges of the check should be visible and within the box • Place the check in front of a dark background • Avoid blurry images

  15. Making a Deposit 7. Once the photo of the Front of the check is captured, touch Check Back to take a picture of the back of the check. A rectangular outline will appear with instructions to center the check within the box. Hold the device steady as your mobile device captures an image of the check.

  16. Making a Deposit 8. If the app cannot automatically capture an image of the check, additional instructions will appear instructing you to place the check on a dark well-lit surface with all 4 corners available. Touch Continue. 9. The rectangular outline will appear again, touch the snap photo button in the bottom right corner when you are ready to capture the image of the check.

  17. Making a Deposit 10. Once you have clear images of the front and back of the check, touch Next.

  18. Making a Deposit 11. The Submit Deposit screen will appear. If you would like to enter a Transaction Number, you can do so by touching the field and typing in a number using the keyboard that displays. It is not a required field and only for your reference purposes. *The Select Customer option is not available at this time.

  19. Making a Deposit 12. Touch Submit Deposit to complete the deposit. 13. You will receive a message that the deposit was successful, touch OK. *Please note that the message is a confirmation that we received the deposit, not that the deposit was successfully processed. Go to the next section to learn how to verify that the deposit was approved.

  20. Viewing Results 1. To view the results of your deposit, select Review from the home page of the mobile application.

  21. Viewing Results 2. The Review page appears. Select the deposit you wish to review. • A green check indicates that the item was deposited. • A red X indicates that an item was not deposited (rejected). • No indication symbol to the left indicates that the check has been submitted and is waiting to be fully processed. • The status of each item is also shown below the item information.

  22. Viewing Results 3. Touch the information block for the item to pull up additional details including a front and back image of the check.

  23. Viewing Results 4. You will also receive an email indicating the status of your deposit. Read the email carefully to determine if your deposit was accepted. A sample notification of a successful deposit is below: 5. Touch Log Out when you are ready to exit the app.

  24. The Web Portal As part of the GRBmobile Deposit for Business service, customers can access the web portal to do the following: • Run deposit reports exportable to Excel • View the status of a deposit • Void a deposit • View images and data for past deposits

  25. The Web Portal 1. To get to the Web portal, go to URL: https://ssl.selectpayment.com/mp/genregbank/Home/Page.aspx 2. Input the user name, password and company used to access the app.

  26. The Web Portal 3. The Transaction Status Summary or Home page will appear.

  27. Transaction Status Summary Upon logging in to the Merchant Portal, the Home page will display with the Current Transaction Status Summary. This table shows the status of all transactions within the past 60 days. A transaction can be in any one status during processing. The chart on the next page lists the potential status of any one transaction within the system. *Special Note- clicking on any one status from the Current Transaction Summary will automatically generate a report for all transactions within the status for the current day.

  28. Transaction Status Summary *All deposits made that day must be in the Approved status for processing.

  29. Voiding a Transaction 1. To void a deposit, on the Current Transaction Summary Page, select the Approved link to view transactions not yet processed.

  30. Voiding a Transaction 2. A report with all Approved status transactions appears. Click the View link to the left of the transaction you want to void.

  31. Voiding a Transaction 3. The Transaction Details page appears. Select Void This Transaction.

  32. Voiding a Transaction 4. The system will prompt you to confirm voiding the transaction. Select Confirm Void.

  33. Voiding a Transaction 5. The transaction will be voided and appear in the Voided status count on the Current Transaction Summary page until it is resolved. Resolving transactions means indicating a reason why the transaction was voided for communication and auditing purposes. Click Mark This Transaction Resolved to enter a reason why the transaction was voided.

  34. Voiding a Transaction 6. Enter a reason as to why this transaction was voided. For example, the transaction was deposited to the wrong account. 7. Click Resolve. The transaction will now appear under the Resolved status.

  35. Reports Reports can be generated containing deposit information within the portal. Reports can be exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, a tab-delimited file (.TSV) or a comma delimited file (.CSV).

  36. Transaction Status Report The Transaction Status report is a pre-defined report listing all transactions of a specific status. With exception to the Approved status which only contains current day deposits, each status contains items that have been processed within the last 60 days. To generate the report, complete the following steps:

  37. Transaction Status Report 1. After logging in, the Welcome Page will display the Current Transaction Summary. 2. Select a status that appears as a link and contains values (for example, Approved in the image below).

  38. Transaction Status Report 3. A list of the first 25 transactions is displayed. Select a View Link in the far left column at the bottom to view details about the transaction.

  39. Transaction Status Report 4. On the Transaction Details page you have the option to Show Events, Show Audit History and View Images options. • Show Events: Bottom left, green button. The automated steps a transaction has gone through. The most recent steps are displayed first and include the date/time the events took place in Central Time. • Show Audit History: Bottom middle, green button. Manual interaction with the transaction. Details are displayed with the latest steps first and includes the date/time processes took place in Central Time. • View Images: Green hyperlink in the middle of the page. Allows you to retrieve an image of the item.

  40. The Reports Tab Additional reporting is available under the reports tab displayed at the top of the screen. The reports tab can be used to create one-time queries and custom recurring daily, weekly and monthly reports for bookkeeping, historical research and problem solving. To build customized reports, complete the following steps: 1. Click on the reports tab

  41. The Reports Tab 2. There are two options when creating a new customized report: New Report(first green button of the left) and New Shared Report (second green button on the left).While both are customizable, the shared report is available to other users who have access to the system. Other users will be able to pull the report you have built

  42. The Reports Tab 3. Click New Report or New Shared Report (if it should be available to other users). 4. The Report Filters page appears. In the Title field, enter a name for the report.

  43. The Reports Tab 5. Four different filters may be applied to customize your report: • Report Type • Date Range • Advanced • Column Headers Locate the Report Type filter and designate if your report will be a Transaction Report based upon current status of a transaction or a Historical Event Report based upon past events a transaction has been through in the system.

  44. The Reports Tab 6. Select a date range using either the Default option with a list of pre-set date ranges (ideal for recurring reports) or the manual option in which you may choose the From and To dates with the calendar option or enter them using the MM/DD/YYYY format. For example, if you are looking for a daily report to run after each deposit, choose “Today” for the Default. For the Date Filter field, leave the default as Transactions Created.

  45. The Reports Tab 7. In the Advanced Filters section, specify the Location and Status of the transaction you wish to have in your report. The applicable statuses are Approved, Voided, Processed, Suspended, Resolved. You can choose to include all statuses as well.

  46. The Reports Tab 8. For further customization, select Show More Options for additional filters. The only additional filter that applies is amount range in which you can designate an amount range to limit your report results.

  47. The Reports Tab 9. The Report Column Headers organizes how the information contained in the report displays. Available Fields contains data information you may want in the report. Highlight an item and click the green Add button to include that information in the report. Added items will appear in the Display Fields section. To remove an item from a report, highlight the item in Display Fields and select the green Remove button.

  48. The Reports Tab 10. Within Display Fields, you can change in what order information will appear on the report. Highlight an item and click Move Up or Move Down to change the information order. 11. Once the filters have been set, click Run Report at the top of the page.

  49. The Reports Tab 12. The report displays. Clicking Show Report Filters(hyerlink text on the right under the green Run Report button) will bring back the customizable options to change the report criteria before running it again. Notice a green Export button is displayed toward the bottom right. Click on the button to export the report to Excel.

  50. The Reports Tab 13. Column headers in the report are selectable for organization purposes. Click the column header to organize the report based on the information in the column, in either ascending or descending order. 14. Select View to the left of an item to view more details about the transaction as shown here, including further ability to pull up an image of the item.

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