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Mommy & Data

Discover the leading causes of infant mortality in Indiana, including pre-term birth, low birth weight, congenital defects, and more. Understand the disparity in rates compared to other states like Massachusetts and Washington, and explore the risk factors such as late prenatal care, low socioeconomic status, and chronic health conditions. Take a closer look at the ongoing efforts and interventions by the Women's & Children's Navigator programs and community partnerships to improve maternal and infant health outcomes in Indiana.

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Mommy & Data

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mommy & Data

  2. Leading causes of mortality in Indiana (in order by frequency): Pre-Term Birth Low Birth Weight Congenital Defects Chromosomal Abnormalities Accidents SIDS Source: 2017, IN State Department of Health. Infant deaths per 1000 Indiana Infant Mortality: County Comparison

  3. Massachusetts Washington Rate = 3.7 deaths per 1000 births Ranked 1st in US Rate = 3.9 deaths per 1000 births Ranked 2nd in US Colorado Indiana Rate = 4.5 deaths per 1000 births Ranked 6th in US Rate = 7.3 deaths per 1000 births Ranked 44th in US PROBLEM: Indiana’s infant mortality rate is higher than other states

  4. Source: 2017, CDC WONDER On-line database

  5. No/Late Prenatal Care • Low Socioeconomic Status • Chronic Health Conditions • Stress • Smoking • Air Pollution • Drug Use • Obesity RISK FACTORS: Pre-Term Birth and/or Low Birth Weight

  6. Source: 2017, County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, RWJ Foundation Source: 2017, CDC WONDER On-line database

  7. Marion County 64.6% 64.7% Elkhart County 65.1% Allen County When and Where Care is Received Prenatal care in 1st trimester 67.8% Lake County St. Joseph County 72.5% 87.4% Source: 2016-2017, Indiana Data Hub Hamilton County

  8. Poverty Diabetes Claims Drug Use • Lake – 18.7% • St. Joseph – 19.8% • Elkhart – 18.5% • Marion – 18.2% • Allen – 18.9% • Hamilton – 12.9% • Lake – 21% • St. Joseph – 25.1% • Elkhart – 24.5% • Marion – 21.4% • Allen – 24.1% • Hamilton – 17.6% • Lake – 15.9% • St. Joseph – 16% • Elkhart – 10.8% • Marion – 17.6% • Allen – 13.1% • Hamilton – 3.8% Other Factors

  9. Summary 80% #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Begin care earlier in pregnancy Improve the general health of mothers: both pre- & postnatal Improve access to care Improve modifiable risk factors that contribute to short gestation and LBW Smoking is choking our babies in Indiana

  10. Women’s & Children’s Navigator programs B C Wellness & Nutrition Truck A Global smoking initiative D Community Partnerships Social Media Campaigns E F ??????? Interventions

  11. Ally Gaylor Greg Bloom Sarah Barrow Stacey Delagrange Suzanne Sherk Team Mommy & Data

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