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LETTER WRITTEN IN THE YEAR 2070 写于 2070 年的信. www ww w www w Wwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w w wwwww ww w w w www wWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w ww www ww w www wWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w w wwwww ww w w w www w
LETTER WRITTEN IN THE YEAR 2070 写于2070年的信 www ww w www w Wwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w w wwwww ww w w w www wWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w ww www ww w www wWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w w wwwww ww w w w www w Wwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwwwWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w w wwwww ww w w w www wWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w ww www ww w www wWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w w wwwww ww w w w www w Wwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww Article published in the magazine "Crónicas de los Tiempos“, in April 2002. 文章发表于2002年4月,发表在“Crónicas de los Tiempos”杂志上。
This is the year 2070 今年是2070年。 I have just turned 50, but I my appearance is of somebody of 85. 我的年纪刚刚50岁,可是看起来却像 85岁的老人。 I suffer from serious kidney problems, because I do not drink enough water. 因为没有足够的水喝,我有严重的肾脏问题。 I'm afraid I do not have much time left to live. 我想我活不了多久了。 I am one of the oldest people in this society. 我已经是社会上最长寿的人之一。
I remember when I was a child of 5. 我还记得我5岁的时候, Everything was very different then. 一切都和现在不同。 Therewere lots of trees in the parks, houses with beautiful gardens, and I could enjoy having a shower for half an hour. 那时公园里绿树葱葱,房子后面都有美丽的大花园,我每次都能享受半个小时的洗澡时光。 Nowadays we use towels with mineral oil to clean our skin. 现在我们只能用毛巾和矿物油清洁皮肤。
Before, women had beautiful hair. 过去,女士们有着美丽的长发。 Now, we have to shave our heads to keep them clean without the use of water. 而现在,为了节省洗头所需的水, 所有人都要剃光头。 Then, my father washed his car with water coming out of a hosepipe. 过去我父亲直接用水管的水洗车。 Now, my son does not believe that water could be wasted that way. 现在我的儿子不相信谁能够被那样浪费。
I remember there were SAVE WATER warnings on outside posters, radio and TV, but nobody paid attention. We thought that water was to last forever. 我记得那时海报,广播和电视有节约用水的警告,可是没有人注意。我们都认为水是用之不竭的。 Now, all the rivers, lakes, dams and underground water beds are either dry or contaminated. 现在,所有的河流,湖泊和地下水床都已经干涸或被污染了。
Industry came virtually to a standstill and unemployment reached dramatic proportions. 工业严重停滞不前,失业率戏剧化地攀高。 Desalination plants are the main source of employment and workers receive part of their salary in drinkable water. 淡化水工厂只要的聘人单位,员工的部分薪水是可食用的水。
Assaults at gun point on the streets for a jerrycan of water are very common. 为了争夺一罐水,街上常会发生枪支暴力袭击。 Food is 80% synthetic. 百分之80 的食物 是人工合成的。
Before, the recommended quantity of water to drink for an adult was 8 glasses a day. 过去,建议一个成年人一天饮用8杯水。 Nowadays, I am only allowed half a glass. 而现在,我一天只有半杯水。 We now have to wear disposable clothing, and this increases the amount of litter. 我们现在必须穿一次性的衣服,所以生活垃圾大大增加。 We are using now septic tanks, because the sewerage system does not work for lack of water. 我们现在使用带细菌和病毒的洗脸盆和手盆,排水系统因缺水而瘫痪。
The outside appearance of the population is horrible: wrinkled, emaciated bodies, due to dehydration, full of sores caused by ultra violet radiation, now stronger without the protective shield of the ozone layer. 人们的外表很可怕:皱纹,干瘦的身体,由于臭氧层破坏,紫外线过度辐射而导致的周身疼痛。 Skin cancer, gastrointestinal infections and of the urinary tracts are the main causes of death. 皮肤癌,肠胃感染,尿毒症。
Due to the excessive drying of the skin young people of 20 look like 40. 由于皮肤太干,20岁的人看起来像40岁。 Scientists investigate, but there's no solution to the problem. 科学家调查研究,却依然没有解决办法。 Water cannot be produced, oxygen is also degraded due to the lack of trees and vegetation, and the intellectual capacity of the new generations is severely impaired. 水资源无法再生。绿色树木的缺乏导致氧气质量下降。年轻一代的理解力智力也下降。
The morphology of spermatozoa in many men has changed. 很多男性精子里的遗传物质已经改变。 As a consequence, babies are born with deficiencies, mutations and physical deformities. 后果就是,新生儿出现遗传变异,畸形。
Government makes us pay for the air we breathe, 137 m3 per day per adult person. 政府对我们为呼吸的空气实行收费。每成人每天限量137立方米。 People who cannot pay are expelled from the "ventilated zones", with huge mechanical lungs driven by solar power. The air is not of good quality, but at least people can breathe. 买不起洁净空气的人们被赶出通风区。通风区内设有太阳能“机械肺”装置。区内空气其实并不很好,但至少人类可以呼吸并生存。 The average life expectancy is 35 years. 人类的平均寿命是35岁。
In some countries, where there are still some green zones crossed by rivers, these are guarded by heavy armed soldiers. 有些国家还尚存河流和绿色区域。那里就会有武装部队守卫。 Water became a very coveted treasure, more precious than gold and diamonds. 水,已经成为比黄金和钻石更珍贵的珍宝。
Where I live, there are no trees, because it seldom rains. When it happens to register some precipitation, it is of acid rain. 我所生活的地方,因为少下雨,没有树。有时为了沉淀空气中的浑浊物,会偶尔下酸雨。 The seasons have been severely affected by the atomic tests and by contamination from the 20th century polluting industries. 原因是20世纪的原子弹试验和破坏环境的工业带来的污染。 We were warned to look after the environment, but nobody cared. 曾经有关于保护环境的警告,但没有人在乎。
When my son asks me to talk about my youth, I tell him about the green fields, the beauty of the flowers, the rain, how pleasant was to swim and fish in the rivers and dams, to drink all the water we could, and how healthy people was. 儿子问起关于我少年时代的事情,我告诉他关于那时绿色的田园,美丽的花朵,下雨, 游泳的快乐,河流小溪里中的小鱼,尽情饮水和健康的人们。
He asks: Daddy! Why there is no water? 他问我:爸爸!现在为什么没有水了? Then, I feel a lump in my throat! 然后,我喉咙发紧,无言以对!
I cannot help feeling guilty, because I belong to the generation who contributed to the destruction of the environment or simply did not take into account all the warning signs. 我充满罪恶感。因为我属于破环环境, 无视警告的那代人。
Now our children pay a very high price! 而现在我们的孩子在承受巨大的代价。
I sincerely believe that within a short time life on earth will not be possible, as the destruction of nature reached now an irreversible stage. 我真的没有想到环境破坏的情况这么糟,而且到了无法回头的地步了。
How I would like to go back and make mankind understand … 我怎样才能回到过去,让人类明白... ...that we still had time to save our Planet Earth. 我们曾经来得及拯救地球!