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Origin of Laws – Where did they come from?

Chapter 16. Origin of Laws – Where did they come from?. Throughout human history, most laws were never written Laws passed down by word of mouth and from generation to generation Hunter-Gatherer vs. Agrarian. Unwritten LAWS.

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Origin of Laws – Where did they come from?

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  1. Chapter 16 Origin of Laws – Where did they come from?

  2. Throughout human history, most laws were never written Laws passed down by word of mouth and from generation to generation Hunter-Gatherer vs. Agrarian Unwritten LAWS

  3. Despite millions of years of human history, laws have only been written in the past 4,000 years • First written laws made by King Hammurabi, in Mesopotamia • Code of Hammurabi • Included laws AND punishments • Ten Commandments • Early Judaea The First written laws

  4. Actual text of Hammurabi’s Code:

  5. Make a code of at least 10 laws and 10 punishments. Make your own Hammurabi’s Code:

  6. In order to maintain their vast empire, the Romans had intricate laws • Romans also invented jurisprudence • Jurisprudence – study of law • Justinian’s Code Roman LAW

  7. First English law – Magna Carta (1215) • Development of common law • Law based on precedents (court decisions) • British constitution not written • By the 1700s, American colonies modify British law to fit their own desires for federalism and representative democracy • US Constitution as the supreme law of the land English LAW and our current system

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