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Property Cash Flow and Analysis

Property Cash Flow and Analysis. Guide to Library Resources david.litting@uts.edu.au 95143390 Library website www.lib.uts.edu.au. What We’ll Cover Today . Ways of getting factual information to assist you in completing your assignment

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Property Cash Flow and Analysis

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  1. Property Cash Flow and Analysis Guide to Library Resources david.litting@uts.edu.au 95143390 Library website www.lib.uts.edu.au

  2. What We’ll Cover Today • Ways of getting factual information to assist you in completing your assignment • Ways of finding theoretical information to help you understand the ideas behind property economics • Ways of getting in touch with a librarian if you need help in the future

  3. The Assignment • Choose a property – possibly your own home – and develop a cash flow model to determine investment worthiness

  4. What you’ll need • Local area information • Demographic Forecasting • Local information on land costs • Property Market Facts and Growth • Financial Statistics – eg: Interest rates • Company information – risk analysis • Background knowledge of property and economic issues

  5. Property Economics Study Guide – groups many of the resources you’ll needstudy guides/built environment/property economics/statistics

  6. Local Area Information • To assist you in making your cash flow model you’ll need information about the area your property is in • This information is held by the Australian Bureau of Statistics • Find this information by typing ‘Ausstats’ into the library catalogue.

  7. Austats/Census/Community Profile

  8. Each Area Has a Detailed Spreadsheet

  9. Ausstats also keeps Housing statistics(topics/people/housing)

  10. Demographic Forecasting • A great place to access information about the expected changes in the population of Australia as a whole is GMID (Global Market Information Database) • Access this by typing GMID into the library catalogue • You will need to create a unique logon once in the GMID site

  11. GMIDCountry Profiles - Australia

  12. GMID – Future Demographics - Australia

  13. Rent and SalesReports • Are available from the NSW Government Department of Housing website – www.housing.nsw.gov.au • It’s also a link from the Property Economics Study Guide • Choose rent and sales report from quick links • The reports chart the change in land costs

  14. Stats are Available By State and Capital City

  15. And also by postcode

  16. Specialist Property/ Building and Government Resources...

  17. Domain Property Data : (for land and property information by area)(available by this title in the library catalogue)

  18. RP Data(provides the same service as APM, but covers the entire Sydney Metropolitan Area)

  19. Rawlinson’s – for building costs(available by this title in the library catalogue)

  20. Residential Property Prospects • This is a hardcopy service, available in the Closed Reserve Section of UTS library: call number: 333.3370994 RESI. It’s published by BIS Shrapnel. • This is a wonderful resource, containing information such as: • residential property cycle graph, • demand for housing, • key economic indicators – including consumption, private investment in dewellings, gross national expenditure, inflation and wages /cpi, etc., • approvals, home loans, migration interstate, vacancy rates AND MORE!

  21. Other Similar Publications(from BIS Shrapnel) • These are also hardcopy, and available from Closed Reserve • Building Industry Prospects - 338.4769 buil This contains forecast of dwelling commencements • Building in Australia (2008-2023) - 338.47624/3 (ed.28)This contains projections for the next 15 years for things like: • property values by captial city • demand for dwellings • propects for building dwellings, • building activity by state

  22. Interest Rates – RBA website • You can reach the RBA website through the Property Economics Study guide or direct at www.rba.gov.au • The RBA provides helpful tables compiling various interest rate information. • Eg: http://www.rba.gov.au/ChartPack/interest_rates_australia.pdf

  23. RBA Interest Rates

  24. Company Information – MintGlobal • Information about Australian construction companies (and other companies here and overseas) is available through the library catalogue via the MintGlobal service • Choose companies like Meriton, Mirvac, Macquarie

  25. Example: Meriton (MintGlobal)

  26. The www.ato.gov.au (Australian Tax Office) can help you with tax issues

  27. Finding Exams and required textsfor 16236..simply enter 16236 into the catalogue

  28. A good place to search for books on property development is with the library catalogue.Top right is a bit of a search for the keywords ‘property cash flow analysis’ If a book is being borrowed press the button ( button The Library Catalogue

  29. The Bonus CatalogueIs a way of finding books that are out on loan or not available at UTS

  30. Journal Articles • Journal Articles tend to be of a more limited scope than books (ie: they are shorter in length), however there are more of them and they come out more frequently than books. • Journal articles can be located in databases • Lists of databases good for Property studies are included in the Property Economics study guide or in the ‘find databases’ page..

  31. Databases on the study guide

  32. Sample database: Australian Public Affairs

  33. Sample Database: Business Source Premier(good for international articles about Investment Property)

  34. Google Scholar = Many databases • Google Scholar allows you to search many databases at once, however it lacks some of the functionality of a specialist database. • Using the ‘find database’ page to locate Google Scholar allows you to link UTS library subscriptions with information you can find via Google...

  35. Google Scholar search with UTS holdings

  36. Referencing • Information on how to reference according to the ‘Harvard Referencing Style’ is available from the Referencing and Writing Guide, which is a link from the left side of the library homepage...

  37. Referencing Continued • The Harvard Guide Will Show you worked examples of how to reference various type of information: books, journals, websites, etc. It will also provide a background to referencing generally...

  38. Referencing Software • There are two types of referencing software made available via the Referencing guide: Refworks and Endnote. Both do the same sort of task – finding, storing and placing references into your assignments. We run classes in how to use them...

  39. Need Help? Ask – a – librarian!Or contact me directly – david.litting@uts.edu.au / 95143390

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