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EKIOC Committees. Update September 2014. Triple P. Chair : Claire Farella Health Unit
EKIOC Committees Update September 2014
Triple P Chair: Claire Farella Health Unit Members:Shannon Brown (OEYC), Tanis Brown (Coordinator), Margaret Fancy (EKIOC), Gwendy Lapp (Triple P Practitioner), Keith McPhee (EKIOC), Tom Turner (DSLG), Kathy Spratt (Recorder), Peter Coughlin (CMHLG), Cindy Morrow (CAS), Esther Pigion (Children’s Mental Health) Update on Accomplishments over Past Year • Triple P Community Plan approved • Monthly Triple P media campaign developed and being implemented • Triple P online introduced to community through school systems • Triple P promotional items purchased and distributed • Positive Parenting Café launched (OEYC and LGL Health Unit) • Triple P seminars offered to child care providers by DSLG • Community presentations
Triple P (cont’d) Emerging Priorities for Upcoming Year • Data collection • Funding to support ongoing training and resource needs • Integrating supports to bring Teen Triple P into the community
Developmental Assets Chair: David Huether had been the chair until Feb 2014. TawnyaBoileau has agreed to take over as chair. Members: Kevin Kapler, Lisa Zufelt, Harold Hess, Margaret Fancy, Tom Turner, Beth Steel (or another designate from the YMCA), TawnyaBoileau Accomplishments over Past Year • A work plan was developed that included strategies to: • Identify an Asset champion in each organization • Produce an e-learning module for principals and teachers on Developmental Assets
Developmental Assets cont’d • Target specific local media options for opportunities for articles or discussions about strength based practices • Make presentations to agency staff on request This workgroup has been on hiatus. Our last workgroup meeting was November 2013. Emerging Priorities for Upcoming Year • To reconvene and gain commitment of our workgroup • To learn about the school boards’ resiliency results and initiatives, and make the connections to developmental assets • To develop a process and criteria to formally recognize asset builders in our community • Note: these priorities to be agreed upon/confirmed at our meeting in October, 2014
Read to Every Kid Every Day Chair: Margaret Williams Retired CAO Brockville Library Members:Margaret Fancy, Laura Lee MacDonald (Early Literacy Specialist), Lisa Marston(Leeds and Thousand Islands Library), Mary Kate Laphen (Merrickville Library), Sue Bergeron (North Grenville Library) Vicki Stevenson (Rideau Lakes Library), Linda Chadwick (Brockville Library), Susan Imrie (Health Unit), Lisa Cirka (Brockville Library), Jessica Deschamps Baird (DAC support) Accomplishments over Past Year • Debrief and evaluation meeting around performance measures and outcomes from the 2013/2014 session (over 1738 votes cast, a number of professional workshops held across Leeds-Grenville, successful opening and closing events in LTI and Elizabethtown Kitley libraries respectively. • 7 planning meetings for 2014/2015 program delivery
Read to Every Kid (cont’d) • Book title selection, budget, ordering, delivery, packing workday, media releases, funding development (CCCF, TD, United Way), securing in-kind support and other prize/event donations • 3 events planned…breakfast for community program providers and distribution of kits (September 25), launch at Front of Yonge Library/Community Centre (October 4), closing event Athens (January 24, 2015) • Adding a self-voting element to the program this year by providing a ballot box with each kit
Read to Every Kid (cont’d) Emerging Priorities for Upcoming Year • Engagement: to reach a greater number of vulnerable families – in particular, children 0 to 3 years of age who do not visit the OEYCs, Libraries, or go to school. • Funding development: to maintain the current quality of the books and the program given the rising cost of program delivery (2009/2010 = $9,000; 2014/15 = $13,000); to secure funding to expand the program for 2015/2016 from 100 kits to 110 kits to meet the needs of schools and other service providers. • Toolkit: on-going plans to prepare a toolkit to share with other areas; i.e.: Lanark, SD&G
Transportation Chair: Susan Watts EEC Committee Members: Alison Tutak UCLG, Allan Hogan FCSLLG, Brenda Dillabough Community Living NG, Marg Fancy EKIOC, DanikaWentzel Health Unit, John Bell STEO, Keith McPhee, Kevin Kapler CMHLG, Sara Hammel Tri CAS, Sheena Earl Township of Cardinal, Sue Dunfield Township of Rideau Lakes, Tom Turner DSLG,Trish McNamara KEYS Gananoque, Maureen Kort CSE Consulting Accomplishments/Plans 1. Dillon Consulting completed their survey - Accelerating Rural Transportation Solutions: Lanark/Leeds and Grenville. The working group has received a final report and will review it then bring highlights to Lead Table. 2. We consulted with Jessica Deschamp from UGLC re a community needs assessment – as a result she has found us a university student who will use this as a project for his thesis. It will be a very comprehensive census like survey to help determine what L&G’s transportation needs really are – very defined rather than general “transportation is a barrier” – this will help guide us towards an action plan e.g. does that mean a community bus or door to door service or financial support via gas cards etc. 3. This needs analysis combined with our pilot results and the Dillon report will enable us to write a business plan to meet the actual needs of L&G with a sustainability plan. At this point we can approach funders and municipalities.
Checkered Flags Chair: Kevin Kapler Members: The committee is currently being reorganized to include representatives from UCDSB, CDSBEO, Mental Health, Public Health, Special Needs Service Providers, and Justice from across the jurisdiction of the school boards. Margaret Fancy and Keith McPhee to assist. Accomplishments over Past Year • Online version completed http://checkeredflags.ca/ • Small committee formed to ensure ongoing review/updating of document Emerging Priorities over Next Year • Review committee formed and process for ongoing review identified • Document promoted throughout school boards and agencies • Planned coordination with Red Flags
Best Start Chair(s): Harold Hess Volunteer Centre and Maxine Weber SE Region Autism Programme Members: Shannon Brown OEYC; Gillian Jackson DSLG; Beth Steel YMCA; Tom Jordan CDSBEO; Jackie Hoogwerf UCDSB; Catherine Robinson PSL; Nathalie DaoustMinEDU; Cathy GladuAnge Gabriel Childcare and Regional French Language Rep; Gwendy Lapp Triple P; Pam Hudson Gananoque Library; Linda Chadwick Brockville Library; Jessica Deschamp-Baird UCLG (DAC); Alexis Green Health Unit; Kevin Kapler CMHLG; Sharon Chapman FCSLLG; Kathy Jodoin MTJB; Ruth Shay MTJB; Dianne Clarke ICDP; Janice Deacon The Learning Partnership; Kim Little UCLG; Donna Vanderkloet Hanna BDACI; Jenny Smith ABA; Mary Jane Kohler North Grenville Preschool and Coop; Barbara Landry MCYS; Marci Bruyere CRCHC; Margaret Van Beers CDC Hotel Dieu; RenataDekeyser IBI; Margaret Fancy EKIOC
Best Start (cont’d) Accomplishments over Past Year • Six priority action sub groups identified; work plan developed for each (Developmental Screening, Service Coordination, Transition to Kindergarten, Special Populations (Aboriginal, French language), Early Literacy (0 to 3); Data collection and coordination • Coordinated planning and delivery of Welcome to Kindergarten events in all LG schools (community partner representation of all schools). Ongoing work with school boards to build on effective parent engagement practices in terms of transition to school • Infant literacy “tubs” developed to reach families of infants/toddlers through libraries • Plan to support aboriginal families developed and implemented • Received Innovation Grant in partnership with other SE Region Network BSNs to develop a definition of Family Engagement and strategies for ensuring families are engaged. Definition developed and Report prepared and distributed to community partners • Plan for data collection and community data profile developed. EDI results and information on sub domains shared with community partners.
BSN Accomplishments (cont’d) • Special needs reference group reorganized to prepare for Special Needs Strategy • Closer working relationship with Regional French Language BSN • Plan for universal screening developed • Survey on levels of collaboration developed and distributed in consultation with Health Nexus • Support for Recruitment and Retention of ECEs through: panel presentations in partnership with EEC, survey of ECEs in LG licensed childcare centres; work with SLC on media campaign/promotion • Three Lunch and Learn P.D opportunities offered in each of North Grenville, Brockville, Gananoque communities. • Cultural awareness ceremony offered in partnership with UCDSB First Nations support staff
BSN Priorities Emerging Priorities for Next Year (Priorities to be Confirmed at September BSN meeting) • Continued work with school boards to implement effective Transition to School practices (e.g. expansion of West Leeds pilot project, review of Welcome to Kindergarten practices) • Family Engagement – deliberate strategies for expanding/supporting • Developing a community response to Special Needs Strategy • Analysis of Health Nexus Survey results – how we are working together, what collaborative relationships need to be strengthened • Developing strategies to engage hard to reach families • Community response to government initiatives (e.g. Child and Family Centres) • Implementation of universal screening plan
Access to Recreation Chair: Lois Dewey HCP Members: Catherine Deplaedt Canadian Tire, Lois Dewey Health Unit, Julie Ingleby Health Unit, Harold Hess Volunteer Centre and 1000 Islands Art Council, Beth Steel YMCA, Margaret Fancy EKIOC Accomplishments over Last Year • Workgroup evolved from Making Play Possible workgroup. It was formed to address issues of Access and Inclusion in recreation. • Committee adopted a name (Access to Recreation) • Decision to travel to municipalities in Leeds-Grenville to identify strengths and gaps in terms of access to and inclusion in recreation activities.
Access to Recreation (cont’d) Emerging Priorities for Next Year • Invite quality insurance staff evaluation team, health information to create questions for communities • Identify the communities we need to visit ,set a schedule for visiting the communities and send out invitations • Meet with communities to distribute surveys. Surveys completed by March • Identify key partners in addressing needs and bring them together. • Apply for funding to support
Mental Health Initiative Chair: Kevin Kapler Members: Alison Inglis UCDSB; Michelle Neville CDSBEO; Russ Larocque UCDSB; TawnyaBoileau Health Unit; Lois Dewey HCP; Sara HammelTriCAS; David North TriCAS; Joan Hodge United Way; Kathy Sturgeon LG Mental Health; Kevin Spencer Safe Communities; Diana McDonell Lanark Mental Health; Candace Kaine Probation; Karen Moore Open Doors; Margaret Fancy EKIOC Our work and priority over this past year has been on working in partnership with Healthy Communities on youth mental well-being and resiliency for municipalities. Utilizing a developmental assets framework, we have been developing indicators for municipalities that they can use to help self-assess what programs, supports and services are already in place, and possible areas for change, that help support youth mental well-being and resiliency.
Mental Health Initiative (cont’d) This has been a long and detailed process, utilizing research and youth input throughout the process. We anticipate completing this process in the next year, and discussing next steps as to the role and goals of this group. This group is also used to provide updates to members with respect to new activities, programs, and personnel related to child and youth mental health. Feedback to date has been that members find this forum useful and informative.
Youth Service Providers Chair: Sue PoldervaartRNJ Members: Sonya Jodoin VSLG; Sue Watts EEC; Laurie Bourne-MacKeigan ARCC; Karen MacDonald-Hurley Girls Inc. Kevin Kapler CMHLG; TawnyaBoileau Health Unit; Elizabeth Langlois Connect Youth; Keith McPhee; Lois Dewey HCP; Julie Ingleby Health Unit; Jessica Deschamp-Baird UCLG (Resource); Mark Heffernan Brockville Police Accomplishments over Last Year • Conducted a survey of Youth Service Providers to identify types of services, referral processes etc. available to youth and their families • Reviewed Stepping Up document first as a structure for a grant application to Ministry, then as a tool to help guide planning in Leeds-Grenville.
Youth Service Providers (cont’d) Emerging Priorities • Resourcing local data to complement data presented in Stepping Up • Expand Stepping Up “placemat” by summarizing components currently being addressed and by whom, identifying overlap and gaps and prioritizing collaborative actions to address gaps.
Autism Services (LLG) Chair: Heather Ballinger –Lanark Community Programs [as of Sept 14] Members: Denise Wright –BDACI; Gillian Jackson-DSLG; Jenny Smith-ABA, RenataDeKeyser-IBI; Karen Paterson, Roxannne Harrington-UCDSB; Nikki Collins-Open Doors, Christine Brook-CMHL&G; Sarah Loten, Tanya Sweet, Lori Murphy, Cheryl McIntosh –Parent reps; Jennifer Waring-LE; Mary Anne Murray-PCY; Pat Cole, Melanie Godwin-CDSBEO; Christine Kasserra-CDC; ? –Infant Development L&G; OrlanaBrown-Autism Ontario Accomplishments over Past Year • -ASD services guide posted on CMHL&G website • -Recruited parent membership representing varied geography and age demographics • -made contact with all existing parent support groups and established communication links • -collected existing data on prevalence • -ongoing complex case discussion [Service Coordination practice] • -linked to Autism Ontario
Autism (cont’d) Emerging Priorities for Upcoming Year • -Development of new work plan fall of 2014 • -identify strategies to support parents with new diagnosis to link to services easier and earlier • -continue to consider application of prevalence data • -continued forum for Service Coordination practice
Youth Engagement Squad Chair: Elizabeth Langlois Connect Youth Members: Julie Ingleby, Health Unit, Kelly Cole, Girls Inc, Lesley Patry, EEC, Lillian Gudmundsson, Youth Volunteer Crew, Lisa Cirka, Brockville Library, Jonathon MacDougall, youth, Michaela Bindert, Youth, Veronica Very, youth, Margaret Fancy Accomplishments over Past Year • Established the goal to support municipalities in their youth friendly designation. Two communities are applying in December 2014: Brockville and Gananoque. The committee has offered support in whatever way feasible to both communities. • Created the opportunity for youth service providers to communicate and share resources and program information to promote youth activities. • Provided youth with a voice at regular monthly meetings.
Youth Engagement Squad (cont’d) • Emerging Priorities for Upcoming Year ( 2 or 3) • Share information and resources amongst youth services in order to create new youth opportunities in our communities. • Share information and resources with communities to raise awareness and understanding of youth friendly designation. • Give youth a voice in their community.
Youth Justice Community Partners Chair: John O’Halloran – Youth Crown, supported by RNJ Youth Services (Sue Poldervaart, Kim Thompson). John recently became Chair after Monica Heine moved to another jurisdiction. Members: A number of youth serving agencies across Leeds and Grenville (ie. Justice, mental health, addictions and other youth support programs. Brief (one or two sentences) Update on Accomplishments over Past Year • - Welcomed Steve Clark to a meeting to educate on justice related issues within our community • - been supportive to a number of projects within our community • - continue to grow our membership to enhance educational, networking and problem solving capabilities amongst services providers Emerging Priorities for Upcoming Year ( 2 or 3) • Our key goals are improving communication amongst the partners, offering educational and networking opportunities and problem solving to address gaps in services within our community through partnership and support. Key areas of focus are mental health and addictions, housing for youth, support for transitional aged youth and transportation, among others. • Additionally, this group acts as the Steering Committee to the Youth Justice Committee (a restorative justice program offered by RNJ Youth Services). Note: this group is not an EKIOC committee but is linked to EKIOC.