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Plans for MAD-X in UAL/SXF. Nikolay Malitsky. Outline. Life before and after the MAD-X Days :. 1998-2003: Standard eXchange Format After the First MAD-X Day : MADX-SXF-UAL suite 2004-2005: Accelerator Description eXchange Format 2.0 Since 2005 : Joining the RHIC online and offline models
Plans for MAD-X in UAL/SXF Nikolay Malitsky
Outline Life before and after the MAD-X Days: • 1998-2003:Standard eXchange Format • After the First MAD-X Day: MADX-SXF-UAL suite • 2004-2005:Accelerator Description eXchange Format 2.0 • Since 2005: Joining the RHIC online and offline models • After the Second MAD-X Day: MADX-ADXF-UAL suite
SXF: Standard eXchange Format http://www.ual.bnl.gov/ref/sxf/index.html
rhic_injection.sxf unique element name MAD element type design element name design element attributes deviations (individual element attributes)
MADX-UAL Suite for RHIC Off-line Accelerator Design and Simulation (EPAC 2004) R.Fliller, N.Malitsky, F.Pilat, V.Ptitsyn, S.Tepikian, J.Wei (BNL), F.Schmidt (CERN), R.Talman (Cornell) MADX 1.7 Design Toolkit Lattice Database Magnet Database UAL 1.9 Off-line Model SXF RHIC Instrumentation-like Display Accelerator Physics 2D/3D plots
Accelerator Description Exchange Format (ADXF) ADXF 1.0 (1998) • Responseto the Iselin-Keil-Talman Accelerator Description Standard (ADS) request • Based onthe XML technology • Integratedthe MAD sequence and UAL element attribute sets • Inspiredby E.Forest’s “fibre bundles” and ROOT Detector geometry description. • Adds a new concept, “installed” element. • Addresses several issues: • sharing of common “real” elements by several sectors; • supporting of design and operational accelerator descriptions; • connecting of accelerator and detector models; • TBD ADXF2.0 New Objectives and Features (2004)
Accelerator Description Exchange Format (ADXF 2.x)USPAS 2005 • ADXF file is a XML representation of the accelerator state (The Element Concept) • Its schema has been mapped from the SMF 2.x object model. core extensions adxf.xsd rhic.adxf <adxf ….> <constants> <constant name=“lb” value=“3.58896” /> <constant name=“ab” value=“0.0151186” /> … </constants> <elements> <sbend name=”d0mp08” l=“lb” angle=”ab” /> <element name=”bi8-dh0” design=”d0mp08“ > <mfield b=”0 0 0.005476 0.033503” a=”0. 0 -0.010166 0.024366” /> </element> … </elements> <sectors> <sector name=blue” > <frame ref=“bi8-dh0” at=“661.74662424” /> … </sector> </sectors> </adxf> <xs:schema … <xs:include schemaLocation=“adxf_simple_types.xsd” /> <xs:include schemaLocation=“adxf_abstract_types.xsd” /> <xs:include schemaLocation=“adxf_core.xsd” /> <xs:include schemaLocation=“adxf_attribute_sets.xsd” /> <xs:include schemaLocation=“adxf_mad_elements.xsd” /> <xs:element name=“adxf” > <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref=“constants” minOccurs=“0” maxOccurs=“unbounded” /> <xs:element ref=“elements” minOccurs=“0” maxOccurs=“unbounded” /> <xs:element ref=“sectors” minOccurs=“0” maxOccurs=“unbounded” /> </xs:sequence> … </xs:element> </xs:schema> Position (local or global) of the installed component which could be a common point for connecting with the Detector description
Accelerator Propagator Description Format (APDF) PAC 2003 • APDF file is a XML representation of the accelerator propagator (The Algorithm Concept) • Its schema is under development. Applications range from small special tasks to full-scale realistic beam dynamics studies Simple matrix-based tracker Element-by-Element tracker for Model Independent Analysis studies simple.apdf <apdf> <propagator name=“simple” accelerator=“blue” > <link algorithm=“TIBETAN::SectorTracker” sector = “Default” /> <link algorithm=“TIBETAN::RFCavityTracker” elements=“rfac1” /> <link algorithm=“TIBETAB::WCMonitor” elements=“mend” /> </propagator> </apdf> mia.apdf <apdf> <propagator name=“mia” accelerator=“blue”> <link algorithm=“TEAPOT::DriftTracker” types = “Default” /> <link algorithm=“TEAPOT::DriftTracker” types=“Marker|Drift|[VH]monitor|Monitor” /> <link algorithm=“TEAPOT::DipoleTracker” types=“SBend” /> <link algorithm=“TEAPOT::MltTracker” types=“Quadrupole|Sextupole|Multipole|Kicker” /> <link algorithm=“TIBETAN::RFCavityTracker” types=“RfCavity” /> <link algorithm=“AIM::Monitor” types=“Monitor” /> …. </propagator> </apdf>
Joining the RHIC Online and Off-line ModelsPAC 2005 K.Brown, A.Fedotov, N.D’Imperio, J.Kewisch, A.Luccio, N.Malitsky, F.Pilat, V.Ptitsyn, T.Satogata, S.Tepikian, J.Wei (BNL), R.Talman (Cornell) MADX 1.7 Design Toolkit Lattice Database Magnet Database UAL 1.11 Off-line Model SXF RHIC ADXF Instrumentation-like Display Accelerator Physics 2D/3D plots
Accelerator Physics PlayerROOT 2005, Sept 28-30, CERN UAL::USPAS::BasicPlayer* player = new UAL::USPAS::BasicPlayer(); player->setShell(&shell); qApp.setMainWidget(player); player->show(); qApp.exec(); An open collection of viewers An open collection of algorithms
Bunch 2D Distributions (based on ROOT TH2F) Accelerator Physics Player (continued)ROOT 2005, Sept 28-30, CERN Turn-By-Turn BPM data (based on ROOT TH2F or TGraph ) Twiss plots (based on ROOT TGraph) Bunch 3D Distributions (based on COIN 3D)
Status of the MADX-SXF-UAL suite • MAD-X 3.x has been installed on the BNL/CAD computer farm with gcc 4.0.1 (July 2005) and g95 compilers. • MADX – SXF – UAL interface will be repaired before the RHIC Run 2006.
AGS and RHIC Online and Offline Models based onMADX-ADXF-UAL suite MADX 3.x Design Toolkit Lattice Database Magnet Database UAL 1.12 Off-line Model SXF ADXF AGS & RHIC MADX-UAL-ROOT Accelerator Physics Studio AGS ADXF file
Progress will be posted … Thank Roger Katz for asking to be specific about Model