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RF410.53 Collecting, organising and representing data

Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life-related problems. P&P4FM Representing data. P&P4FM Probabilities. P&P4FM Statistical methods.

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RF410.53 Collecting, organising and representing data

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  1. Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life-related problems

  2. P&P4FM Representing data P&P4FM Probabilities P&P4FM Statistical methods Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life-related problems Topics Modules Notional Hours 20 20 20 60 RF410.53 Collecting, organising and representing data RF410.54 Understanding theoretical and experimental probability RF410.55 Using probability and statistical models Total Notional Hours

  3. US: 9015 Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life-related problems RF410.53 Collecting, organising and representing data Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Be able to formulate questions in surveys to obtain data Communicate effectively Be able to select random samples in the workplace Organise and manage myself and my activities Be able to use dichotomous, discrete and continuous variables Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Be able to find inconsistencies in collected data and data gathering techniques Use science and technology effectively and critically Be able to calculate measures of centre and spread Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Be able to use two variable scatter plots and lines of best fit Be able to examine the correlation between two variables Use mathematics Learner and societal development

  4. Notional Hours 4 Topic Specification: TC53 Collecting, organising and representing data Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Are able to collect representative productiondata to resolve a problem • Are able to evaluate and organise collected data • Are able to summarise data using graphical and numerical methods • Are able to present and support the resolution of a formulated problem. A group exercise to collect production data and study the relationship between two variables. Group/Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search HOW Interview experts • In a group, decide on two appropriate production variables to be investigated and a representative data collection approach. • Collect production data and study the relationship between two variables • Calculate mean and variance and draw scatter plots to remove inconsistencies • Evaluate and summarise the collected data using numerical and graphical methods • Investigate the association between two variables (graphical and numerical) and formulate the relationship between the two variables using lines of best fit and correlation. • Draft a report on the group’s findings Attend lectures Group Discussions Sketch Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Calculate Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a questionnaire

  5. US: 9015 Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life-related problems Critical Cross-field Outcomes RF410.54 Understanding theoretical and experimental probability Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Be able to distinguish between independent, complementary and mutually exclusive events Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Be able to determine theoretical and experimental probabilities Use science and technology effectively and critically Be able to use sumulations to compare experimental results with mathematical expectations Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Be able to compare experimental results with mathematical expectations Use mathematics Learner and societal development TOPIC SPECIFICATION

  6. Notional Hours 4 Topic Specification: TC54 Understanding theoretical and experimental probability Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Are able to use the laws governing independent, complementary or mutually exclusive events. • Are able to use simulations and probability models to compare theoretical and experimental probabilities • Are able to design or choose simulations or experiments to model a probability situation • Are able to make predictions based on validated experimental or theoretical probabilities • Are able to interpret the results of experiments and simulations correctly • Are able to communicate the outcome of experiments and simulations clearly. An individual exercise to ensure that the learners will be able to use theoretical and experimental probability to study problems and compare with mathematical expectations. Group/Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search HOW Interview experts Attend lectures • Place 8 similar items in a container and number them 1 to 8. Mark any 4 with one colour and the remaining 4 with another colour). Mix, draw one item and record the number. Do this 100 times Repeat the exercise, recording both number and colour. • Divide the observations in colour and even or uneven numbers. Determine the probability of obtaining a number between 1 and 8, an even or uneven number, an even number in colour 1,an uneven number in colour 2 • Compare the outcome of the exercise to mathematical expectations. Define events as independent, complementary or mutually exclusive • Present you findings to the group Group Discussions Sketch Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Calculate Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a questionnaire

  7. US: 9015 Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life-related problems Critical Cross-field Outcomes RF410.55 Using probability and statistical models Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Be able to source and interpret information from a variety of sources including databases Organise and manage myself and my activities Be able to manipulate data in different ways to support opposing conclusions. Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Be able to evaluate statistically based arguments and make recommendations and describe the use and misuse of statistics in society Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Be able to make inferences about a population on the basis of a sample selected from it. Be able to make comparisons between predictions and actual occurrences. Use mathematics Learner and societal development

  8. Notional Hours 4 Topic Specification: TC55 Using probability and statistical models Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Are able to make inferences about a population on the basis of a sample selected from it. • Are able to define and critique assumptions in the collection or generation of data and statistics • Are able to correct use data, statistics and probability models • Are able to provide valid arguments to support predictions or conculsions • Are able to evaluate potential sources of bias or errors in measurement are evaluated. A group exercise where learners source, interpret information and draw statistically valid conclusions Group/Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search HOW Interview experts Attend lectures • Learners to split into two groups • Group 1 identifies a problem to be investigated in the manufacturing pulp and paper. • Group 2 collects data , manipulate data, generate statistics from the data and interpret and present conclusions meaningfully to Group 1. • Group 1 evaluate the assumptions, potential sampling errors, representation of the data and validity of conclusions and accepts or rejects conclusion via critical evaluation of statistical methods used by Group 2. • Group discussion on evaluation of Group 2 and the effect of errors in measurements. Group Discussions Sketch Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Analyse/Calculate Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a questionnaire

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