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Explore the science of Thanatology, the study of causes and post-death changes, definitions of death, purposes, criteria, and tests for defining death. Discover the changes in the body post-death like muscle relaxation, eye changes, body temperature variations, and decomposition processes.
Thanatology Dr. Cahyono Kaelan Sp.PA(K), PhD , DFM. Dept of Forensic Pathology Fac. of Medicine Unhas Makassar
Meaning and Definition • Thanatos = Death • Logos = Science • Thanatology = Science describing of the causes and changes after death.
Purposes of Thanatology 1. Diagnosis of death (Scene ) 2. Determine time of death (Alibi) 3. Predict the Cause of death 4. Predict the manner of death
DEATH • Definition : What is death? 1. Death = Soul separates with body 2. Brain death 3. Coma 4. Unconscious (decrease of consciousness) 5. Wake = Live
Definition of DEATH Human = 2 dimensions (individual and collection of cells Death • 1. Live is breathing and function of vital s(Lung, heart and brain) Marked by Oxygen consumption • Death = Stop oxygen consumption. Permanent Stop function of vital organ (lung, heart and brain) do not need Oxygen anymore
Defines Death (cont) 2. Cellular death= lack of Oxygen cells die. In the brain cell only lasting of 7 minutes 3. Brain death = Stop of brain function, even other organ still working due to respirator) 4. Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI,1989), follows death when is brain death
How to define Death Stopping vital functions (H,L) 10 minutes Respirator (breathing apparatus) this criteria does not fit Now taken “Brain death = is death” How to justify Brain death ? Taken from the most lasting part of the brain ( brain stem), other has gone
Methods? • No Response on command/ • Loss of stimuli • Reflexes of pupil, corneal, cough (-)) • Ice stimuli to inner ear disappear(-) • Stopping respirator no spontaneous response • EEG flat • Need # 3 doctors (Anesthetist, Neurologist and other) ICU
Simple Test on Death Scene • Auscultation (no heart beat) need time + larynx • Winslow test: glass of water put on the top of belly ( moving still alive) • Mirror Test : Mirror and spectacle damp / blurred still alive • Feather Test : moving of Chicken feather or cotton on nostril –due to respiration alive
II. Changes after death • Face • Muscle relaxation • Eyes • Body temp • Livor Mortis • Rigor Mortis (Stiffness) • Putrefaction (Decay/Decomposition)
Skin Face • Face Pale no blood running anymore, exception of CO intoxication Cherry red
Muscle relaxation • Relaxation of muscle and muscle tone decrease Yaw goes down, open mouth need to be tied up the yaw. • Relaxation of face muscles a younger looking than his real age. • Pupil (eye) wider / dilatation • Relaxation of muscles start from heart , neck muscles, face than followed by upper extremity and the rest of the body weak toneless
Changes of Eye • No shine (damp sight) empty (death fish eye) • Light and corneal reflexes (-) • Retinal Vein damage in 10 seconds • Corneal dry and blurred • Decrease of eyeball tone (softness of eye ball)
Body Temperature • Decrease of body temp • Except bacterial infection (sepsis warm) • Depend on vicinity temperature • Location / Medium (Water > quicker than room temp) • Body constituent : Thin > Fat • Clothing : Thin > thick • Estimation only when death within <12 hrs
Livor Mortis • Due to gravity force • Blood pool into blood vessel on the lower surface • Occurred 1- 2hours after death • Potision lie on the back appear on the back of the body, back, buttock, and extremities and vice versa • > 4 hrs capillary and blood corpuscle damage livor permanently • >12 hrs livor will not changes anymore • Color of Livor : Red (Cherry red CO) Chlorate Brown , Asphyxia Black.
Rigor Mortis =Postmortem Rigidity • ATP ADP + LA • Small muscle first ( Face, palpebrae, Jaw) due to less of Glycogen • Heart, neck, face, extremity and upper part of body and other • Occur 6 hours after death • 12 hrs all part of the body stiff • 12- 36 hrs persistent stiff (rigorous)u • >48 hrs return of relaxation (Secondary)
Decay = Putrefaction = Decomposition • Autolysis=Mikrobacteria • Coecum region • Gas putrefection • 48 hrs • Change in color on right bottom region belly Greenish • Gas H2S + Hb Sulf-Met-Hb
Putrefaction signs • Greenish in color (Coecum region) • Superficial vein dilatation • Swelling of face • Abdominal distended (gases) • Scrotum / vulva Swelling • Skin blister • Fluid come up through mouth and nose • Tongue and eye ball protruded out • Belly and chest blast due to gas pressure • Hair and nail easy to pull or discharges • Internal organ decays and porridge like Uterus, brain, spleen , lung, kidneys. But a little lasting are prostate for male and uterus on female
Special Circumstances 1.Mummification: Dry of air , cool, low humidity no bacterial contamination after a few months • Corpus smaller / shrinkage • Dry • Blackish in color • Skin covered bones • Odorless • Anatomical composition intact 2. Adipocere (Saponifikation): occurred when
Saponifikation • Fat fatty acid unsaturated fatty acid saturated fatty acid+ alkali (base) • Reaction with alkaline forms Salt (Salt not dissolve in water) • Occurred in part of the body contains fat (check, omentum) • White in color • Smell sting like decay of coconut oil • FAT + alkali SALT (Soap)
Summary 1. Vital signs 2. Brain death 3. Changes after death 4. Postmortem changes (Early to late) 5. Purposes of Thanatology
Reference. • 1. Forensic Medicine • 2. Forensic Pathology