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29th World Championship 2018 Austria - August 18th to 26th

Join the 29th World Championship in Austria from August 18th to 26th, featuring rifle, musket, pistol, and clay target events. Accommodation options available near the shooting ranges.

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29th World Championship 2018 Austria - August 18th to 26th

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  1. 29th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2018 AUSTRIA Eisenstadt from 18th to 26th August Website: www.schuetzenbund.at; www.mlaic.org; www.bsslv.at As of August 2016

  2. 29th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - AUSTRIA Directions from the Airport DISTANCES Vienna - Eisenstadt: 57 km Airport Vienna (VIE) Schwechat - Eisenstadt: 65 km Eisenstadt – Tattendorf: 24 km Website: www.bsslv.at As of August 2016

  3. 29th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - AUSTRIA Rifle, musket and pistol events: Eisenstadt 100 m shooting range: 13 firing points 50 m shooting range: 20 firing points 25 m shooting range: 35 firing points N 47° 51' 43.98", E 16° 32' 11.56" Website: www.bsslv.at As of August 2016

  4. 29th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - AUSTRIA Clay target events: Tattendorf 2 ranges N 47° 56' 3.65", E 16° 20' 34.05" Website: www.hubertusrunde.at As of August 2016

  5. 29th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - AUSTRIA Costs Registration fee EUR 95,-- Single event fee EUR 35,-- Single event fee clay target EUR 40,-- Team event fee EUR 40,-- Weapons storage per person EUR 15,-- Closing banquet fee EUR 60,-- Website: www.bsslv.at As of August 2016

  6. 29th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - AUSTRIA Legal requirements According to the COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 18 June 1991 on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons (91/477/EEC): The prior authorization referred to above is not in principle necessary in order to travel with a firearm in categories C or D with a view to engaging in hunting or with a firearm in categories B, C or D for the purpose of taking part in target shooting, on condition that the traveller is in possession of the firearms pass and can establish the reason for the journey. Website: www.bsslv.at As of Augsut 2016

  7. 29th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - AUSTRIA Accommodation – costs In the vicinity of the shooting ranges there are accommodations as follows: Private pensions Price from EUR 30,-- Guest houses Price from EUR 38,-- Hotels Price from EUR 45,-- Because of a lot of events in our region, it is highly recommended to make reservations at least one year in advance!! Website: www.eisenstadt.gv.at/en/tourism/hotels-boarding-houses www.burgenland-urlaub.net As of August 2016

  8. 29th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - AUSTRIA Accommodation in the City of Eisenstadt Website: www.eisenstadt.gv.at/en/tourism/hotels-boarding-houses www.burgenland-urlaub.net As of August 2016

  9. 29th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - AUSTRIA Accommodation in the periphery of Eisenstadt and Neusiedl/See Website: www.eisenstadt.gv.at/en/tourism/hotels-boarding-houses www.burgenland-urlaub.net As of August 2016

  10. 29th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - AUSTRIA Accommodation in the periphery of Eisenstadt and Neusiedl/See Website: www.eisenstadt.gv.at/en/tourism/hotels-boarding-houses www.burgenland-urlaub.net As of August 2016

  11. 29th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - AUSTRIA Accommodation in the periphery of Eisenstadt and Neusiedl/See Website: www.eisenstadt.gv.at/en/tourism/hotels-boarding-houses www.burgenland-urlaub.net As of August 2016

  12. 29th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - AUSTRIA Sites for hotel deals in Burgenland http://www.booking.com/region/at/burgenland.de.html?sid=dce0a2261507998b83d4b0e71f414533;dcid=1;inac=1 http://www.urlauburlaub.at/burgenland/ http://www.tiscover.com/at/reiseziele/burgenland/hotel-unterkuenfte/hotel Sites for hotel deals in Lower Austria http://www.booking.com/region/at/niederosterreich.de.html?sid=dce0a2261507998b83d4b0e71f414533;dcid=1;inac=1 http://www.holidaycheck.at/region-Reiseinformationen_Niederoesterreich-rid_519.html http://www.tiscover.com/at/reiseziele/niederoesterreich/hotel-unterkuenfte Website: www.eisenstadt.gv.at/en/tourism As of August 2016

  13. 29th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - AUSTRIA City of Eisenstadt Website: www.eisenstadt.gv.at/en/tourism As of August 2016

  14. 29th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - AUSTRIA Impressions of Burgenland Website: www.burgenland.info/enwww.neusiedler-see.at/english.2.0.html As of August 2016

  15. 29th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - AUSTRIA Festspiele Mörbisch Festival on the Lake www.seefestspiele-moerbisch.at Opera Festivals in the quarry of St. Margarethen - www.ofs.at Familypark Neusiedlersee www.familypark.at Website: www.bsslv.at As of August 2016

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