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Chapter 8

Chapter 8. 5 th Grade Science Weather Patterns. Layers of Air. ______ - made up of 8/10 nitrogen and 2/10 oxygen, small parts of carbon dioxide, water vapor and other gases _______ of Earth’s atmosphere Most weather conditions occur in the ________ layer – troposphere

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Chapter 8

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  1. Chapter 8 5th Grade Science Weather Patterns

  2. Layers of Air • ______ - made up of 8/10 nitrogen and 2/10 oxygen, small parts of carbon dioxide, water vapor and other gases • _______ of Earth’s atmosphere • Most weather conditions occur in the ________ layer – troposphere • ___________ and ___________ change through the layers Air 5 layers bottom temperature Air pressure

  3. 5 Layers • Air pressure __________ as you go ___ through the atmosphere • Gas particles get _______ apart and there is _____ air above 5 Layers: • ___________ - Highest layer • ___________ - • ____________ • _____________ • ______________ - bottom layer decreases up farther less Exosphere Thermosphere Mesosphere Stratosphere Troposphere

  4. Heating and Cooling Earth • Land heats up _____ than water in the sun • Land cools _____ than water • Air above land and water have different ____________. • Differences in temperatures cause: • _________ • _________ • ___________________ faster faster temperatures winds storms Other sorts of weather

  5. Convection Current • ______________ - caused by different temperatures – gases and liquids rise and sink in a circular pattern. • ______ - gas particles are closer together than in warm air • Cooler air is _________ than warm air • Cool air _______ and lets the warm air ______ above it Convection current Cool air heavier sinks rise

  6. 6 Convection Currents • __________________ form above the Earth • Warm air from the _______ rises and then cools as it moves north and south • ______________________ - the combination of movement of huge convection currents and the spinning of the Earth on its axis • Winds blow from _______ to _______ 6 huge convection currents Tropics Regional surface wind patterns West East

  7. Jet Streams • _________ - found high above the ground between the 6 huge convection currents • Band of very fast ________ formed by different temperatures between convection currents • Causes changes in ______, ___________, and ____________ by affecting the movement of air Jet Streams winds wind temperature precipitation

  8. Study Diagram on Page 232-233

  9. Air Masses • __________ - large body of air with similar properties (_________ and ______________) all through it • Air masses move because of ______ • Some air masses are guided by the _________ • At the edge of an air mass, _______ may occur • There are __ kinds of air masses – the kind of weather depends on the air mass in that area. Air Masses temperature Amount of Water vapor winds Jet Streams storms 4

  10. 4 Air Masses • ________________ - air mass from this area is cold and fairly dry because the land near the poles is not very moist • ________________ - humid air with lots of moisture because of evaporation over tropical oceans and rainforests • _________________ - air is cold and moist because cold ocean water near the poles evaporates • _________________ - warm and fairly dry from hot desert air Continental Polar Air Maritime Tropical Air Maritime Polar air Continental Tropical Air

  11. Fronts • ________ - a boundary between two air masses • Air masses and fronts move from _____ to ____ across the United States • A ______ gets its name from the kind of air that moves into the area. • Example: cold front = ______, warm front =_________ Front west east front Cold air Warm air

  12. Fronts Continued • _____________ - a front that does not move very much or it moves back and forth over the same area. • Areas of rising air near fronts have ______________ than areas in the middle of air masses • Rising air masses at fronts often cause ____________ Stationary front Lower air pressure Rain or snow

  13. Cold Front / Warm Front • __________ - cooler air moves into an area and forces warmer air to move upwards quickly • The rising air forms ___________ along the steep boundary • Heavy precipitation often falls near a _______ • ________ - warmer air moves against cooler air. Warmer air rises above the cooler air • Clouds of a warm front often move ______ and cause longer periods of __________ Cold Front Cumulus clouds Cold Front Warm Front slowly precipitation

  14. Severe Weather • ___________ includes thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes • __________ - caused by strong, quickly rising currents in moist air: Three stages • 1st Stage: Clouds grow as moisture _________ in the rising air. The clouds have both __________ and ____________ • 2nd Stage – precipitation begins to fall – storm has both upward and downward _____________ Severe weather Thunderstorms condenses Ice crystals Water droplets Moving currents

  15. Watch / Warnings • 3rd stage – all of the _________ are moving downward , the clouds get ________ as precipitation falls. • ______________ - means that severe thunderstorms with high winds and hail might form • ________________ - means that severe thunderstorms have formed and people should prepare for them appropriately currents smaller Severe Storm Watch Severe Storm Warning

  16. Tornadoes • Layers of _____ in a storm blow at different _________ or in different ________ • Between the layers, a ______ of air starts spinning. • The spinning column of air is called a ___________ • When the funnel cloud touches the ground it is called a _______. winds speeds directions column Funnel cloud tornado

  17. Tornado Warning • Tornados can move at hundreds of ________ per hour • The winds can be strong enough to move ____ and ________. • After a warning people should take ______ in the lowest part of a building like a __________ • No ________ near the _____ of the building kilometers cars buildings shelter basement windows center

  18. Hurricanes • Hurricanes get energy from ______________. • Water vapor from the ocean ________ and releases ______. • Under the right condition, the ________ builds and drives the _____ of a hurricane to land. • Once the hurricane reaches land, the ______ is reduced. Warm ocean waters condenses energy energy winds energy

  19. Hurricane Warning • Winds of a hurricane are __________ as a tornado, but they can be more ________. • To prepare for a hurricane, people must ________________, ___________, and ________ • Flashlights and battery powered radios • Most important – STAY INSIDE or leave if the authorities call for an evacuation Not as fast destructive Board up windows Store food water

  20. Weather Instruments • ________ - shows air pressure • ___________ - measures wind speed – wind makes the cups of the instrument spin around • ________ - measures moisture in the air • ___________ - measures how much rain has fallen • _______ - measures the winds and precipitation during a storm barometer anemometer hygrometer Rain gauge radar

  21. Weather Predictions • ______________ - observe patterns of weather change and make _________ • _________ - conclusions of how air, land, and the steps of the water cycle affect each other to make ___________. • Forecasters make ________ about the weather in the future based on their ________ Weather forecasters inferences inferences Weather systems predictions inferences

  22. Forecasts • Forecasters make predictions by assuming that _______ weather conditions will behave like similar weather in the _____ • Forecasters use __________ to display the data • Triangles and circles point in the direction that the _____ is moving • Fronts are always in places of __________ • ___________ = clear skies current past Weather maps front Low pressure High pressure

  23. Climate • _______ - the average of weather conditions over a period of time • Climate includes the average amount of ___________, the average ________, and how much ___________ changes over a period of time. • __________ and _________ are not the same thing – climates do not change, weather changes. Climate precipitation temperature temperature Climate weather

  24. Landforms affect Climate • Higher land is ________ because temperatures ________ with height in the troposphere. • _________ on opposite sides of a mountain vary. • The ______ side of the mountain gets more precipitation than the ____ • ________ can affect a climate by slowing the rise and fall of the air temperature cooler decrease Climates west East Oceans

  25. Oceans and Climate • The temperature of air on land warms and cools faster than the temperature of the air over an ocean. • _____________ can make climate warmer or cooler • ________________________ are large currents that carry warm water northward • The water warms the _____ above it • __________ - make the coastal climate cooler Ocean currents Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Drift winds Cold Currents

  26. Climate Change • ________ have changed throughout history • _______ help scientists make assumptions about ancient climates • Climates can change as the result of: • ______________ • _______________________ • _____________________ Climates fossils Volcanic Eruptions Asteriod or meteorite impacts Burning coal and gasoline

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